Russian state TV airs Melania Trump's nudes on prime time
Russian state TV airs Melania Trump's nudes on prime time

Melania Trump's nude photos were shown during a Russian TV broadcast after Donald Trump won the 2024 presidential election.

Russian state TV airs Melania Trump's nudes on prime time
Melania Trump's nude photos were shown during a Russian TV broadcast after Donald Trump won the 2024 presidential election.
They're showing how much of a cuck the US president elect is.
That's really what this comes off at. Or a reminder of kompromat
I really wonder what it could possibly be? Trump has every lawsuit imaginable waged against him, he has broken just about every law and proven himself to be a terrible human being. Even if Putin has video of him raping kids (which given Trumps connection to Epstein seems likely), I don't know at this point it would matter? His followers would just say fake news or not even care. And he's already elected as supreme leader, president for life, dictator or king, however you want to state it.
Putin will probably have him killed if he doesn't follow the plan, but I have a feeling Trump wants to follow the plan regardless.
I think it was naive of us thinking there's no way someone would be willingly become a cuck for Putin, he must have some leverage. But I feel at this point, Trump just really really wants to be Putins main bitch.
Is this not very clearly a public demonstration of how absolutely pwned he is by Russia? Am I reading too much into this? This feels like the kind of thing that gets revealed with dramatic musical effects in a spy movie when someone looks over and sees a headline or a news clip.
They are trying to incite a civil war next.
They will reveal they stole the election and a civil war will start.
lying on a blue carpet with the U.S. seal, as though the editors of the men's magazine knew something in advance about the future of their model."
They are just confirming she's their asset.
Fuck. If they lose control of Trump they'll for sure skip to that step. I was thinking they'd spend the next few years working to keep him in power. But yeah if that option is out they only have finite time to execute.
You're not reading too much into it. It's just that 70 million people are too stupid to realize that
“… why has the media chosen to scrutinize my celebration of the human form in a fashion photo shoot? Are we no longer able to appreciate the beauty of the human body?"
Because this is pornography and project 2025 says distributors of porn should be imprisoned. Thats why you’re being scrutinized.
And like the good cuck he is, wont do anything about it.
He will ask for copy. He hasn't seen her nude in years.
Trump will mistake it for flattery and not an overt insult, like his supporters thought Putin literally endorsed Kamala and didn't use it as an opportunity to make a slight
You give Putin far less credit than he deserves. Trump knows. He was financed by Russia and is a puppet for the money. Flaunting Milania sends a message he cannot retaliate.
How is this not a bigger story?
This is Russia just taunting the US that he is basically the US soon to be commander in chief's proverbial daddy.
putin being extremely based at least once
The land of traditional religious morals.
But weren't those like professional shots or something for some magazine or whatever?
Kind of defeats the whole owned factor when everyone has already seen them.
It's a threat that they could also air the pee tapes.
Which Is so strange to me. If Trump gets his way with the dictatorships, if that threatened him that much, he could wipe Russia off the map. We already publicly know they have a paper army, and we know Russia never had nearly the number of nukes they claimed, how could anyone who becomes a dictator with the US military be afraid of anything but people close enough to him to kill him?
Who’s the ghost boy
Ah. A ghost boy born to Orange parents. Genetics are, like, magic
pics or it didnt happen
Try AZnude perhaps? IDKif they're on there.
Next up: a dead horse head in Trump's bed