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Fuck up a book for me please
  • “I’m addicted to reading, which explains how I ended up being a writer.”

    “Oh, yeah?” says SBF. “I would never read a book.”

    I’m not sure what to say. I’ve read a book a week for my entire adult life and have written three of my own.

    “I’m very skeptical of books. I don’t want to say no book is ever worth reading, but I actually do believe something pretty close to that,” explains SBF. “I think, if you wrote a book, you fucked up, and it should have been a six-paragraph blog post.”

  • Take a gander at this
  • Patriarchy oppresses us all.

  • App development
  • There are plenty of women who live like this now. It's a cultural thing, not a timeline thing. I had a roommate in college who would wake up before dawn to do her makeup so nobody would see her without it.

    (Also high society women certainly didn't make their own breakfasts... well, ever, but especially not hundreds of years ago)

  • A cool guide on emailing like a boss




  • A cool guide on emailing like a boss
  • Hello [First name]

    If you're in a more casual industry/company, or

    Hello [Dr/Mr/Ms Lastname]

    If you're in a more formal situation and know their salutation, or

    Hello [Full Name]

    If you're in a more formal situation and you don't. It's ok to be less formal in email than in a written letter.

  • The end of an era?
  • From the video it looks like the plastic rings are casings and the wheels are inside them, and the wheels poke out at the bottom. Seems dumb to me.

    You can kind of see it here but it looks like they're intentionally hiding a good view of it with angles/lighting:

  • Is there a good "random acts of kindness" community in the fediverse?

    I have a friend who likes making care packages for people; anyone know of a good outlet for that? Before Reddit got big there were a few good places on there but I'm drawing a blank now.

    Anon watches a vtuber
  • Me too, I hate it! Not in a "let's ban it" way, just in the skin-crawly way that lots of people can't stand to see pictures of spiders, or like body horror.

  • California socialite Rebecca Grossman sentenced to 15 to life for killing 2 kids in crosswalk
  • I'm not sure; usually this language is used when someone is convicted, that the sentence they receive from the judge has to fall in that range. I don't know what "sentenced to 15 years to life" means except that the judge intends that she spend at least 15 years in prison.

  • Structure is a double-edged sword
  • I've had good results managing it by planning my week very loosely: I write down 1-3 things I plan to do each day (including work, exercise, cleaning, leisure, seeing friends, appointments) and it's just enough structure to keep me moving without being stifling.

  • Ted Chiang, prose
  • This is actually a Kurt Vonnegut line from Slaughterhouse 5 that Chiang quoted in one of his books. I adore this quote (it's helped me through some tough times) and want to make sure everyone knows where it really came from!

  • The Vitamin
  • My favorite thing about this meme is that whenever it gets posted we get to hear these stories. I'm glad it got better for you!

  • Every time I hear news from the tech industry lately
  • My company built a big lab with expensive equipment and then laid off the person who was an expert in using all of it.

  • Google scrambles to manually remove weird AI answers in search
  • And Onion articles, and other satire.

  • Columbia students are sick at heart — just as we were in ‘68 Columbia students are sick at heart — just as we were in ‘68

    An organizer of the 1968 Columbia University protests on why the message against war, then and now, is the same.

    Most of the leadership of the Columbia strike in 1968 was young men like myself. That no longer appears to be the case — either at Columbia or the other university protests around the country.

    In 1968 we made the mistake of answering the police violence with anger, fighting them and calling them pigs. We blurred the line between nonviolence (the occupation of buildings) and violence (our slogans and rhetoric), thereby undercutting our moral position.

    The students protesting the slaughter in Gaza, with their diverse leadership are making no such mistakes. They are thoroughly nonviolent. There may be individuals or provocateurs who defy the strategy, but at least the protesters are trying to make their intention clear. In a little-reported Instagram post last week entitled “Columbia’s Gaza Student Protest Community Values,” they wrote “At universities across the nation our movement is united in valuing every human life” and “We firmly reject any form of hate or bigotry.” Setting up tents and praying for the souls of the dead, all the dead, is not violence.

    Nurses Protest 'Deeply Troubling' Use of AI in Hospitals Nurses Protest 'Deeply Troubling' Use of AI in Hospitals

    National Nurses United has repeatedly warned about the use of AI in healthcare, saying it put both patients and nurses at risk. Healthcare giants are increasingly integrating it into patient care.

    Nurses Protest 'Deeply Troubling' Use of AI in Hospitals

    > “Life-and-death decisions relating to patient acuity, treatment decisions, and staffing levels cannot be made without the assessment skills and critical thinking of registered nurses,” the union wrote in the post. “For example, tell-tale signs of a patient’s condition, such as the smell of a patient’s breath and their skin tone, affect, or demeanor, are often not detected by AI and algorithms.”

    > “Nurses are not against scientific or technological advancement, but we will not accept algorithms replacing the expertise, experience, holistic, and hands-on approach we bring to patient care,” they added.

    Video and Blog post: Molly White shows how to start editing Wikipedia Video: Become a Wikipedian in 30 minutes

    A written transcript of my video, 'Become a Wikipedian in 30 minutes'.

    Video: Become a Wikipedian in 30 minutes

    I started editing Wikipedia more seriously over the last couple of months, and this video has a bunch of useful information and how-tos that I wish I had then, and some stuff that I still didn't know. I really like contributing to such a useful resource, and knowing that every little edit I make helps everybody who wants to learn about that topic!

    Star Trek: The Next Generation Trivia (Part 2 of 10)

    This time Mike is out for revenge. In our last battle, Mike was winning and made a crucial mistake in the final question. This prompted the internet to crown Rich Evans as the king of all TNG trivia. Winning by a simple question doth not make one a king of trivia. Showing relentless and consistent knowledge is how to achieve that. I’m afraid to say Mike has and will continue to do that time and time again with surgeon-like precision. Evans, I hate to say it, is on his last leg mentally. Sure, Mike makes a mistake here and there, but his wit and knowledge remain strong and intact. Not much remains in Evans’ soiled soul. His meat sack body is nothing but a rotting bag of regret. Sure, he remembers some things about TNG, but did he retain anything else? Probably not. He’s seen with his own eyes Star Trek turn into a living nightmare and a joke. Star Trek was once a bastion of hope for lonely nerds in High School. If you liked Star Trek The Next Generation (or Star Trek in general) you were relentlessly mocked. Why? Because the show was thoughtful, proposed interesting ideas, and was scientifically methodical. It was the opposite of cool. It was the opposite of an exciting football game or going to a concert and pushing your friends in a mosh pit.

    NBC News demands Trump campaign take down fake clip of reporter | Semafor NBC News demands Trump campaign take down fake clip of reporter | Semafor

    A video shared by a top Trump adviser contains audio edited to make it seem like an NBC reporter is mocking GOP presidential candidates.

    NBC News demands Trump campaign take down fake clip of reporter | Semafor

    A senior Trump advisor shared a video that seems to show an NBC reporter badmouthing Republican presidential candidates. It appears AI was used to imitate the reporter's voice.

    dexa_scantron dexa_scantron
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