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Is my girlfriend gaslighting me? (Edit: No, she is not gaslighting me, but may have some other issues.)
  • Classic coercive control, what used to be called brainwashing. It's emotional abuse.

  • Dune rule
  • If you've seen the original first movie(ep4) when they go into the bar and meet Solo for the first time. There's an alien band playing space jazz, canonically that space jazz is named jizz.

  • Reminder that Giorgia Meloni published anime art of herself to Twitter
  • You're the hero we need. Thank you for your service. o7

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • Goddammit

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • FUCK.

    Well, here's hoping they don't kill it like they kill everything good they've ever made....

  • What did they mean by this?
  • This is why I call it autoassume. I call it that so often that it's learned to suggest it when I type in aut

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • I find Waze quite good for traffic conditions. The only thing it always tries to steer me wrong with is that there's 2 main routes home from work, around the North East of the city, and on the bypass around the West/South of the city. It always wants to take me on the bypass as when I'm at the exit for the other route, traffic is way lighter. However by the time I'm halfway home on the bypass traffic has brought itself to an essential standstill. And there's no real ways cutting across the city that avoids the high traffic section of the bypass that doesn't take longer than sitting in traffic. Also...the NE route is at most 15mins longer due to speed limits, but it's 20ish km shorter.

  • Labour manifesto drops key disability rights pledges
  • Like I keep saying, Labour has been drifting further right over the last....ages. The Tories and Labour are now essentially two sides of the same coin. Their tag line really is correct, we need a change, but not to Torie lite.

  • Coomitter be like
  • F

  • I will not be taking questions.
  • As a Canadian in the at least once a month

  • Study: Congress literally doesn’t care what you think. The preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.
  • Idk why you're being downvoted for this. You're required to file with the IRS if you live and work abroad, you absolutely should be voting.

  • Anon meets his gf's parents
  • Naw, no banjo. Was just super confused.
    Your line of reasoning seems sound, let's just go with that until we hear from OP.

  • Anon meets his gf's parents
  • Lemme know if you figure it out, I've read his comment about 12× and still scratching my head.

  • Steam users have spent $19 billion on games they’ve never played
  • That doesn't mean I have "$400 value of games I've never played."

    I'd argue that what you pay for a game and the market value are two different things. The statistic is definitely misleading. The headline should read:

    Steam users purchased games they haven't played valued at $19b.

    I'd say it's pretty rare for people to pay full value for loads of games, i.e. I agree most unplayed games came in bundles, or were gifted/purchased at massive discount.

  • Steam users have spent $19 billion on games they’ve never played
  • I'm in this comment and I'm indifferent about it.

  • Oral ketamine tablets effective for treating depression, new study finds
  • Eh, ket destroyed my friend's life for almost a decade. He was shooting it, hooking to afford gear and sucking his landlord's dick to have somewhere to stay. Broke into his mum's house and stole anything of value. Did time, cleaned up, and is now sober. I think if we're going to open up these drugs for free use, we need to build effective support systems so that recreational use doesn't turn into abuse to the extent that its destroying the lives of the abuser and those of everyone around them.

  • Researchers upend AI status quo by eliminating matrix multiplication in LLMs
  • I don't really want to stop, and admit it, you don't want that either. ;)

  • Microsoft really wants Local accounts gone after it erases its guide on how to create them
  • The thing is, not all answers are satisfactory, or easy without further information. That said, learning is a journey, and if you don't get stupid answers once in awhile, you're not asking enough questions.

  • I bought a Surface Pro 4 - Update

    So I posted a few weeks ago asking for opinions on the Surface Pro 4, trying to decide if I should pick one up and slap Linux on it. Opinions were.....mixed.

    I got a decent deal on one, and that's partly why it's taken me so long to post an update. It was cheap because the previous buyer had returned it to the seller claiming that there were power issues. The seller said they hadn't encountered said issues in the hour or so of testing they did, and I call fucking bullshit! Once powered off or restarted it was taking up to 48hrs before it would grace me with booting up. And usable time ranged for 15mins to an hour before system lockup resulting in either a freeze until battery run out, or immediate system shutdown, and another 12-48hrs wait to power it up again. Obviously this is suboptimal.

    Part of the issue, possibly unsurprisingly, was windows and the stripped down BIOS. After turning off secure boot, turning off the "battery saver" mode(restricts charging to 50% of total capacity) and scrubbing windows off the drive like a crusty booger...things have improved. I'm still unable to restart the device, restart powers down, but no power up. Wait times to power up again went from probably 36hrs average to 2hrs average, and if I just don't turn it off, the system is stable.

    My time with Nobara on the surface has been really enjoyable, everything is just stock, I've not wanted to muck around too much and get attached in case I can't figure out the actual root cause of the power issues. As such, not really much else to report other than Nobara running well, and pretty much everything running as well or better than when windows was installed. Touch functionality works slightly differently in Nobara than Windows, but that's not really a bother for me.

    If any of you greybeard wizards has any ideas on what might be happening with the power cycle issues I'd appreciate some suggestions. I think it may be a battery issue, but I'm waiting on a hot air station to be able to open it up and have a proper look at it's guts. Doesn't seem to have anything to do with temps, that was my first thought but that didn't pan out.

    Thinking about buying a Surface Pro 4/5

    Just putting out feelers, anyone here run Linux on a surface pro 4 or 5? What distro did you use, and how did it go?

    Edit: I've pulled the trigger on a Surface Pro 4. I'll make a new post in a week with my early impressions, which distro I've gone with, etc etc etc.

    OpenVPN and NoIP not playing nice

    I've got OpenVPN running, and the NoIP DUC running, if I setup OpenVPN to use my current IP everything works well, can connect, and more importantly can access the Internet. If I configure it to use my DynDNS through NoIP then it allows my to connect, but I then have no access outside my local network. If I was just trying to access a server that would be fine, but obviously this is supposed to be a VPN.....

    cute dogs, cats, and other animals SturgiesYrFase
    My boy Jin, basking...and also pretending I hadn't just fed him dinner....
    A place to share your artwork, be it drawing, music, or something else! SturgiesYrFase
    Slave Labour - Owl Head

    Track I made a few months ago, and a picture to go with it by one of the AI generative programs.

    Slave Labour - Owl Head

    SturgiesYrFase SturgiesYrFase

    Canadian, Stone Mason, Ex-Pat living in the UK.

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    Comments 1.3K