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Supreme Court issues token reasonable ruling
  • During the gay marriage debate in Canada people were actually arguing that marriage equality already exists, since everyone gay or straight cannot marry people of the same sex, and therefore gay marriage is a special privilege and not equality.

    When someone is motivated enough, they can come up with all manner of reasoning in bad faith and not serving justice in any meaningful way, and when they come up with something like this they do nothing but marvel at their own perceived cleverness.

  • Exclusive: Majority Of Voters Want Next Government To Take UK Back Into European Union
  • That will never fly with the public , especially since one of the "normal" conditions is giving up the pound, joining the Euro, and giving up direct control of their monetary policy. There is no way a majority would support that in the UK . None of these polls will even bother asking something like that. The polls are about whether they want to turn back time to before Brexit, which is somewhat interesting but isn't possible.

  • Neil deGrasse Tyson reads his peer review of Terrence Howard's mathematics theories
  • Talking about it hypothetically is a cop out.

    It’s clear from the paper that Terence has no idea what the process of a peer review is, so maybe start by educating him on that.

    By assuming he doesn't know what peer review is (something anyone can google) you have guaranteed that someone will find your response douchey. By not giving a peer review you have also been dismissive.

  • Paris wants an AC-free Olympic Village. Team USA and others aren't so chill with it
  • The emissions from ACs for 2 weeks likely isn't close to the emissions from all the construction they did just to host . The whole thing is ridiculous. The corrupt IOC officials watching from box seats and staying in 5 star hotels are all going to have AC.

  • Neil deGrasse Tyson reads his peer review of Terrence Howard's mathematics theories
  • He should have treated it like an amateur that needs encouragement not a colleague that needs the hard truth.

    There is no way of saying "your fundamental method of understanding the world is faulty" in a way that someone won't describe as "douchey".

  • Thousands of Iran-backed fighters offer to join Hezbollah in its fight against Israel
  • Instead, they said Biden has noted, Obama publicly admonished Israel’s actions and voiced concern for Palestinian civilian deaths early into the 2014 conflict. As a result, Biden has argued, Obama squandered any ability to influence the Israeli government as it invaded Gaza, said the people familiar with his comments.

    And actual material support was affected how?

    Now, I don't want to find something for every president, and I already explained why trump is uniquely unreliable in pretty much every possible way.

    You definitely didn't. American support for Israel is so well entrenched that is has actual strategic depth. That includes ensuring that the political path of least resistance is to support Israel absolutely, so Trump does. It's just easiest. All you've done is look at words with no actual action behind them . All material support has remained completely stable.

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