Person of the year
Person of the year
Person of the year
I thought this image had already been vehemently claimed as not the guy, in order to stop putting this guy at risk.
Internet must stop chasing updoots as a priority over chasing the right information.
I swear that if they catch him he should run for president from prison. I don't know how we keep them from pulling an Epstein on him but other than that it could actually work.
What prison? He's not guilty
It’s not him. Different jacket.
The hero this world needs
Can we get some context over here, across the pond? 🇪🇺
Dude whacked a CEO responsible for the pain, suffering, and even deaths of millions of people, all for the sake of profit. Plenty of Americans go bankrupt, suffer, or die if they have a medical issue. Healthcare is expensive and insurance companies get to dictate what medical care you receive and will do anything to not have to pay out without having to spend hours on the phone fighting for basic human decency. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to feel bad about having one less monster in the world.
My hope is for the "status quo" to finally be disrupted enough to make a difference. Problem is Americans, and probably a good chunk of the human race, have the attention span of gerbils. Usually a week or two goes by and unless if the Media is continuing to ram it down our throats we move on to the next dopamine hit on TikTok. I might be bitter. I might be really bitter.
The same country just decided they had enough of the status quo and elected a billionaire to the top office.
Americans are all over the place and mostly lack understanding.
Is the short attention span responsible for consistently electing people who take basic rights away from people? Bcs imo that is the real problem - not primarily the scum who do the deeds, but the idiots who keep electing them. It goes basically for most of the human race right now, but for the sake argument, let's stick with Americans for now: WHY did they do that?
This dude shot and killed a health insurance CEO. After about a day, insurers stopped denying coverage arbitrarily to people. The longer-term effects have not yet been seen, but I expect more to follow.
Edit: bunch of people think it's wrong for me to say that we can't perfectly predict the future.
Just got caught. Looks like his name is Luigi Mangione and he's from Maryland.
That's just a suspect.
The hero America needs right now.
if the guy in pennsylvania really him and he turns out to be a right wing racist piece of shit then tbh i don't feel empathy for anyone involved in this story.
Yay murder
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
I'm sure you'd have preferred France to remain a monarchy because of moral absolutism?
you are painting an oversimplified picture.
"i am sure you'd have preferred Gandhi to pick up a gun because he was met with violence?" we can chase eachother with such oversimplifications forever.
reality is much more complicated than such simple statements. so lets not use their inflammatory nature and focus on the actual problem. which, in that case seems, that people feel disbanded by sociaty to such a degree.
Keep that same energy next time insurance companies boast record profits and record denials
Asking nicely for them to stop killing people hasn't and will never work.