Trump Says He’s Too Rich To Post Bond In Carroll Defamation Case
Trump Says He’s Too Rich To Post Bond In Carroll Defamation Case

Bitch better have my money.

Trump Says He’s Too Rich To Post Bond In Carroll Defamation Case
Bitch better have my money.
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Not paying is very on brand for Trump.
What’s your opinion on the slut who received $230k for a blowjob? Receiver shouldn’t be treated any holier than the payer, no?
The hell are you even talking about? Neither giving, receiving, paying for, nor being paid for a blowjob are the problem. Paying $230k for a momentary indulgence while simultaneously defaulting on other obligations is the problem.
Sure, criticize the woman for charging people for sex rather than the absolute chump who paid a quarter of a million dollars to hide the fact that he got his pee-pee sucked. That sure sounds like the type of smooth brain deflection a trump supporter would try, but the rest of us ain’t stupid or bigoted enough to fall for it.
Ohhhh, I thought for a moment he literally paid $230k for a hooker. Like, that's what it would take to get someone to suck him off. You're talking about the bribe after.
It says a lot that the first thing is still kinda believable, though.
Ill say it.. I have no proof but think Melania works for Putin.
My point is that neither should be punished. But if one is, then why isn’t the other? As far as I know prostitution is illegal in this country, both for the Johns and those providing services.
The issue has nothing to do with sex work. Trump wasn’t being prosecuted for buying sex. He was indicted for using political donations to bribe someone, and you think that should somehow be legal? Just stop with this ridiculous exercise in whataboutism. Your head is way too far up your ass to make any sense.
What’s your opinion on the slut who received $230k for a blowjob? Receiver shouldn’t be treated any holier than the payer, no?
Man did you miss the point. Here let me reword the statement to see if you get it this way:
"What would you expect after paying $230K for a fucking hamburger? How many times do you think he did that?"
Would you consider spending $230k on a single hamburger a savvy financial decision? Now imagine what you look like when you reply with:
"What’s your opinion on the restaurant who received $230k for a hamburger. Receiver shouldn’t be treated any holier than the payer, no?"
She seems very fiscally responsible and leveraged her skills into being overpaid for what she's good at. Sounds like she did good. I'm proud of her.
"The Art of the Deal"
I was actually gifted that book by a roommate who was a trump supporter during his presidency. It was worth more as kindling for my bonfire.
I didn't think there were enough people on Lemmy for this many downvotes, well done.
Man even made lurkers sit up and take notice of a truly shit opinion.
I explained how to make a lemmy account to my mom just so she could downvote, too.
I have no opinion on the person who made cash here. Sex work is still work. You, however, are an asshole.
Dunno, but I can tell you my opinion on the cockwaffle in these comments calling women sluts, if you like?
Jesus fucking christ. Is this a real opinion? Like, not only is this the thought that came to your mind, but after going through the cognitive filter, you decided this is both an accurate and acceptable thing to say?
Reconsider your values and the harm/benefits they bring. You need help.
This comment needs to be an autoresponse to every comment in this entire sub
Jesus fucking christ. Is this a real opinion? Like, not only is this the thought that came to your mind, but after going through the cognitive filter, you decided this is both an accurate and acceptable thing to say?
Reconsider your values and the harm/benefits they bring. You need help.
Higher than my opinion of a born-rich never-worked-a-day-in-his-life conman who has to pay for sex.
Oh my sweet summer child.
There's actually fairly few people who wouldn't blow someone for $230k given the opportunity. There are however very few people who have been paid $230k for a blow.
I have mad respect for someone who can secure that kind of money for someone everyone else does for free.
You can call her a slut if that makes you feel better about yourself but I suspect that you're really just envious of someone who is that desirable - I know I am.
My personal definition of "slut" is someone who has orgasms without guilt. Pretty sure Trump has never given another human being an orgasm (and if he did, it was an accident). Therefore, they were not sluts, at least in that particular instance.
My personal definition of "slut" is someone who has orgasms without guilt.
What the fuck
The word should be reclaimed. See: The Ethical Slut
It’s OK guys he’s taking it back!
The traditional definition is a sex negative one. It should be either reclaimed or expunged altogether. Which would you prefer?
Oh either would be great, just like with many other nasty insulting words. I don’t think that will happen though.
Well OK, but you understand that most people have another definition for slut right?
Of course, that's why I was clear that this is my personal definition.
Personal definition == alternative facts
Obviously, nobody has ever tried to reclaim a word before. Certainly not among the queer community.
She got paid $230k to suck him off, while you would do it for free. I respect her more than I would respect you.
Wow.. what makes her more of a slut than Trump paying for it while married? (Looking at your profile, all your comments and posts have negative scores so I'm assuming you are just another troll)
No, using money stolen from your campaign to pay for it. And that besides the fact Trump is a sex offender as a matter of fact (eg Carrol). But even if it was not completely consensual, Ms Daniels would have no credibility in the US. So taking a payout was the best she could hope for.
The coverup is what gets them usually. And also here. Look at the hush money charges.
I think he's just mad that he can't afford it
You seem jealous
My opinion is she was the smartest person in the room while giving said blow job. $230k for 30 seconds of work. You'd clearly do the same thing for 1% of that amount
I think I'm in the wrong business. How long does a BJ take? Like max 15 minutes, probably less once I get some more experience. I would just have to work one afternoon then be set for the year.
he's a sad sack and she got a quarter million dollars for 2 minutes' work, 5 if you count how long it took to find it underneath his hamberder belly. this isn't a moral judgment, it's just about his utter grossness.