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  • The only games I have over 1000 hours in are games that I've owned for more than 10 years and are online. TF2, Counter-Strike, Arma 2 and 3, Rocket League...

    I love Souls games and have played the shit out of every single one; but they average 300-500 hours of total playtime.

  • Running the game servers with Steam installed can do that.

  • You just got to find the right game that will ruin your life.

  • Some like a game enough to play it for years. I wasn’t one, until I found an obscure racing combat game called “OnRush”, and have over 3700 hours in it. Can’t even get it on the PS Store anymore, but I still play it drunk now and again.

  • When you find that one game that you love that also has infinite replayability. Four years later your likely to have thousands of hours if you play it everyday.

  • I play 2-3 hours a day and sometimes 5 on the weekends. Easily get a few 1000 hours in a year and if I like a game ill play it for years