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  • My deep disdain for this land and her leaders comes not from a hatred of it's meaning but from the truest form of patriotism. As a child raised on the lofty ideals of our founders, I stand as America's greatest failure. For the propaganda failed to inspire loyalty in my heart and served only to highlight how much better our nations could be.

    • My deep disdain for this land and her leaders comes not from a hatred of it’s meaning but from the truest form of patriotism. As a child raised on the lofty ideals of our founders, I stand as America’s greatest failure.

      The exact opposite. You're a rare success story. This nation is nothing without its ideals, and as long as it fails to live up to those ideals, we must agitate for it to change, regardless of who it upsets.

    • Are we kin cause I went through the same thing. I read the thoughts of the founders, of settlers, of those victimized by this country, and those uplifted by it. I saw its flaws and success read the works of the men who started it and found them lacking, but with a solid base. I wish to see this shithole of a country become something truly great. Be it through reform or blood it matters not to me. But I will ensure those who are fools those who are like children whos love is hollow platitudes with no true meaning are forced to live in a better country, even as they curse my actions I wish them to sleep with a full belly and a comfortable life. And those who are trully malicious, their bloody will water the tree of libery just as mine will.

  • I miss when the US was renowned for its peace corps, building wells and hospitals, helping communities which weren't relevant to our income, but were helped for the sake of helping.

    I can only mind my small corner, though we all work on our own little projects which may have positive effects in a larger sense.

    I grew up here and want to share our wealth with all who strive to benefit both team human, and mother nature. We must quest for good, both locally and globally, or die trying.

  • Hell, the founding fathers wanted to change this place too.

    • All the Founding Fathers: "Okay, so this is just a basic compromise position we've put down during a long political struggle with a lot of unpleasant concessions, we're just trying to make sure that the nation can choose its own path instead of-"


      • For fucking real bro, just ask them if they've actually read the Bible or constitution in it's entirety.

        Crickets, every fucking time.