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  • No Man's Sky -I never played it because of the horrible launch, but the devs have been grinding out new content and fixes. There are still some flaws with base building, glitches, etc. But overall its fun to zone out and explore space.

  • I finished Sleeping Dogs and am pondering whether I want to play the DLCs or move on. I started the first one but I'm not really feeling it.

    The game itself was fine, I'm a little less high on it now than I was initially. The story climax committed the same crime RDR2 does - the kill count and utter destruction you cause pull you out of any sort of immersion you might have had. Especially since this is supposed to be an undercover cop story. It's still a fine GTA clone if you like that sort of thing, and at 80% off (like it was recently) it's not a bad deal. Solid 7.5/10 probably.

    • If you enjoy the combat, Sifu takes that/the Arkham Batman style to a new level. Definitely has a crazy high kill count, but the story is all about revenge so there's not too much ludonarrative dissonance.

      • Sifu looks good but I'm kind of scared of it. I'm not sure I'm good enough to enjoy it, I might be too old and slow. I've stayed away from the Elden Ring DLC for the same reason, and likewise Sekiro.

    • I played the game a few months ago and agree with everything you said, including the final rating of the game.

      I'm wondering if you have the same takeaway as me or if you have a different view: perhaps it would have been better to play this game when it came out? At the time, the only recent GTA-likes were GTA IV (overall serious, almost a simulator), and Saints Row 4 (over the top, very arcadey). Sleeping dogs was somewhere in the middle of those two.

      • Yeah most likely. That's a good point you're making. But even then, it wasn't that successful or talked-about at the time. When I first started playing it I was wondering why it wasn't a bigger hit, but after finishing it I think I get it. So maybe even playing it around release wouldn't have changed much? I will say the pacing and length was pretty spot on. The story had a brisk pace and for once for an open world game it didn't feel too long (bearing in mind I only completed maybe half of the optional open world stuff).

        It also needs to be said that it is a remarkably good looking game for being 13 years old and made for the PS3. Sure, I played the Definitive Edition and with DLDSR 1.78x on a 1440p HDR monitor with RTX HDR enabled, but still. It looks really good for its age. It's especially impressive how crowded the streets are on the max setting.

  • Started Last of Us Part 1 a few days ago. Surprisingly fun gameplay for something that looks like generic Sony third person game #23 at first glance. Story is of course excellent so far, as expected.

    Game also runs much better than when it released so that's good. Still wouldn't call it a good port but it is passable.

    However, Monster Hunter Wilds just came out so I'm going to be not-so-patient-gamer for a while.

    • I finished Part 1 a few weeks ago, absolutely loved it. Enjoy it

  • Impatient week for me as I'm trying out as many demos as I can during Steam Next Fest. Will return to Arkane's Prey once it's over, this time for sure I'll finish it!

  • I'm currently addicted to Necesse, is a really good settlement builder + dungeon explorer (it's like Terraria and Core keeper had a child) it's still in early access but have a lot of content, is planned to launch this year.

    The big thing about this game is that your villagers can work for you on your farm and organizing your items, crafting items and so on...

  • I discovered Brutal Wolfenstein (a Doom II mod that replicates and enhances Wolfenstein 3D) so I've been slaughtering nazi scum for a while.

    • Sounds awesome. Definitely going to check this one out

  • Marvels Midnight Suns. Really wish it got a sequel but that's not happening. I really enjoy the hangouts and exploring the grounds. And the cat.

  • After not touching it almost since launch, I've decided to check out The Last Starship again. It's kind of a mix of FTL, Factorio and its own ideas, made by Introversion Software ( folks behind Prison Architect, Darwinia and other titles).
    It's developed in early access, with regular and pretty enjoyable updates (just like PA) and is shaping up pretty nicely so far.

    I still need to spend some more time diving deeper into all the new stuff added since my last playthrough but it feels just as fun as on launch so far.