veryyyyyyy interesting
veryyyyyyy interesting
act blue lol
veryyyyyyy interesting
act blue lol
DSA not dodging the dating service allegations
dating service allegations
Ah, so that's what DSA stands for.
Reds & Feds
Would be funny to literally show up in a black suit with sunglasses and an ear piece and be like, "oh yeah, I arranged the event. Have fun!"
it's all trots
Just call it the Marx Mixer?
Hot for Trot
One can forgive them for making a silly mistake, but that shit is still up on their Twitter now. They're getting ratio'd badly in the comments.
Is it the thot part or the trot part?
The President of the DSA, Nick Mullen, is not a Trot. By the method of elimination, that implies...
What if the real cumtown is the democratic society we built along the way?
Students for Nick's Democratic Society
I genuinely can’t believe they haven’t taken this down by now lmao
Millennials are clinging hard to their collegiate misogyny culture.
I'll be there, please someone love me 😭
Act Blue
The presentation is obviously very dunkable but I don't hate the premise, I'd rather go to something like this than swipe on a dating app, I think it's kinda cute
Like in the communist utopia I would support us having a matchmaking czar
“This incident became notable for the short lived incel to communist pipeline, where incels eagerly attempted to secure the nomination…”
I am opposed to advocating for relationships between members of socialist orgs because it reduces their efficacy.
However, these are liberals so I see no issues whatsoever.
something terrible lies at the heart of new york, fr. every version of a thing appended "New York" is worse than every other type
The reporter remarks on this because the Democratic Party was the pro-slavery party, and New York was infamous as the seat of some of the most vicious and violent anti-Afrikan mass sentiment.
Act blue is just a payment processor. I keep seeing people post about it idgi
It is basically an arm of the Democrat party, though.
If you're running a supposedly socialist party, probably not a great idea to freely give donor information to your enemies.
Plus they charge almost 33% more than a regular payment processor. The only advantage I see is that actBlue helps you send out donation emails.
They allow negotiations for competitive prices for non profits that is different than the list value.
A lot of people here donated to Bernie through ActBlue, myself included. Up until the election day, I've been getting spam from different dem candidates asking for donations.
It just feels slimy.
Thot daughter or trot son