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  • I know you just bought this house two months ago, but that ain't a septic tank, that's a pipe leading straight into the underdark. Do you want svirfneblins climbing outta your toilet? You gotta get a sewer hookup. I know this is just how they did it back when the house was built, but that ain't how it works these days. It was out of code then, and it's out of code now. I'm gonna be back in a tenday, and I really don't wanna have to fine you. I'm gonna leave you the Adventurer's Guild's business card, they got a department specifically for this kinda high risk plumbing.

  • Playing Planescape: Torment is how I learned most of the bureaucracy of at least some parts/planes of D&D because there is a conversation between a demon and a devil at a bar where they are arguing over some mundane aspects of the governments in hell/the abyss and they go into extreme detail about various shit.