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  • idunnololz idunnololz
    [Release][v1.43.1] Create account!

    Welcome to v1.43.0. This release adds a feature I've thought about since the start of the project but just never implemented: account creation! In v1.43.0 new users to Lemmy will be able to go through the entire account creation process (minus email verification) from the app.

    The hope with this feature is that it will help reduce Lemmy's sign up friction even further, especially for Summit users.

    Full changelog

    • Added a create account option to the sign in screen.
    • Changed the quote button when creating a comment. If text is selected from the "replying to" box when the quote button is tapped, that text will automatically be populated within the quote block.
    • Fixed a crash that occurs when images are uploaded using Imgur.
    • Fixed a bug where read posts appear as unread if a post is hidden.
    • Fixed an issue where the title of a post is not shown in the detailed view.


    Bumped to v1.43.1 to resolve a minor issue with the build.

  • idunnololz idunnololz
    [Release][v1.31.1] Release new localizations

    Huge thank you to our translators Scambled777, Dieguito and Erik for the new translations! This release pushes translations for Hindi and Italian as well as partial translations for Swedish.

    This release also cements Summit's translation process. These are processes I will need to go through on every release to ensure that (1) all translations are up-to-date in every release and (2) proper credit is given to all translators.

    Full changelog

    • Added support for Hindi (by Scambled777)
    • Added support for Italian (by Dieguito)
    • Added partial support for Swedish (by Erik)
    • Added translators screen to give our translators credit.
    • Added list of moderated communities to the user profile screen.
    • Remove post & comment score from the profile page. These stats used to be reported by the Lemmy API but they were removed in v0.19. To keep with the spirit of the Lemmy devs I am removing these scores.
    • Improve performance of the user actions screen.
    • Automatically dismiss notification if user reads inbox item.
    • Fixed some text formatting bugs.
    • Support per-app language settings on Android 13 and above.
    • Fixed a bug where sort would not work for multi-communities.
    • Fixed a bug where the "post hidden" snackbar would appear more than one per post hidden.


    Due to the multi-community sort bug described here, I am doing a dot release since the bug makes multi-communities nearly unusable.


    • Added list of moderated communities to the user profile screen.
    • Support per-app language settings on Android 13 and above.
    • Fixed a bug where sort would not work for multi-communities.
    • Fixed a bug where the "post hidden" snackbar would appear more than one per post hidden.
  • idunnololz idunnololz
    Localization/translations for Summit

    If anyone is interested in helping with translations, please see the link below. If anyone has any questions feel free to post them here! Thank you in advance to all translators!

  • idunnololz idunnololz
    Roadmap V3

    Too much has changed since Roadmap V2 was created. So we are starting fresh again to clean up the clutter!

    If you have any feature requests, please feel free to comment them here.

    Planned changes

    • Offline mode (view posts, comment, vote all offline with an offline engine that tracks everything and performs the actions once network is established).
    • Add upvoted/downvoted posts and comments to saved.
    • Change homepage from settings.
    • Setup wizard.
    • Extremely out of date version check? (Eg. if the app version you are using is over x versions out of date)
    • Mark post unread

    Specific user requests

    • quick access to subscribed communities by one tap instead of tap on home and swipe. (Suggestion was to add subscribed communities to the search page) (I'm holding off on implementing this one for now because I have some cool solutions here but it will take a long time to implement)
    • Combine score related settings to be a enum with values (1) hide scores, (2) show scores (3) show up and down votes.
    • Instead of showing a circle when votes are hidden, show nothing instead.
    • Some users like to work on multiple posts at the same time, possibly over a long period of time. The request here is a better draft system so managing drafts is easier for this use case.
    • Modify the emoji pack

    Stretch features (nice to have but I need to do more research)

    • Possible integration with mastodon/? (needs research)
    • Support kbin?
    • Tag users + Sync between devices?

    Completed features

    • Support sending content to the app to use for later.
    • Add "reason" for mod actions.
    • Add option to reordering comment/post format tools
    • Support switching instances to any instance (even if you are not sign into that instance).
    • Add new top level screen which displays your user profile.
    • Add support for tablets.
    • Add a way to customize the comment menu (the menu that has the overflow, add comment button and upvote/downvote buttons).
    • In the multi-community build, indicate which communities you've subscribed to. Also list subscribed communities maybe by default or have some way to only see subscribed communities.
    • Comment filters (by keyword)
    • Add a way to customize the post quick actions menu.
    • Notifications/Push notifications
    • Mod actions.
    • Create & edit communities
    • Add a way to make one action easy to access. Eg. a way to do one tap hide read.
    • Show publish and modified date in the post header/comment header
    • Add option to hide all controls by default when in image viewer.
    • Multi-instance feeds support (eg. Subscribed communities from multiple accounts)
    • Support for locales other than English
    • NSFW mode
    • Update bookmark icon based on whether the item is currently bookmarked or not
    • Improve controls for post instance switching. Consider things like: adding a banner when the post is not the same instance as the account, better messaging around instance inconsistencies and switching freely between instances on a post.
    • Better DM UI
    • Screenshot gifs
    • Dim read posts.
    • add a setting to disable/control how many animations play in the app
    • add a way to see all comments in a comment chain when commenting
    • add a way to adjust the cache policy
  • idunnololz idunnololz
    [WIP][v1.0.4] More customizations

    Planning on adding a bunch more customizations in this update. The plan is to hopefully add settings to allow full customization of fonts.

    This update will also add search to the settings page. The app has accumulated so many settings and it's getting hard to discover them all. Hopefully making settings searchable will help with this.

    Changes so far

    • Added new themes suggested by users
    • Added search to settings
    • Added setting to change the global font of the app. Current options are default/system, roboto, roboto serif and open sans
    • Added setting to change the upvote/downvote color
    • Added setting to use volume buttons to go to the next/previous top level comment
    • Added setting to only show top level comments by default
    • Added setting to open links in the external browser
    • Added mark all as read button
    • Fixed some rare crashes


    Making a release soon.

    Update 2

    Thanks for the quick bug reports. I'll do another release to fix the bugs soon.

  • idunnololz idunnololz
    [Release][v1.0.3] Search

    This update adds search functionality to the app. You can now search for comments, posts, users or communities by keywords.

    This update also improves the app further, offering more ways to share content, improving error messages and increase app resilience to being killed and restored.


    • Added search screen
    • Added copy/share link to image viewer
    • Added long press action on images to open copy/share menu
    • Added setting to show/hide scores
    • Added option to open a link in incognito mode, this is in the link menu.
    • Fixed a bug where changing sort order in the community post list will not scroll you to the top
    • Fixed a bug where changing accounts may not clear the post list.
    • FIxed a bug where some state is lost if the app is killed and recreated.
    • Fixed a bug where error messages are not very helpful when loading posts fails.
    • Updated compact post view to change the color of the post score based on the user's vote.

    Other notes

    If you submitted a theme, they will be added in the next release because I added the themes but the changes were made on my desktop at home. I am currently on a business trip and do not have access to my desktop. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    I also screwed up the versioning of this release. This was supposed to be v1.1.0. Next release will be v1.2.0 unless I screw up again.

  • idunnololz idunnololz
    [WIP][v0.1.42] Account settings

    Next on the road map is implementing account settings. Some account settings are already configurable at the moment. This update should add parity between the app and the website in terms of account settings configurations.

    Changes so far:

    • Add menu items back to the post screen. This was accidentally removed a while back.
    • Add new comment thread style. Add setting to use the old style if that's what you prefer.
    • Add a bunch of account settings.
    • Support profile banners on the user screen.
    • Missed some spots with the chrome tab change. Links in more places will use chrome tabs.
    • Fixed a bug where pull to refresh does nothing.


    v0.1.41 adds the option to clear an image within settings. It also fixed an issue with pull to refresh.

    Update 2

    v0.1.42 - I have a theory about a crash that has been present in the app for a while now. It's a theory because I still cannot reproduce the crash. This update attempts to address it. 🤞

    Update 3

    Apologies to the APK/github users. Apparently the build has been broken on github for the last day or so. I'll have a releash just for you in a bit. You guys can be 1 version higher than the rest of us.

    Update 4

    Damn, you guys are good at finding bugs. v0.1.44 - fixed more crashes.

  • idunnololz idunnololz
    [Release][v0.1.39] User profiles & Swipe mark as read

    This release adds full support for user profiles. Tapping a username pretty much anywhere should open that user's profile page.

    This release also adds even more support to the "Hide read" use case by introducing the swipe mark as read swipe action. The default post swipe actions have been changed to upvote, reply and mark post as read.

    In addition, post gesture actions are now customizable within settings.

    This release also adds the feature "Hide post". This action exists both in the long press menu on posts and as a possible gesture action. Posts hidden in this way will be completely removed from any post lists (eg. within a community). You can reset your hidden post list within settings. More granular controls such as removing singular posts from the hidden post list and toggling hidden posts will be added later.


    • Implement user profiles
    • Added new post gesture actions: downvote, mark as read and hide
    • Added support for hiding posts
    • Added settings to customize what swipe on posts do
    • Added more support for videos
    • Show the post title in the image viewer
    • Fixed a bug where vote numbers do not update on refresh
    • Make all user names clickable
    • Simplify navigation a little. This should make it easier to understand what is going on when you tap something.
    • Support tapping comments in user profiles
    • Support having the image be at the bottom when using the card layout
    • Allow configuring which gesture actions to use
    • Fixed a bug that caused inbox to load very slowly
    • Fixed more crashes

    Apologies to the person who reported the bug that they cannot share posts. I forgot about the bug. It will be fixed in the next update.

  • [WIP][v1.43.0] Title pending

    I have some plans for v1.43 that I will add here later. For now, I'm just going to be doing some quick bug fixes. I've been fairly busy in my personal life outside of work so I haven't had as much time to work on Summit. Progress is still being made, just slightly slower. I will also be going on vacation from the beginning of October. My extreme stretch goal would be to release v1.43 well before I go on vacation so I have some time to polish the release before I'm on vacation but we shall see if that's feasible.

    Changes so far

    • Fixed a crash that occurs when images are uploaded using Imgur.
    • Fixed a bug where read posts appear as unread if a post is hidden.
    • Changed the quote button when creating a comment. If text is selected from the "replying to" box when the quote button is tapped, that text will automatically be populated within the quote block.
    • Fixed an issue where the title of a post is not shown in the detailed view.


    Whoops I accidentally put [Release] in the title. This has been corrected.

  • Inbox issue

    I will sometimes get a message notification and when I click the icon, it spins the loading animation and another refresh animation above it, but it seems to freeze/hang on actually loading the message. If I click on All messages then it loads it instantly.

    Seems to happen most on messages I received while I'm actively using the app, not when it first opens and detects messages received. It will also at times do the spinning animations of it shows no messages, but I click on the icon to do a manual refresh/message check.

    It's been occurring for a few days, maybe a week now, but I hadn't had much solid info on when/where there issue was coming from, but now having the click All workaround, I felt that might give you some place to start debugging. Let me know if there's anything else I might be able to look for or screenshot, as I don't know how recreatable something like this is.

  • Drafts

    I've noticed some different behavior of the drafts lately, but I hadn't noticed any release notes about it. When editing and then re-saving, it now overwrites the original. This bit me the first time I saw it, as when I went to delete the old version, that meant I deleted the only version. I like this behavior better by default I think, but was there a release post with changes I missed?

    I was also wondering if the post preview could be worked into the draft section, perhaps via a long press to get the post preview window, or maybe different view options like with the post feed. I've built up a bit of a surplus of future content, so I forget which post is which, and with it not saving backups now, I worry about loading the draft to the post screen and messing it up somehow without having a backup now, so having the ability to preview with image content viewable would let me see which draft is which easier without the chance to accidentally edit and moving the draft up to the top instead of keeping it chronological.

    As usual, I feel this may be an "only me" problem, so no priority here unless some of this behavior was an unintentional result of another update.

    Thank you as always for your great work. Your frequency of updates and overall quality of the app is top notch!

  • [Release][v1.42.8] Implementing user requests

    Last release added some features I wanted in the app. So to balance it out, this release will be focused on adding features users want.

    I got a large influx of feature requests which is great.

    Since there are so many feature requests I am going to break this release into multiple smaller parts. This way I can push out new features as they are implemented instead of doing a massive release all at once.

    Full changelog

    • Added a setting to control whether videos should auto-play. Default true.
    • Added new comment count to posts.
    • Added a view to the post screen if there are no comments.
    • Added a setting to enable uploading images to Imgur.
    • Added a setting to control how many animations are enabled within the app
    • Added a setting to adjust the caching policy for the app. The options are aggressive, moderate (default), lite and minimum. Aggressive will cause the cache to be used more often resulting in better performance but things might be stale. Minimum will greatly reduce what is cached, reducing performance but ensuring things are up to date.
    • Added a button to view the browsing history in the history settings screen.
    • Changed the behavior of the navigation menu. If a navigation menu item is currently selected and it is tapped, the app will navigate you to the "home page" of that navigation item.
    • Changed the style of read posts to dim the entire post item. This behavior can be changed in settings.
    • Changed notification behavior so that when a notification is tapped, the inbox screen will auto-refresh unread messages.
    • Changed the browsing history screen to open pages within itself instead of within home. Eg. if you tap on a post in the history screen, the post will now open in the history screen. This makes the behavior more consistent with other screens such as inbox or saved.
    • Fixed several bugs related to the compose post screen.
    • Fixed a bug where the create post screen mistakenly only shows comment drafts instead of post drafts.
    • Fixed a bug where the loading indicator is not shown when comments are still loading.
    • Fixed a bug where the imageviewer will appear unresponsive if the user leaves the app and then comes back.
    • Fixed a bug where tapping on a notification item will create a weird back stack state. This fix will make navigation more intuitive.
    • Fixed a bug where the inbox screen will automatically open an inbox item every time it's opened if a notification was tapped before.
    • Fixed a bug where tapping on a notification will cause the inbox screen to be stuck in a weird state where certain actions will be ignored/do nothing.
    • Fixed several crashes
    • Fixed a bug where errors are cut off or not centered properly.


    • Added a setting to enable uploading images to Imgur.
    • Fixed a bug where the loading indicator is not shown when comments are still loading.
    • Added a setting to control how many animations are enabled within the app


    • Fixed a bug where posts will become unread if the app is closed and opened again.
    • Fixed a bug introduced by the animation setting change. When expanding a post in the community post feed screen, sometimes the post will not expand.


    • Fixed a bug where post thumbnails will disappear sometimes when the post is tapped.
    • Fixed a bug where the imageviewer will appear unresponsive if the user leaves the app and then comes back.


    • Fixed a bug in the post list where the content will disappear when tapped. This only affects the full content layout.


    • Fixed a bug where tapping on a notification item will create a weird back stack state. This fix will make navigation more intuitive.
    • Fixed a bug where the inbox screen will automatically open an inbox item every time it's opened if a notification was tapped before.
    • Fixed a bug where tapping on a notification will cause the inbox screen to be stuck in a weird state where certain actions will be ignored/do nothing.
    • Changed notification behavior so that when a notification is tapped, the inbox screen will auto-refresh unread messages.
    • Added a button to view the browsing history in the history settings screen.
    • Changed the browsing history screen to open pages within itself instead of within home. Eg. if you tap on a post in the history screen, the post will now open in the history screen. This makes the behavior more consistent with other screens such as inbox or saved.
    • Added a setting to adjust the caching policy for the app. The options are aggressive, moderate (default), lite and minimum. Aggressive will cause the cache to be used more often resulting in better performance but things might be stale. Minimum will greatly reduce what is cached, reducing performance but ensuring things are up to date.
    • Fixed several crashes


    • Fixed a bug where errors are cut off or not centered properly.


    • Fixed a bug where importing settings can cause crashes.
    • Tighten up some margins/padding.
    • Added a setting to enable condensed style for comment headers.


    • Changed spoiler tags to make the space between ::: and spoiler optional.


    v1.42.1 is being release at the time of writing (9/2/2024). It adds more user requested features.

    Update 2

    v1.42.2 is released to address a bug in v1.42.1.

    Update 3

    I'm going to be wrapping up on community suggestions work at the end of this weekend. I will try to implement as many of the remaining suggestions as I can however it's unlikely I will be able to implement all of them. If I cannot implement your suggestion in time, I will implement your suggestion in a future release. It just means that your suggestion might not be prioritized.

    The reason why I am doing this is so that I can prioritize implementing other features that I think would improve the app. As the community suggestions release wraps up I want to thank everyone who shared their suggestions during the release.

    Update 4

    Released v1.42.5 which contains the last of the user requested features I will implement for this release.

    Update 5

    Fixed some bugs and doing another release.

    Update 6

    Fixing more bugs.

    • Fixed a bug where importing settings can cause crashes.
    • Tighten up some margins/padding.
    • Added a setting to enable condensed style for comment headers.

    Update 7

    Fixing more issues.

    • The app always assumed that spoiler tags had to start with ::: spoiler, however I tested this on the website and actually the space between ::: and spoiler is optional. Eg. the website renders :::spoiler as a spoiler block. So for parity, I am changing the logic in the app to also allow :::spoiler.
  • [WIP][v1.42.0] User requests!!!

    I'm going to be implementing more user requests. If you have any leave them in the comments.

    Changes so far:

    • Changed the behavior of the navigation menu. If a navigation menu item is currently selected and it is tapped, the app will navigate you to the "home page" of that navigation item.
    • Fixed several bugs related to the compose post screen.
    • Fixed a bug where the create post screen mistakenly only shows comment drafts instead of post drafts.
    • Changed the style of read posts to dim the entire post item. This behavior can be changed in settings.
    • Added a setting to control whether videos should auto-play. Default true.
    • Added new comment count to posts.
    • Added a view to the post screen if there are no comments.
  • [Release][v1.41.0] Record screenshot

    Welcome to v1.41.0. This release adds a feature I've wanted for a while now (but likely no one else wanted). This release adds the ability to record an advanced screenshot.

    In some cases, posts and comments can contain animated GIFs. When taking screenshots of these, context may be lost because the GIF animation is removed. The record screenshot feature allows users to take a recording of a screenshot, preserving animated GIFs in posts or comments. The feature allows you to record a screenshot as either a GIF, MP4 or WEBM and contains a lot of configurable settings.

    Note that this feature currently does not work for videos (eg. MP4s) in posts because the video player renders these in a specialized way that cannot be captured by the method used by the app.

    Full changelog

    • Added a feature to "record" a screenshot as a video or GIF.
    • Added option to mark a post as read/unread in the post option's menu.
    • Changed long tap on the header, expand button or the side to expand actions as well.
    • Fixed a bug where links are invisible in conversations.
  • [WIP][v1.41.0] Save screenshot as GIF?

    So Summit for Lemmy already supports "advanced screenshots" letting you take screenshots of posts and comments with ease, allowing you to include any and as many comments as you want. However this doesn't work as well if the post or comments have animated GIFs in them. I'm working on a feature that will allow you to take an "advanced screenshot" but as a GIF so you can capture any video or GIF as well.

    Changes so far

    • Added a feature to "record" a screenshot as a video or GIF.
    • Fixed a bug where links are invisible in conversations.
    • Changed long tap on the header, expand button or the side to expand actions as well.
    • Added option to mark a post as read/unread in the post option's menu.
  • [Release][v1.40.2] DMs redesign

    The focus of this release is DMs. Direct messages have been difficult to manage and respond to in the past especially for message chains. This release cleans up the DM experience to make them much easier to use.

    Full changelog

    • Redesigned the DM experience.
    • Changed messages in the inbox. Messages sent by you will no longer show up in inbox.
    • Make it more obvious when loading in the inbox screen(s)
    • Changed the "Mark as read" gesture to toggle the read state of the post. Eg. if a post is read and the gesture "Mark as read" is performed, the post will be marked as unread.
    • Added a fade effect to the bottom screen when screens are stacked together. Eg. when viewing a post from the community feed.
    • When viewing a reply message in the inbox, added a button in the context section to make it easier to see the post of the reply.
    • Fixed a bug where the navigation bar does not highlight the correct item in certain cases.
    • Fixed a bug where the open link button is visible when no image is shown in the post list.
    • Fixed some bugs that occur when viewing a link to a Lemmy post of another instance.
    • Fixed some minor bugs with people search.


    There were some dependency issues so I had to do a version bump. There shouldn't be any changes from the base release though.


    • Fixed a bug where images are not shown/loaded within direct messages.
    • Added a full text editor to the send message input field. When sending a direct message, you will be able to tap on the full editor button to open the "advanced text editor" to make it easier to compose more complex messages.
    • Fixed a bug where the post in the "context" section of an inbox message would have a random amount of whitespace at the bottom.
  • Feature Request: Move "Go To Post/Context" upwards.

    If I am reading the messages of my inbox, I get prompted with the post in collapsed state (A). If I want to visit the referred Reference I have to expand your Notification (ViewGroup B). At the bottom I am able to go to the comment posted.

    Please add this Button (from bottom of (B)) to the left to the expand-Arrow on said view (state (A)) to avoid scrolling.


    You should even be able to restrict the context of a scroll of such notification so that one can get the opened post scrolled to the clicked action (since you elected to context perfectly already). Though that may be inconsistent to clicking the name, instance or (not implemented) comment of the post.

    It depends on the Context (when comparing A or B). If we are all PowerUsers, Implementation elected is obvious... Hard to document. Still requestiong a duplicate button bound in collapsed RecyclerView.ViewHolder :- )


    I would be able to elect a suggestion more carefully if I could test it locally on my devices. I feel like you have engineered the most capable app. So thanks for this..

  • Feature Request: Align consistency between posts, comments and direct messages.

    Hopefully you are not tracking my direct messages. Can't judge due to licensing ;).

    For the Views of comments and posts you explicitly bound the former@latter.part to its own onClickListener. You didn't implemented that within anything in our inbox. Therefore I ask you to bind the nested RecyclerView when opening a inbox message - as well as its message itself - to the same interactions.

    Sincerly, a happy user.

  • [WIP][v1.40.0] More stuff

    Making this post to track progress on the next release. Will decide on a title later.

    Changes so far:

    • Fixed a bug where the navigation bar does not highlight the correct item in certain cases.
    • Fixed a bug where the open link button is visible when no image is shown in the post list.
    • Changed messages in the inbox. Messages sent by you will no longer show up in inbox.
    • Fixed some bugs that occur when viewing a link to a Lemmy post of another instance.
    • Make it more obvious when loading in the inbox screen(s)
    • Changed the "Mark as read" gesture to toggle the read state of the post. Eg. if a post is read and the gesture "Mark as read" is performed, the post will be marked as unread.
    • Added a fade effect to the bottom screen when screens are stacked together. Eg. when viewing a post from the community feed.
    • Fixed some minor bugs with people search.
    • When viewing a reply message in the inbox, added a button in the context section to make it easier to see the post of the reply.
    • Redesigned the DM system in the app completely.


    With how the release is going it's seeming very likely this release will focus on cleaning up the DM experience.

    The current DM experience is pretty bad. Messages are littered everywhere and it's very difficult to follow a message chain. This wasn't high priority since it was assumed most users are not using DMs. However as other parts of the app becomes polished, DMs are suddenly the weakest part of the app.

    The current minimum plan is to group DMs with individuals together into chains at the very least. Other improvements are still up in the air.

    Unfortunately, designs of the DMs will probably be limited to what the Lemmy API can provide. For instance, I was exploring an email like approach where one item is shown per message thread however there is currently no API that returns only top level message threads. Instead you can only get individual messages. Of course we can still implement this on the client however it can lead to an excessive amount of network calls.

    As an example, imagine a scenario where user A and B exchange a lot of message. Let's say they exchanged 1000 messages. Let's say the client is configured to fetch 50 messages at a time. Given this, if the user navigates to the messages screen the client will fetch 50 messages. The client will then group all 50 messages as a conversation between A and B. However since this is just one conversation, the client will need to fetch more messages to make sure there aren't any other conversations. This will repeat until all 1000 messages have been fetched. At this point the client is finally sure there are no other conversations and it will stop. This means that the client will need to make 20 network calls in order to load the messages screen which is pretty costly.

    There are some solutions but they all vary in effort or usability. The easiest solution is to not collapse conversations in the messages screen. The downside here is usability as it would be difficult to look for specific conversations. The highest effort solution would be to group all messages on the messages screen and build a database on the client side that tracks all messages. By doing so, the first time messages are loaded might still be costly but subsequent refreshes should be relatively fast.

    I'm still mulling over what to do here.

    Update 2

    I love you guys so I'm going to implement the best possible DM experience with no cut corners. It's going to take some time though.

    Update 3

    I think I can wrap this update up sometime this weekend. I think a release is possible by Monday (Aug, 19) if not earlier.

  • [Release][v1.39.0] General improvements

    This update focuses on general app improvements and bug fixes.

    Full changelog

    • Added new image loading animation.
    • Improved styling on collapsed comments. Voting on a collapsed comment will update the score and cause the score color to change.
    • Fixed many bugs with the layout "list with cards". Specifically it was missing the voting buttons and the comments counter. This has been added. Several other fixes has also been applied for this layout.
    • Fixed a bug where the header text of a post would be cut off when using certain layouts.
    • Fixed a bug where the link icon would appear on a post even if the post does not contain a link.
    • Fixed a bug where paragraphs within a spoiler block may not be correctly formatted.
    • Support subscripts in markdown (forexample)
    • Fixed a bug where opening. closing and opening the same post will cause the post to not be highlighted when the post is closed.
    • Fixed a bug where sometimes you can drag a blank window from the right side of the screen.
    • Fixed a bug where the progress bar when loading videos does not conform to the app theme.
  • Bug: inbox tab.

    The inbox tab does not work sometimes when I am in any other tab reading a post or in a community,also the inbox tab seem to not refresh when I enter it despite showing 1 new event on the tab.

    Thank you for this amazing lemmy client.

    Edit 1: also the notifications does not sync smoothly with the tab.

  • sag sag
    Is this a bug or feature?
  • Change default feed?

    Sorry, I'm pretty new to this app. I can't find the setting to change the default feed from “all” to “subscribed.” Am I missing it in the settings?

  • Several posts with the card view show incorrectly the "open link" icon.

    You can see this minor bug in the picture that I shared here.

    I don't know if dev is aware, but as I didn't see anyone commenting about it I wanted to share it :)

  • [Bug] Posts marked read don't remain read on refresh

    When marking a post as read or expanding the post preview, the post only displays as read until the feed refreshes. A post opened in its own view remains read (expected behavior).

    First appearance: Lemmy 0.19.5

  • [WIP][v1.39.0] General improvements

    Changes so far:

    • Improved styling on collapsed comments. Voting on a collapsed comment will update the score and cause the score color to change.
    • Fixed many bugs with the layout "list with cards". Specifically it was missing the voting buttons and the comments counter. This has been added. Several other fixes has also been applied for this layout.
    • Fixed a bug where the header text of a post would be cut off when using certain layouts.
    • Fixed a bug where the link icon would appear on a post even if the post does not contain a link.
    • Fixed a bug where paragraphs within a spoiler block may not be correctly formatted.
    • Support subscripts in markdown (forexample)
    • Fixed a bug where opening. closing and opening the same post will cause the post to not be highlighted when the post is closed.
    • Fixed a bug where sometimes you can drag a blank window from the right side of the screen.
    • Fixed a bug where the progress bar when loading videos does not conform to the app theme.
    • Added new image loading animation.


    I must have been really tired last night because I accidentally posted this as a release when it's a WIP release. Fixed.


    I'm moving the fixes here into 1.38.1 instead.

  • Option to crop image previews in post view?

    I don't know if I'm just missing something, but is it possible to crop the full image previews to just take up a variable amount of height in the feed (like boost)? I'd prefer my images not take up more than 2/3rds of my full screen height so I can always see the post title.

  • [Release][v1.38.0] Offline support

    This release adds the option to offline a post feed, giving you the freedom to browse while offline. The use case here is if you know ahead of time you are going to be offline you can download a feed beforehand and read it later.

    This release also implements several user requests.

    Full changelog

    • When opening a link to a post on a different instance, added a banner to explaining the instance mismatch and also have an option to switch instances. Also added a loading spinner when switching instances in this way.
    • Added a "Make available offline" button to make a feed available offline.
    • Changed bookmark button to reflect the current state. Eg. if the post is already bookmarked then the bookmark icon is filled.


    • Fixed a bug when viewing a post on another instance, tapping the switch instance button will not show an error message if the post cannot be found on your instance.
    • Fixed a bug where sometimes posts are not mark as real on v0.19.5 instances.


    • No changes. Accidental versioning issue.


    • Fixed a bug where back press was not being handled within dialogs leading to several other issues such as new comments/posts not auto saving as drafts.
  • 1 year anniversary

    Hello everyone. I just wanted to announce that it's been over a year since I started working on Summit (I started on June 13th, 2023). This is going to be a quick post as I am still busy with real life stuff but I wanted to commemorate this event.

    I wanted to thank the community for the support and also for all of the feature requests, bug reports and the translations. The app has grown tremendously in just a year and I'm excited for the projects planned this year.

    Thanks everyone.

  • Lemmy 0.19.4 compatibility

    Hey, is Summit compatible with 0.19.4 or should I hold off upgrading my instance? Do you develop Summit on latest stable, release clients, or latest (like an insane person)?

  • Post List: Next to current sort in the top bar

    Feature request: Place a checkbox next to the currently selected sort which sets "hide read posts".

    This way I do not have to issue two requests and two button clicks, if I switch the sort order. This should make the sort-mechanism more convenient.

    Additionally one could either shortly show a toast that "automatic hide read posts" was set.

    Alternatively a succinct icon could be plaed next to it.

  • Open Lemmy links in current instance, not forced to switch instances

    I love the app so far but I am having trouble with opening Lemmy links from other instances. When someone links to say a post, I am hit with a window saying I have to have a account in order to vote and such. This is incredibly inconvenient, I don't know how voyager does it but voyager just lets me view the post and vote/etc. in my instance without forcing me to change accounts. Anyway to get rid of this behavior so it is more like voyager? I want other Lemmy links to be opened in my instance so I can vote and such.

    Also unrelated but just now I was unable to upload a picture from summit and had to switch apps to upload the photo.

  • Why doesn't the Save icon show the saved status?

    I should have mentioned this months ago. When I tap on the Save icon on a post or comment, I get a notification that the post or comment has been saved yet the Save icon doesn't change. Same if I tap to unsave.

  • [WIP][v1.38.0] Offline support

    Hello! I haven't posted in a while so I wanted to give a quick update on what is going on with the app.

    The next feature I'm working on is quite large. Its offline support which aims to make the app usable offline... to a degree. This feature is going to be made up of several different parts including features to download certain content in advance and have the app respond to network changes.

    In addition to this feature I am also working on some physical projects since it is summer where I am. I had a lot of yard work planned for this year so I'm also spending a lot of my free time with that. Due to this and the size of the next update, the next update will likely take a little longer.

    Changes so far:

    • Changed bookmark button to reflect the current state. Eg. if the post is already bookmarked then the bookmark icon is filled.
    • When opening a link to a post on a different instance, added a banner to explaining the instance mismatch and also have an option to switch instances. Also added a loading spinner when switching instances in this way.
    • Added a "Make available offline" button to make a feed available offline.
  • [Release][v1.37.2] Prefetch posts & community icons

    This is a relatively small release. This release adds posts prefetching. This should make loading more posts in the post feed feel faster. This is a crucial change needed to implement offline mode.

    This release also adds community icons in both the post feed and the post screen.

    Both of these changes are configurable so you can disable one or both if it's not to your liking.

    Full changelog

    • Added prefetching to the post feed. This should make loading more items in the post feed happen instantly as long as there is a good internet connection.
    • Added support for community icons in the post feed.
    • Added a setting to enable/disable post feed prefetching. The default is on.
    • Added a setting to enable/disable community icons in the post feed. The default is on.
    • Change post view to show the community icon if the post list also shows the community icon.
    • Fixed a bug where tapping in certain areas of the post will not register the tap.


    Made a couple versioning mistakes so this will be released as v1.37.2 instead.


    I submitted the release but changes are in review still. It's been in review for over 5 hours so it feels like it's going to take a while before it's released to the play store.

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