I don't post updates very frequently, but if you're interested here is a recent blogpost on my game
Put it off for a long time, finally making art assets for Guardian Cry's main character.
Title screen is done
This is my game's title logo, please give advice on how to improve before I start shading
Finished our game jam game with a communist theme! Rabbitariat
Yahtzee's Dev Diary: A project to make 12 games in 12 months.
I just spent like 4 straight hours working on my game
I'm learning 3D modeling and making monsters
Update on my Zelda clone: Tentative title of "Guardian Cry." Also, pause menu!
Seven minutes of explaining weird problems trying to make a game in 4D
Game progress - inventory, numbers that go up
Back from vacation; more game updates
At least three of you told me to keep posting progress on my game
One of you told me to keep sharing progress on my game
John Romero on making games in the 90s, speed, and scope creep
Fediverse FallJam 2023
Showing off the game I'm working on
Check out the thing I'm working on
It's been a hard road, but the phoenix graphics are finally coming together
Unity switch to Godot speedrun any% 1:49 WR