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Bulletins and News Discussion from July 1st to July 7th, 2024 - Morales vs Arce - COTW: Bolivia
  • Make way make way news coming through

    🧵🚨 URGENT: Scientist whose previous work included directed energy beam research for the US intelligence community said Biden's symptoms during the CNN debate made him think of the Havana Syndrome. This is according to former KGB spy Yuri Shvets who defected to the US in 1993.

    That's right folks the russians mind beamed your glorious leader, the cognitive decline that you saw was not a cold but a hot, like a sizzling fajita, microwave hitting the powerful cranium of Joe, the CIA and the FBI are on the case but it seems like the only way to protect the president is through a helmet not unlike the Comic book villain Magneto. Reports indicate that the Military Industrial Complex is building the most expensive tinfoil hat money can buy.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • Some exit polls from France from this round of voting

    Things to note:

    Macron and centrist in general have a huge demographic problem only getting 13% with the 18-34 year olds. It doesn't really get any better until they start hitting the 64+ year olds

    Fascists doing well from 35+ onwards.

    No idea what they mean with employee and worker so if someone wants to inform me on those categories but yeah.

    Center really only did well with old pensioners.

  • BlueMAGA = Trump-to-Biden voters
  • First we'd never nuke austria we'd nuke germany so get that one straight, second cuckoo clocks are german.

    It's pretty funny but I'm not surprised switzerland is basically a signifier especially now after being drip fed 'switzerland bad' because they have a slightly less aggressive stance on russia, switzerland bad because doesn't recognize Hamas as a terrorist org and so on and so on.

    Also I guess they had to break out the one 'white country' so it doesn't come off as racist, like I'm pretty sure the person wrote banana republic or third world country first but wisely used switzerland here.

  • Workers & Resources: why do buildings cost money?
  • Really depends on your map, some have nothing built in them some have some towns and some even have industries so you actually can requisition stuff from elsewhere, your country is just the map there's no 'elsewhere', but you can for example relocate people living in one town to a coal mining workers district, or use the already existing sawmill to source logs you might need for construction.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • Biden looks pretty similar to von Hindenburg at this moment

    Brüning recalled that once the president came to meet him at the railway station, but failed to recognize him. On the other hand, Franz von Papen, a later chancellor, found that despite minor lapses the president remained competent until his last days. Hindenburg was persuaded to run by the Kamarilla, and supported by the Centre Party, the Deutsche Volkspartei (DVP) and the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), which regarded him as the only hope of defeating Hitler.

    Hindenburg was 82 at that point.

    We all know how it ended after Hindenburg was elected he let the Brownshirts back on the streets then he and von Papen did a bunch of hemming and hawing until they made Hitler chancellor and did pretty much everything Hitler asked for like dissolving the Reichsttag. Two years later the guy would croak and Hitler would take everything over.

  • Workers & Resources: why do buildings cost money?
  • They don't? Like there's cosmonaut mode which I've done, that goes all in on the idea of not importing anything from other blocs except for the starting stuff.

    Money is only used for a few things

    • Buying resources from the two blocs
    • Buying labor from the two blocs
    • Buying vehicles from the two blocs
    • Inviting workers from the two blocs
    • Transport costs when you don't want to pick up whatever you bought at the border

    If you have your construction office set up properly then buildings cost literally nothing

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 17th to June 23rd, 2024 - Macron's Gambit - COTW: France

    that is all oh other doomer news we got some stats from the EMCDDA drug consummation is going way up still and so are deaths.

    The EMCDDA believes it's due to greater availability and why europeans would seek to 'break out of their role in society' is not understood at all. The report calls for more repressive measures to deal with the drug mafia.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 10th to June 16th, 2024 - Havana Derangement Syndrome - COTW: Cuba
  • What a weekend it's been I had to count votes, not for the EU election, and there was the EU election that did a bunch a thing namely my favorite country to hate, Germany did a thing.

    AfD won and is not the second largest political party, which most people paying attention doesn't come as a suprise since they've been polling really strong, however they did less than their normal polls only getting 16% instead of the 20% they polled in the recent couple rounds.

    So were the polls wrong and in the upcoming elections AfD won't reach 20%? I don't think so, AfD is not exactly a 'EU-Aligned' party and I think quite a few AfD voters don't see the EU as legitimate and would probably not vote in an EU election. So they'll probably do even better in the upcoming state elections which I mean yeah germany is going full throttle fash now, they've been idling their fash engine but guess what germany is back to their old tricks.

    Anyways since I am not a german I went to look for some people that are and I found them and translated them. Enjoy

    Das gute Ergebnis für Volt freut mich. Hoffe es reicht noch für einen Sitz für die Piraten.

    I'm happy about the good result for Volt vote. Hopefully there's enough for another seat for the pirates.

    Im Kreml knallen die Sektkorken.

    *In the Kremlin they are opening champagne bottles *

    Because this is all russias fault not a single german is at fault here nope just russia puppeting poor innocent germany.

    There's a couple fuck nazis which you know good but that's the lowest bar ever so let me give you another gem.

    Bin ich einfach nur das Simpson meme oder hat ein Großteil der Deutschen den Verstand verloren? Laut der Umfrage, die in der Tagesschau abgebildet ist, geben viele an, dass sich die Grünen nicht genug um die Wirtschaft kümmern und auch nicht genug um die zukünftige Klimapolitik, wenn einfach an allem Lindner Schuld ist? Habeck wollte jetzt schon auf verschiedenste Weise die heimische Wirtschaft unterstützen, aber andauernd fährt Lindner ihm mit der Schukdenbremse in die Parade. Bei den Bauernprotesten haben sich die Bauern vom Lobbyverband treiben lassen, der zufälligerweise enge Verpflechtungen mit der Nahrungsmittelindustrie hat, welche dafür verantwortlich ist, dass die Bauern so unter Preisdruck stehen. Und Sowohl die FDP, als auch die SPD lässt sich in Sachen Migration von der AfD treiben, aber dann wirds wieder den Grünen angehängt? Was ist falsch mit den Leuten? Blicken die da echt nicht durch?

    Am I just the Simpson meme or has a majority of the germans lost their minds? According to a poll in the Tagesschau many say that the greens don't care enough about the economy and not enough about future climate politics, when everything is the fault of Lindner (FDP so not greens) Habeck wanted to support the national economy through several ways and every time Lindner stops him with the national debt. The farmers lobby led the farmers protests which have close connections to the food industry, which is responsible for the low prices. And FDP as well as SPD let them selves get moved by the AfD on issues like migration but that's the fault of the greens? What's wrong with people? Are they dumb or something?

    For those that do not understand anything the SPD (call themselves soc dem) the greens and the fdp (neoliberals) made a coalition and somehow someway only the policies that the fdp, a party that only has 5% of the votes by the way, go through everything else gets blocked somehow. So for the americans the FDP are you Joe Mansions your Kirsten Cinemas etc. the greens and the spd really want to do things but that darn FDP just stops them. Habeck is their green guy and hasn't been able to do anything at all which is really unfair I mean come on, and then people don't vote for the guy that doesn't do anything are they crazy? Oh also SPD and FDP do basically the AfDs migration policy and the greens are in a coalition with them so yes the greens also have fucking garbage politics this isn't hard.

    Anyways don't worry the brightest german fedditor has the answer why people don't vote for the greens that don't do anything except be really enthusiastic about genocide and sending weapons to people can get blown up

    Springer Presse hat einen astreinen Job gemacht. Mit Ansage. Und alle fallen drauf rein. Die Leute sind wirklich unglaublich dumm.

    That's right guys, gals and nonbinary pals it's the press' fault. Like don't get me wrong fuck right wing media but again if the so called left-wing parties did anything to materially make peoples lives better they wouldn't get fucking demolished like this, but I guess that's just not possible.

    I've said it too many times but I will not stop saying it, deeply unserious country and it should be broken up in at least 10 smaller countries and best case scenario would be a hundred tiny german principalities that would make Charles V say "Das ist ein bisschen viel oder?"

    Also I cleaned up the exhaust vent above my kitchen before I wrote this so imagine the most greased up guy ever writing this.

  • "We need to boycott the tankie devs!!!" and other brainworms by lemmitors CW: cognitohazard
  • Dang Barsoap I almost forgot about that guy, he's definitely not a nazi just a german guy really into 'Homeland' and 'Germanic Tribes'. I remember way back arguing with this dolt about the war in ukraine and him going on unhinged rants, about like fighting to the last ukranian and tankies and shit. Glad to see this 'german green voter' has their priorities right and is concerned about the rising tide of tankism and still not about AfD, CDU/CSU and you know germany in general being complicit in a genocide.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • Lol looking it up guy is a free church pastor which for those that don't know are basically super evangelical like your yank megachurches, cept not mega. I'm willing to bet big money that he's extremely anti-semitic and believes that Jews all carry a blood guilt from killing jesus or something like that

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • I'd disagree if only because the US is currently learning and studying how to make a people fight 'to the last man' like is being done in Ukraine, I'm convinced that if China were to go to war suddenly there'd a hundred Azov instructors that'll tell the government how to 'Make the native taiwanese into soldiers' there'll be another Operation Paperclip when the war in Ukraine concludes so that the US can teach its vassals how to make essentially slave armies that'll fight to the last xyz.

    Small Arms would not be a problem larger equipment yes but shipping and making that stuff is something that could be solved. Hell Ukraines economy has completely collapse but they still make their own suicide drones so.

    The war would be fought the exact same way the war in Ukraine is currently fought. "To the last Taiwanese"

  • michael roth is german
  • Germany should not exist in it's place should be hundreds of princpipalities that made up the HRE or at least turn it into like 8 different countries.

    In all seriousness there was at least one person that proposed that germany should be wiped from the map and others proposed stuff like turning it into 4 countries, like Morgenthau, but germany remained a somewhat 'sovereign state' even after everything Nazi Germany did while Palestine well....

  • Special Military Operation in Germany when?
  • AFD is not 'on the rise', stop using cute language like they are some minor party, they are now polling at second place, they were on the rise 7 years ago when they were at 5% or at least 3 years ago when they got 10%, right now they are polling around 20% guess what the SPD polls at 16%, like 20% of the german voters are voting for a Nazi party, then another 30% are voting for you know a fascist party called the CDU/CSU, and yes they are fascist, they are fascist when they propose forcing asylum seekers to work, don't call it slavery because they get paid 3 cents an hour, they are fascist when they send the police to monitor, infiltrate and unlawfully raid left-leaning groups like Last Generation.

    Fascism is here, it is in german politics, fascism is no longer on the rise because it is now the ideology of the two largest political parties of Germany and they both make up 50% of all votes. The protests have failed, you cannot defeat fascism by doing a protest march or burning posters there needs to be political action and the SPD, the Greens and the FDP did not act, will not act and are not concerned with fascism at all, the only action we saw get taken against AfD was not because they were fascist but because they were chummy with DER RUSSE and DER CHINESE.

    I keep having to yell at germans because they just won't do shit and diminish the problem while this gets worse and worse, and they all give me cutesy shit like "You don't know anything about me or how I feel about fascism/nazism, I'm a green voter" like 'Mein Junge' you cannot vote out fascism especially not when the major political parties are all ok with fascists.

  • Germany: Court says far-right AfD is suspected of extremism
  • Not to worry intelligence services and police already were monitoring the communications and even infiltrated left-wing extremist groups like Last Generation known terrorists that do extreme things like marches and protests.

    Like you already know this but the germans were already doing this against left wing groups. This isn't because germans have a problem with Nazis it's because AfD is soft on Russia and China like they've been Nazis for as long as they've been around but it's only recently become a problem so now they acknowledge something everyone knew for literal decades.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 13th to May 19th, 2024 - The Blazing Furnace - COTW: Vietnam
  • I think you are measuring the US by their own standard instead of applying more realistic standards.

    Biden sends out billions of billions of dollars to Ukraine but what actually does that buy them, because it doesn't buy them for example artillery shells, or missiles or tanks. It certainly doesn't buy them manpower or victory so what good does that aid do exactly?

    The US dollar increasingly has the problem that there's nothing left to buy, the reason why a company like Tesla was worth as much as the three big car companies combined while producing 0.01% is not because Elon Musk is a super genius but because you could buy Tesla it was a thing that Investors could buy and so much we see now as Capitalism being idiotic is because all those companies and investors and capitalists have all the money in the world and absolutely nothing to buy anymore, the reason why Bill Gates and Blackrock are buying up farmland is because well you can buy it, the reason shitty start ups like WeWork can get billions of dollars is because finally some bank or company can spend their money on something.

    The US dollar is reaching a real point where it increasingly becomes apparent that it doesn't buy you everything, the more the US goes for their chosen strategy the less valuable the US dollar becomes because you can't use it to buy things anymore.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 6th to May 12th, 2024 - The Nagorno-Karabakh Nosedive - COTW: Armenia
  • It's not though, the establishment for the most part knows how Trump works and it's not like he actually was substantially different from Biden, something something nothing will fundamentally change. If Trump were to fundamentally change things then sure the DNC would get whipped up I mean look at the DNCs discipline when it came to Bernie. The Democrats ultimately don't care that much about winning what they care about is making sure that anyone who would fundamentally change the way things are done is kept away from any position of power. Trump getting elected will shuffle some front facing positions around but the overall policy continues as is, same as it was under Biden, Obama, Bush etc.

    The political parties differ only in degrees not in kind.

  • And so ends the little village of Caerfrater

    First time on the map, was incidentally on the domination map which meant couldn't really expand and on year 6 I was attacked and crushed.

    15 welcome to the tankiezone is terribly moderated - how and where do you settle this?

    I'm not quite sure how I best encourage this discussion - so I'll ask this here. I am somewhat shocked, how /c/ is moderated. Large parts of the instance are in my view in tankie-territory like lemmygrad or hexbear, so much so that I find it borderline unaccaptable.

    I question myself, how something like this could have consequences. Feddit has blocked both lemmygrad as well as Hexbear, is several times larger and in many parts not problematic. Would that instance be blocked users would be unable to access a lot of content.

    I ask myself, how do you settle this in the Fediverse, especially when it comes to larger instances. If the admins on feddit find the mods on problematic, which avenues could they pursue to pressure them without defederating.


    Other titles I thought about: not beating the nazi instance allegations welcome to the resistance

    Also the incident that caused this very reasonable and very normal fedditor to get not mad at all

    Bending myself into a Pretzel so I can say that there's no genocide

    In my ongoing crusade to make myself miserable I once again am looking towards !reddit-logo for the newest in how to just be an absolute piece of shit.

    >One may critique the way Israel is operating this war, and especially questioning and discussing if this is proportional.

    Why thank you Holger it's really important to me to talk if Israel is allowed to kill 1000 brown people or 10'000 brown people this is why the moderate center is the moral center of germany.

    >A "genocide" this however not make, no matter how much this is repeated on tiktok and co.

    Go fuck yourself

    >The hereby arguments of South Africa (You can find the hearings on youtube) were in any case weak. For example reprimanding closing the border to Gaza, without mentioning that they are closed since 7. October, because they were overrun by Hamas, partially destroyed and the people manning it butchered. In general, one has the impression, Hamas wouldn't exist in the eyes of South Africa.

    Oh those unwashed barbarian hordes, they overran our defensive walls they butchered the people peacefully defending those walls by shooting the kneecaps.

    Like I'm sorry this is your entire thing? Hans over here 'watched it' and all he gets from it, 'But ze afrikaners zey didn't mention the horrible attack of ze border crossings'. Literally laying out all the horrible shit Israeli government officials have said pubically, all the shit Israel did and is doing. 'Ze Afrikaners did not condemn ze Hamas so I have to make an arguements zat it is not a genocide'. Also fuck your passive voice Albert trying to be objective.

    !reddit-logo !germany-cool

    Link because I'm not a lib fuck all

    Kicking the french out of northern africa in the new patch

    This is without abusing cavalry cheese instead using the germans and austrians to fight the french while their ally the english were having a tough time.

    I'd say overall larger countries have become a lot stronger now in this patch and you can't 100% ignore society techs anymore due to how the whole local price system works. Which is good but I think quite a few don't know what exactly is happening so can be confusing for some. Also performance is noticeable early then there's a weird slow down around 1900s which then clears up again in the 20-30s

    Kubrick Stare

    The “Kubrick Stare” is one of Stanley Kubrick‘s most recognizable directorial techniques, a method of shot composition where a character stares at the camera with a forward tilt, to convey to the audience that the character in question is at the peak of their derangement.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    notceps [he/him]
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