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What's stopping him?
  • It depends, if the soldier should obviously have known better courts are a lot less sympathetic to "but I was ordered to!"

    Being ordered to assassinate a political enemy of the president is definitely one of those "you should know better!" examples.

  • What's your best future band name?
  • Top Shelf Spice

    Hungry for Mom's Cooking

    Content and the Consumers

    Unemployed Folks' Pizza Party

    Self Taught Adulting

    The Neverland Escapee's Club

    Homebrewed Pickle Juice

    The Unlicensed Massage Police

    The Potatoes


  • "European heritage"
  • The meme is basically making fun of the fact that Christianity, as an evangelizing religion, necessarily is not core piece of any culture it interacts with, but a colonial replacement for already existent local traditions.

    Europe was majority pagan until several centuries after Christ had come and gone, and that demographic balance was mostly tipped by wiping the alternatives out.

  • What's stopping him?
  • Right now that would restrict eligibility to be president down to between the ages of 35 and 41

    I'm no fan of gerontocracy but I'm pretty sure almost nobody who's served as president would have been eligible under those restrictions.

  • What's stopping him?
  • Depending on the jurisdiction the assassinations are prosecuted under, and I can very well see the Judiciary hard intervening to keep that shit well out of reach of a pardon.

    The precedent of sanctioned assassinations of judges might come across to them specifically as a rather especially bad one to set.

  • America's Choice
  • Today on "treating online social interactions the same way you'd treat in person interactions is censoring conservatives!"

    Nothing narcissists hate more than when you realize you don't actually have to keep dealing with them and their shit.

  • Would America be as divided if Trump lost to Hillary in 2016?
  • I'd say it'd depend on the specifics of the result.

    Taking the wind out of MAGA's sails would take a blowout victory and Hillary wasn't gonna get that without doing some serious full court pressing for the entire general campaign, like well beyond even the "she should have campaigned more in the rust belt!" ideas people have about where she fell short.

  • Freeloaders
  • I mean tbf to that last bit "render unto caesar" can certainly be read that way, guy was a radical from a recently conquered territory, I don't think very many Judeans of his day would have had the best impressions of where their new taxes were being spent.

  • What's stopping him?
  • Not even order it, he'd have to do it himself

    Anyone who'd hypothetically take the order has an obligation to refuse it, all he's doing there is passing the prosecution that he wasn't going to be in for anyways.

  • This Some Bullshit Right Here
  • Not really, I'm pretty sure laws about the courts are necessarily part of the exemption clause, because why should the people a rule is being written to correct the behavior of get to just say no to the new rule?

  • If Batman was real today, he'd go after the CEOs of companies, not gangsters.
  • 99% of what he's doing is using his own past traumas as a tool to prevent similar traumas from happening to other children.

    If you can't see your batman comforting a dying child in her last moments, you don't have batman, you have the punisher in a funny hat.

    Stop commenting on the punisher in a funny hat and telling us you're talking about the guy with the best track record in comics for rehabilitating rogue's gallery members if not completely then to the point of finding a place in society where they can live their peace, save maybe for the flash, depends on how much of his rogue's gallery by mass is currently evil speedsters.

  • What happens if Biden dies before the next inauguration (see inside)?
  • President Harris and Vice President Jefferies

    Anything else means instant constitutional crisis, but at the same time, we'll be able hear the explosions from space as right winger minds absorb that circumstance has brought about the first female president and also the first PoC President Vice President team.

    If Kamala was good at trolling she'd not nominate any white people to the cabinet so we can all enjoy fox pundits trying to find the magic combination of words that let them be mad about an all PoC cabinet without it being racist, but I'm pretty sure she's at least going to keep Buttigieg on as Transit Czar since he's been going at least hard enough to get HSR moving finally between LA and Vegas.

  • This Some Bullshit Right Here
  • Nominate the six judges to lower court positions

    The constitution only says that being a federal judge is permanent, not necessarily being a justice.

    I think this would absolutely be the play to burn the bridges with the obstruction caucus among the senate dems, just hit them with the full weight of that bully pulpit devil may care.

    These judges have gone rogue and it is absolutely worth making Joe Manchin mad to remind the courts they're servants of the people.

  • Political Memes PhlubbaDubba
    PoV, You're the governor of Arkansas getting a message from the president on September 24th, 1957.

    Felt like we could all use some throwback humor.

    The Joker is Probably Completely Sane and Just Uses his Public Image of Being Insane to Keep Others Underestimating Him as Just Some Lunatic

    The man regularly outwits far more supposedly cognizant opponents including Batman and Lex Luthor, who are canonically recognized as two of thr smartest people on the entire planet.

    Edit: I'm not saying insane people are stupid, I'm saying that Joker's mental illnesses are pretty obviously behavioral, they don't affect his perception of reality. He's perfectly capable of understanding what he's doing and how it's wrong, in fact his character almost doesn't work if he doesn't, he just thinks that it's all hilarious anyways. That's why I said he's not insane, he just pretends to be, because he'd be fit to stand criminal trial as fully competent and cognizant of his actions.

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