Trump Says He’s Too Rich To Post Bond In Carroll Defamation Case
Trump Says He’s Too Rich To Post Bond In Carroll Defamation Case

Bitch better have my money.

Trump Says He’s Too Rich To Post Bond In Carroll Defamation Case
Bitch better have my money.
The meat:
“Having argued to the jury that President Trump has great financial resources, Plaintiff is in no position to contradict herself now and contend that she requires the protection of a bond during the brief period while post-trial motions are pending,” he huffs. “This fact nullifies risk to the judgment creditor and weighs heavily in favor of an unsecured stay.”
Only problem with that is that it's not Plaintiff who is requiring a bond pending appeal. It is the United States of America.
What bullshit mental gymnastics of an argument. "I am above the law" is how it reads.
"I'm a great driver, so why are you giving me a ticket for not wearing a seat belt, officer?"
You missed the other meat about judge Kaplan suffering no fools.
So much winning. You're gonna get tired of winning so much.
So basically what he is saying is that he wants social security (as in GoFundMe, sponsors and such). So we should call him what he is. A socialist. I bet his clan will love that.
And I'm too handsome to date Amy Adams.
No cap
You mean the judgement that he has to start paying this week? The one which I'm pretty sure he hasn't even filled a boneless appeal in.
Not to mention he already posted the 5M+ bond to appeal the other Carroll defamation ruling. If he's too rich to have to secure his judgement, why'd he do that?
This waste gets up and complains about the 2 tiered justice system and says he's a victim of it, yet he's trying to create a tier just for himself.
He didn't post a $5M Bond. He put up cash. Makes you wonder if the companies that provide bonds may consider him to risky to bond.
It really smells like "My cash flow is drying up and cannot fill all those obligations". Well, he's the one who was able to lose money with a casino, so that wouldn't surprise me at all.
I'm too rich to fly to the moon, so I won't do it.
I'm too rich to cure cancer, so i wont do it.
The only thing Trump ever does is contort his reality to protect his ego, so this statement could have been anticipated
If he wants to be a part of the gang then he needs to pay up. He needs to pay his dues.
This is deep post-truth territory.
One of the few billionaires where I don't actually believe "cmon baby I'm good for it"
According to several estimates, the guy is nowhere close to being a billionaire
Donny doesn't seem to understand that the opposite of 'priceless' isn't 'too rich'.
I'm a Republican, I'm NOT Stupid, and I AGREE!
Your second statement is contradicted by both the first and third.
Of course little buddy.
The first part sort of nullifies the second there, buddy.
Lmao I cannot figure out your post history? You goofing on us?