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Goofy stuff like this gives the neighborhood some character
  • Yeah, but the reason it was classified as seasonal was almost certainly to limit it to Halloween.

    This makes it seasonal to whatever season it's dressed up as, which can be anything.

  • Nike’s self-lacing Adapt BB sneakers are losing their remote control mobile app
  • Don't say that so loud.

    You'll have the self-proclaimed "power users" that just copy things they see posted without knowing what it does or possible issues and side effects, doing this and then complaining about issues stemming from it. And never disclosing they did it, blaming it on the system as a whole, ignoring the bypass they did.

    Oh wait, this isn't the Windows community.

  • Google is switching the Pixel 9 to an ultrasonic fingerprint reader
  • Same. It was in the perfect spot, and worked 100% of the time for me.

    The in-screen one on my Pixel 6 works maybe 50% of the time, and for whatever reason just hates my right thumb, the one it really needs to be able to read. Even with it saved 5 times.

  • Nike’s self-lacing Adapt BB sneakers are losing their remote control mobile app
  • Android eventually locks out apps designed for older APIs. I remember reading about a bunch of abandoned apps being dropped from the Play Store for that reason. Not sure if that's just the Play Store though or if it is the Android OS itself. I haven't ever kept a phone beyond the manufacturer providing security updates since I actually use my phone for secure things.

  • No taxation without representation either!
  • Not quite the same. The US has a method for territories to become a State, although it requires the US Congress to agree, and we all know how that shit show is currently.

    Puerto Rico in particular has had 6 referendums on whether to petition to become a State, keep the status quo or independence. While the US Congress has sometimes stood in the way a bit (largely because of the two sided political bullshit we all deal with), the PR referendums historically have been very split, often due to confusing language.

    It's not as simple as the US outright preventing these territories from even looking at making their own decisions like with the American Colonies and British Empire.

  • Proton launches privacy-focused Google Docs alternative: Docs in Proton Drive is an open-source, end-to-end encrypted collaborative document editor
  • Especially when they go out of their way to provide direct APKs to Android users who do not use Play Store.

    They already had to make the APK for the Play Store, providing it directly doesn't require extra dev work.

  • 72-year-old Florida man arrested after admitting he shot a Walmart delivery drone
  • Yup. Because whether there are people or not, I don't think, is actually relevant to the crime being committed.

    I also think attempted murder, and successful murder should have the same sentence. Whether it was successful shouldn't matter for the punishment. They shouldn't get off with a lighter sentence just because they did a shit job, or because the person was too tough to die.

  • Trump sneaker line sues over knockoffs days after Lauren Boebert brags about her ‘very China’ counterfeit pair
  • That's why I'm thinking the factory that made the official 1000 of them just made a bunch more to sell to the grey market and those are making their way out as "counterfeit" despite being exactly the same product from the same factory.

  • 72-year-old Florida man arrested after admitting he shot a Walmart delivery drone
  • Shooting at a drone has the same classification as shooting at a passenger plane. He's been charged with a felony, up to 20 years in prison. As it should be. We don't need fucking idiots shooting into the sky in residential areas, regardless of what they think they're shooting at.

  • Google Search Ranks AI Spam Above Original Reporting in News Results
  • That's exactly why Google Search has gone so far downhill that it's pushing people elsewhere. Searches are supposed to be fast at giving you the answer you're looking for. But that is antithetical to advertising. It's why Google has been scraping data for years to build their own internal responses to easy queries like simple calculations, definitions, basic wiki results, etc. since you never even need to leave their site. Can't get faster than that, until those results can no longer be trusted.

    Now those quick results can't be trusted, thanks largely to their blind AI fixation. That trust can never be earned back, it is lost permanently. Many users will instead start looking for alternatives that don't feed them bullshit responses and instead just give them the links to good info, like Google used to.

  • Nebraska Anti-Abortion Activists Are Calling Their Ballot Measure ‘Pro-Choice’
  • I just went through training last week and registered with the State of AZ for collecting signatures. There are a ton of ways to accidentally invalidate signatures even if people wanted to sign without being lied to. Those petitions often need almost twice the minimum signatures simply to get past that threshold since so many are invalidated.

    First, only registered voters can sign. Each page of signatures is for a specific county and the signature must be on a page for the county where they are registered to vote, not necessarily where the signature is made. A misspelled address will invalidate a signature. Writing or signing outside the boxes will invalidate a signature. And the paperwork needs to be filled out correctly by the collector, or the entire page of signatures is useless. Every page has the ID of the registered petition collector, and if they are with a group, that is tied to the specific group and petition.

    I'm sure Nebraska has similar requirements. Some states have even thrown away entire groups of signatures for similar issues like the article. If a collection group is confirmed to have been lying to voters about the petition, all of their collected signatures can be tossed out.

  • Trump sneaker line sues over knockoffs days after Lauren Boebert brags about her ‘very China’ counterfeit pair
  • Are these actually counterfeit, or just the extra produced past what is contractually required at the original factory?

    Many Chinese factories will be contracted for say 18 hours of production, but stay open for 24 hours, and the extra is sold on the grey market. Or the product that doesn't make it through contracted quality control will be sent to the grey market.

    I can't believe the actual market for these is large enough to actually justify a second factory spitting out duplicates when the original factory can just make extra beyond what's contracted. More likely the original factory made like 5,000 pairs instead of the 1,000 Trump sold officially, and those are on the grey market as "counterfeits" despite being exactly the same, just not official.

  • Gathered at Camp David, Biden's family tells him to stay in the race and keep fighting
  • I think it's probably because she generally wasn't publicly political during her husband's Presidency, or after. She did what was expected of the First Lady, didn't do anything too controversial, and that was about it. And there's likely a lot of people that want Obama again, but he cannot run, but if she's there obviously his counsel would be as well.

  • Gathered at Camp David, Biden's family tells him to stay in the race and keep fighting
  • That's an entirely different situation voters would be responding to, and they would only be doing it because they would have no other option. Even then, it 100% would end up being Kamala Harris and a running mate they scramble to find, only because they need the name recognition. Those are totally different circumstances, extremely obvious and avoidable, but still technically not under their direct control like the entire cycle up to now.

    What we have now is the party's unwillingness to accept that Biden needed to be told not to run again, so we could get a real primary and voters actually deciding. They are only now starting to question the shitty decision when it's becoming glaringly obvious that an 80+ year old shouldn't be running again and younger blood is needed.

    The party is run by the old fucks though, and they don't want to give up what they have to the younger generations. Look at AOC's seat, it's the perfect encapsulation of the DNC's belief that the old fucks should be running everything.

    AOC handily beat Joseph Crowley in the primary with 57% of the vote (against the #3 Dem at the time, a 20 year Congressional veteran, it's unprecedented), and he still refused to drop out. Instead he stayed on the ballot under a third party where he again lost, with only 7% of the vote. 7% despite being the "safe" politician, with 20 years experience, #3 in the party, the incumbent with all the name recognition in the world, being challenged by an upstart young female "bartender". The old fucks don't want to give it up, and will do anything to prevent that, even losing the election entirely to the Republicans, because they aren't doing it for the country, they're running for themselves.

  • Supreme Court impeachment plan released by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
  • Are you ignoring all the fascist shit happening across the world lately as well?

    This particular thing may be US-exclusive, but countries across Europe are doing their best to get back to the early 20th century again as well. Putin is trying to rebuild the Soviet Union again, and China is trying to take the Pacific by force, much like the Japanese Empire had a century ago.

    There are parallels across the globe happening every day, don't delude yourself to thinking this is a US-only phenomenon.

  • Candidate for this position must love irony
  • Exactly. Pretty sure that's what they were saying.

  • After Initial Success, Helldiver’s 2 Has Lost 90% Of Its Players With No Signs Of Recovery
  • Of course. I'm not an idiot, clearly there are people affected.

    But even if EVERY Helldivers 2 sale were affected, of the 1.85 BILLION estimated PC gamers in the world, we would be looking at around 0.6% people affected. It's a tiny sliver, despite Helldivers having over 12 million sales (and that's both PC and console).

    The fact of the matter is this doesn't mean shit in the grand scheme, and most people have likely never even heard of the game still even with the controversy. The industry is unfathomably massive and one game is tiny, even one with 12+ million sales.

  • After Initial Success, Helldiver’s 2 Has Lost 90% Of Its Players With No Signs Of Recovery
  • All games like this have massive daily player drop offs a few months after release.

    To be honest despite the publicity, most players don't actually give a shit. Most players don't read gaming news. And many players don't care, either because they already have a PSN account, or they just don't care about making another account to play the game.

    I wouldn't be surprised if over half the players had never even heard of the PSN controversy at all. The SteamDB player chart actually indicates when those shenanigans were compared to player numbers, and the daily player numbers had already been declining at that same pace for a month up to that point and continued at about the same rate after.

  • Gathered at Camp David, Biden's family tells him to stay in the race and keep fighting
  • There are too many sexist voters that would never vote for a woman. Look at Hilary, even ignoring how unlikeable she could be, a ton of people were very vocal about not voting for her only because she was female, including other women.

    Besides, I'm fairly certain Kamala is making a lot of the current decisions anyway. Joe and her have been together a lot more than other VPs and Presidents in the past.

  • South Carolina implements one of US’s most restrictive public school book bans
  • Of course not, they learned from another state (Utah I think) that didn't make an exception for the Bible.

  • NASA orders more tests on Starliner, but says crew isn’t stranded in space NASA orders more tests on Starliner, but says crew isn’t stranded in space

    “I want to make it very clear that Butch and Suni are not stranded in space."

    NASA orders more tests on Starliner, but says crew isn’t stranded in space

    NASA and Boeing officials pushed back Friday on headlines that the commercial Starliner crew capsule is stranded at the International Space Station but said they need more time to analyze data before formally clearing the spacecraft for undocking and reentry.

    Search in settings crash

    When in Summit settings, searching for "mu" causes an immediate app crash to home screen as soon as the U is typed. No option to report issues or submit feedback.

    Only have this device to test at the moment, but I can get it to do it every time.

    Pixel 6 on latest official Android 14 update. App version 1.21.2

    halcyoncmdr halcyoncmdr
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