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UnitedHealth CEO says U.S. health system 'needs to function better'

  • Agreed. Ask the government to take you and the other big insurers over, and fire your overhead asses.

  • Thieves guild boss says people should earn more and have more money in their wallets.

  • Says the insurance company adding friction into it and telling doctors that they know better which treatment should be done.

  • UnitedHealth CEO says U.S. health system 'needs to function better'

    UnitedHealth CEO says U.S. health system needs to bend in such a way that UHC makes more money by the government making sure they get more money and that it’s everyone else’s fault the HC system sucks because they need to make more money. Everything will be better when they make more money.

  • He's right. Let's get rid of the part that doesn't function well. His entire industry.

    All it does is put barriers between patients, their doctors, and the care they need while increasing costs with no actual benefit to anyone other than the insurance executives. Nearly every job in the industry would still be needed under a universal health care system, there just wouldn't be a middle man increasing prices by billions every year so they can make a profit.

  • lol someone doesn’t want to be next… so what changes is he going to be making?

  • Hopefully this doesn’t mean it just needs to be dressed up more to appear as if it’s functional.