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Ben Gvir calls for execution of Palestinian prisoners with 'shot in the head'
  • I am calling for Ben Gvir to be drilled in the head.

  • Demokremlins are upset that I called out the tankies working for NYT and CNN trying to sabotage President Biden SMH
  • He wouldn't be able to even if he wasn't banned. Don't got the rizz.

  • US sends land-attack missile system to Philippines for exercises in apparent message to China
  • What if the US just blows themselves up with missiles and dismembered themselves and died. I think that'd be fantastic.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • I don't know if it's a bad thing at this point to smile whenever any U.S. government official dies. I'd like this to happen more often please.

  • Gee, I wonder what gamers are saying about Monster Hunter Wilds! I bet everyone's excited about the monsters!
  • I thought this was about the "baby pukei-pukei" that turned out to just be a regular-ass bird.

  • So last night I had a dream about a mysterious "moon" that was discovered to be orbiting Jupiter
  • Too busy playing Rimworld and gunning down Chud factions I modded into the game atm.

  • So last night I had a dream about a mysterious "moon" that was discovered to be orbiting Jupiter

    There was the shocking discovery of a strange unidentified object that was orbiting Jupiter (and it was covered in a round pink cloud to indicate how hidden it was). Many believed it was a moon that we just never noticed in the entire history of studying the solar system. The whole mood of it was actually kinda eerie because we don't know what that thing is about. Also we were thinking "Life? is there life on this new moon?" and so scientists sent a probe to it to find out what it was but it won't reach there for a few days.

    So I was walking around and I guess I woke up into another dream and I spoke to one of my high school teachers about it and he was like "whoa really that's crazy" and I was like "nah that's only a dream" except not really the Jupiter moon plot had not been lost yet. (Also I was disappointed when I gradually grew conscious enough to realize this was a dream I legitimately thought we found something special here.)

    The shocking twist is that that was not a moon at all, it was in fact some sort of massive space station or facility that's the size of a planet or moon. "We didn't build that." This could only have been built by alien lifeforms, but how long has it been there? Some thoughts crop up such as "the government wouldn't allow people to know about this" and stuff but that ends up not really mattering, because we go to the station and for some reason I was in the group that was headed there. We found a very well-maintained lab, but were only greeted with killer security robots and I guess we dealt with them? I dunno. Despite this place looking well-maintained, there was no organic life to speak of. Yep, even in a dream there was no organic life in space.

    Anyways it's time to drop that plot entirely and teleport back to Earth, where there's a zombie apocalypse now for no fucking reason, but it's also not really important. There was a family guy skit where a bunch of people step on a trap and everyone runs and steps on more traps which causes a lot of explosions and bodily harm. And then they all get injured but practically give a thumbs up as if they were okay. They were not okay. I attempt to use the powers of teleportation to go back home where i have three fans on simultaenously. That's it. Man it sure is a shame that we did not explore that fucking space facility near Jupiter any further. Shame we couldn't learn more about it. Fuck you dream.

    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • I don't think anyone actually likes him as a person. They just thought his entire saga from his attempted coup to death was really fucking funny.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • The next phase for Israel is to implode and fucking die. Also give every IOF soldier testicular torsion.

  • The Progressive Case for American Power
  • The progressive case for American Power



  • This community note is fuckin wild.
  • If I decided strangle the person who wrote that note and the people who supported it, would anyone try to stop me?

  • Yo automated KKKommunity note$$!?

    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 17th to June 23rd, 2024 - Macron's Gambit - COTW: France
  • Can Europe ever hope to become civilized?

    Is attempting to uplift and civilize Europeans a lost cause?

    Do we have a moral duty to save Europeans from their own savagery?

  • Least bigoted German
  • Try rolling yourself in some pig shit, maybe eat some too. I know you Germans love that shit.

  • Can Donkey Kong fans explain this for me?
  • Wouldn't ape furries just be humans?

  • Blinken claims that what separates US and Israhell regimes from Hamas is respect for international law and the laws of war. 🤡

    If anyone deserves to be strapped to an operating table and have every organ harvested without anesthetic with his mouth sewn shut, it's him.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 3rd to June 9th, 2024 - Morena Reigns More - COTW: Mexico
  • How long would we have to wait before the Real International community ditches Europe (and the rest of the "International Community" who are a byproduct of Europe anyways) and leaves them in the dust scrambling to eat each other deeper-sadness

  • I just remembered a dream I had

    The most distinctive thing I remember was this soda machine that dispensed Pepsi cans, but the Pepsi logo was in the trans pride colors, and it was basically estrogen soda and I drank some.

    And then later I went to some rich peoples' dinner party and Fus Ro Dah'd the tables and destroyed everything. Thta's how the dream ended.

    German art student posing as one of China's terracotta warriors

    >A German art student posing as one of China's terracotta warriors at the heritage site in Xi'an,2006. Police took 2 minutes to find the "living" one, as he did not harm the relics, he was not arrested or charged but only given a criticism, and outfit was confiscated.

    Dudes rock moment?

    Hey while we're on the topic of New Vegas here's a pretty fun mod: Claim the Mojave (and the Capital) Claim the Mojave (and the Capital)

    A gold sink mod designed around allowing the player to spend caps to build outposts at locations in the Mojave for the faction of their choice. Designed for use alongside FPGE and TLD. Includes a TTW

    Claim the Mojave (and the Capital)

    It's pretty simple, the mod lets you find a bunker to turn into your home base and spend a lot of caps to claim areas for your chosen faction, with the option of even renaming said areas as well (eg renaming the NCRCF into Gulag or something)

    Wild Card players have the option of working with one of the game's minor factions instead of just taking over with the Securitron army so you can do a pseudo Followers or Kings playthrough if you want (still ultimately just a Wild Card playthrough though). If that's not enough, there are extra factions such as Intelligent Deathclaws or Molerats you can also roll with. With Functional Post-Game Ending you can also claim the Strip for your chosen minor faction itself after the battle of Hoover Dam. However, if you choose to go with the Securitron army you can name your faction/Independent Mojave whatever the fuck you want (I think the extra factions might give that option too).

    There is a China faction, but you need TTW for that and I think they're exclusive to the Capital Wasteland anyways. So uhhh, if you're like me and don't have that, you're outta luck. For those who do however, and are interested in this mod, I beseech you, please take over the U.S. capital for China, and take pics while you're at it.

    Fellow tankies, we must be doing more to trick gullible people into supporting our evil dictatorship

    It should have been so easy, promise people food, housing, and equality, and then when they bring us to power? BAM! We turn around and establish a tyrannical dictatorship and imprison and oppress everyone! Because our real goal is gain power by any means necessary! Not only that, instead of abolishing capitalism, we will just turn it towards our own ends! They will feel so foolish for ever supporting our rise to power!

    But these darned liberals and American patriots have seen right through our lies and deception, and are doing all they can to stifle our brilliant plan! Even worse, the Anarchists (IE anyone on twitter who puts the symbol in their handle)* are spreading the word of true and real socialism! We can't allow this to continue, otherwise the public will realize we are just using socialism for power and only power, and there will be no one we can trick into supporting us anymore!

    We should be discussing what more we can do to convince people and hide the truth from them!

    Remember to practice your evil laugh for when we pull the rug under all of the fools who throw their support for us!

    *No shade intended against Anarchists for this it's just part of the bit

    What would be the opposite of a Content Warning

    Letting people know that whatever they'll see upon clicking is incredibly based/wholesome/good.

    Or for example, Content Warning for dead bodies, but also the dead bodies happen to belong to dead Nazis.

    What would that be called?

    So as a group Homeowner's Associations are like, inherently bad people right?

    Just want to know whether or not it's okay to daydream about them getting torn apart by rabid dogs.

    Mao did nothing wrong kill all landlords

    Gonna keep the details as vague as possible, but something happened and I'm really upset about it.

    Can this site please stop logging me out so much?

    I swear it's becoming more frequent than usual. Normally it'd be weeks, but now it feels like every other day.

    I don't even post that much !doomer

    What the fuck is it with settler states that make them so outrageously evil?

    I don't usually use 'evil' to describe things but I don't know any other word to describe settler states and their tendency to massacre and torment people they stole their land from and gleefully brag about all the horrific atrocities they've committed/want to commit. Never before have I seen a group people that take more joy in the suffering of others than the kinds of people that want to wipe out entire societies and claim their land for their own.

    This is the kinda shit where if you write villains that act exactly like this people will slam you for bad or unrealistic writing, but no, it would actually be perfectly in line with reality all things considered.

    EDIT: ps I know me not good at writing things. Wish I can write my thoughts on this better, but I can't really get it into right now
