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  • The ending can't be for everyone, but I love that they went there. Pantheon was a very ambitious show and pays homage to so many sources of inspiration like Ray Kurzweil's The Singularity is Near and End of Evangelion. One of the best shows I've ever seen that almost nobody talked about.

  • Privacy focused ChatGPT in you terminal
  • Cool blog. Good code.

  • Will microplastics in our testicles be an issue?
  • Correct myself? Nope. Just reinforced my arguments.

    And I'll stand by my original statement. Don't bear children. Leave the earth better off than when you found it, not having children is one of the easiest way to do that.

    The only way I'm a hypocrite is if I'm a parent, which I guess you'll just have to take my word on it when I say I'm not. Thank goodness I'm not. But hey, you and I aren't ever gonna get along anyway, right? So you think whatever you want of me.

    Lastly, can we all just take a moment and appreciate that we got into this because of a question about the effect on fertility rates due to microplastics in our testicles?

  • Will microplastics in our testicles be an issue?
  • Now you had a long response to this and I’m not going to argue that your experiences are wrong. We have different experiences though, and we have different conclusions about them.

    Fair enough. I will say that the novelty or whether things haven't always been in decline doesn't denote that therefore, having children doesn't inherently contribute to worsening the climate crisis. It does. Faith that things will somehow be resolved by future generations and not by the present one is a lazy, kick the can down the road approach that I am obviously very critical of.

    It’s not easy to adopt. The poorer you are, the harder it is. When you look into the process of adoption closer than “I want a kid”, there are some serious systemic issues that crop up. I’m not arguing that it’s not worth adopting, just that an ethical person considering adoption might end up working within the foster system instead. If that gives you an idea of how fucked the adoption industry is, that’s kinda what I was going for.

    This is a very fair argument in which I am in general agreement with. I would also point out that the decision to therefore "have my own genetic kids" is not the right approach because, again, having children inevitably contributes to worsening the climate crisis.

    I would also question the tactical usefulness of antinatalism when it’s a strategy embraced by the bourgeoisie to extract more out of the downhill trend. There’s no need to pay people enough to support a family when it’s a completely legitimate choice not to reproduce (never mind that people who don’t have enough money to support a family never get to exercise that choice).

    If the group destroying the future is making short term money on people not having kids, who’s really being helped by not having kids?

    There's no incentive to pay people enough whether they have kids or not. There are no laws incentivizing nor disincentivizing employers to pay their employees more based off of them having children.

    The people in power are incentivized to encourage the general populous to have children for many reasons, but one of them is simply that, like your job and other obligations, having children forces you to divide your concerns away from protests and other forms of activism, as I mentioned earlier. You've criticized that my argument that the assumption that change can only happen with more immediate action ("faster"), more time spent, and with undivided attention (ie "can't do two things") is plainly false.

    I'd argue that while beneficial societal change does happen slowly over time due to long uphill battles by protesters, that this change would have been more dramatic and rapid had people had had less obligations to keeping the bourgeoisie wealthy and with a fresh supply of future workers, and therefore had more time to devote to protests and activism. But I'll concede this is a hypothetical.

    If our goal is the emancipation of the working class, how does embracing the destruction specifically of that class by giving up on reproducing that class move us toward that emancipation?

    Well, to be fair, the original argument I was making was that the point of not having children was to leave the Earth itself better off than when we came to be on it regardless of whether we go extinct or not.

    The decision to not have children in this context is an act of defiance, a breaking of a malicious cycle of contributing to a global society that has over generations come to the conclusion that modern comforts, societal hierarchy, and inherited cultures, are more important than ensuring the longevity of the human race and the majority of life on Earth as we currently know it.

    The only ones who ultimately benefit from this endless cycle are those who have figured out how to exploit the majority of people and resources around them to their whim. The decision to not have children isn't a decision to somehow deprive the powerful of anything, other than future participants in their game.

    The amount of labor involved in social reproduction is significant, but has literally never stopped people from participating in collective action in the past. I can’t help but look at your argument that people can’t work to change society if they have to do family labor as absurd and ahistorical.

    My argument is that the change a person can make is proportional to the time they can devote to it. Protests that are most effective are literally the ones that occur where people have nothing but time. They walk out of their jobs, they refuse to work, and yeah, they take time away from their families to do so. All I'm saying is that if you have no children you're obliged to take care of, you have more time and energy to devote to the cause, and can thereby make for a more effective societal movement.

    I mean, look at the panthers, their most significant program was feeding children.

    Good example, and I won't argue it. As mentioned previously, my take that these movements would have been more effective had they had more time had they not had children is a hypothetical that I strongly believe to be true, but has no historical basis because the majority of people end up having children.

    That said, I'll concede that having children of your own often inspires those who would otherwise not have participated in social activism to do so. I would contest that you can achieve more by fighting for the children of others than by dividing your attention between raising your children and fighting for their future.

    I gotta take a moment and respond directly to your personal attack that I lead a very privileged life. I’m not gonna get into the poverty Olympics or dox myself, but you don’t know me or anything about my life.

    Fair enough. You're right and it was mean spirited and wrong of me to do so. I'll not make excuses and simply apologize for doing so. I got overly heated up in making my argument, and should have never made it about you personally. I apologize.

  • Will microplastics in our testicles be an issue?
  • Then let's go over your post, line by line.

    “Bad for the environment” means “Bad for us humans”, nature will take care of itself, just not in a human scale lifespan. So not populating because of the environment doesn’t make sense.

    That's incorrect. Nature is an ambivalent unfeeling aspect of our reality. This is the hand waving comment I was referencing earlier. It amounts to "The Earth will be fine. Humans should only focus on the environment as much as it relates to humans." I heavily disagree. Humans should focus on the environment to ensure that it remains in a state that sustains as much biodiversity and life for its own sake.

    Why have a better environment for humans if there are no humans? I’m not saying we don’t need to look after the environment, on the contrary, we need to better ourselves and the environment because otherwise we go extinct anyway.

    I believe I addressed this as well. This is anthropocentric thinking. "Human beings should only care about human beings" sort of thinking. My argument is that the fight for a "better environment", as you put it, is not for the sake of preserving human beings, but rather for the sake of leaving the Earth in a state that is better for biodiversity as a whole, that is a better world period, whether human beings go extinct or not.

    Ultimately I hold human beings to a higher standard than the average person. I believe we are beings capable of great compassion for other living beings on this Earth, but most seem to think we are little more than a thinking animal. I am less concerned with preserving human survival, and more concerned with the legacy humans leave once we are gone, even if there is not a soul to appreciate it, it is still worth doing in my opinion because I believe that is the pinnacle of what humans are capable of, i.e. Compassionate Selflessness.

    Now let's address your latest comment:

    So first you say: Don’t bear children. And now you’re trying to counteract my point by saying: think of the children…

    Not having children is thinking of the children. Just think about it. If I tell you that having children will make the environment worse, and encourage you to not have children. Ultimately those children that do end up being born in that world with less people in it will inherit a world with an environment under less strain from less human beings.

    I’m positive you didn’t even read beyond my first sentence.

    Well I did read your post, and I stand by my initial response.

    Cause I’m literally saying we need to get our shit together.

    On that we are in agreement. The point on which we differ is on whether advocating for not having children is reasonable. I've made my case on this point, and unless you have anything to elaborate on, I don't see how you've made a reasonable argument to the contrary. But of course, feel free to respond.

    And also, in response to your separate name calling:

    Oh no, I’m saying on a scale big enough micro plastics don’t matter. But you are missing my point, we DO need to take care of microplastics, because we want to repopulate… the poster I’m replying to is trying to convince us not to bear children. Edgy, but also quite stupid.

    Another hard disagree. The human population is far beyond what it can sustain without oil. Oil goes into our fertilizers, our medications, our daily used plastic packaged products, etc. Without oil, we would not be able to feed and sustain the population we have now, the majority of which live in relative squalor. And we WILL need to vastly cut back on our oil consumption to stabilize the climate. Depopulation will either be forced through mass starvation due to lack of oil and degradation of our environment, or will be chosen by those who opt out of having children.

    Repopulation is something touted by the rich to ensure a continuous supply of wage/literal slaves and armies for future nation states to hold dominance. Depopulation will be necessary in order to ensure the survival not only of the human race but also the majority of the currently existing life on this planet, as well as ensuring that the quality of life for those that do live in such a world can be expected to be better than what we have today.

    Edgy? Meh, your perspective. Stupid? Debate me.

  • Will microplastics in our testicles be an issue?
  • Idk about you but I watched the sopranos senior year of high school, and the premise of that show is literally “the party’s over”.

    Didn't watch that show, but I'm assuming you mean "the party's over" as in the world is already fucked. Fuck that noise, even if it were, then the question only is "how hard did you fight to leave this world better than you found it anyway?"

    I still love my parents.

    Good for you.

    No one hates their parents for having them.

    Hard disagree from my own experience. I've met plenty of people across different backgrounds who hate or resent their parents for bringing them into this world, and then gave some half hearted "Your generation will figure out climate change" schtick when confronted with the naive question, "Why aren't we all doing something about it?" The hate and resentment comes when you realize they were selfish and weak. If they really wanted kids, why not adopt? Oh but MY genes. MY heritage is what matters. Why?

    Why not fight the good fight and protest instead? Meh, it's just easier to live a comfortable life today than fight for a better tomorrow I'll never live to see. I'm still a good person! I raised a beautiful family of people who will likely make the same selfish decisions, but because I cared and looked after them and them alone, I swear, there's no way you can question my goodness!

    Again, fuck that, hell yes I can and should question that bullshit, and break the fucking cycle of selfish idiocy. Not having more kids is the absolute least I can do.

    Theres obviously room to work towards a better society while also raising children.

    You live a privileged life for being able to fantasize that that is he case for the majority of people. Most people make little to no money, and had they not had children, might look at their shitty circumstances and had enough time and willpower to take a chance and upend the systems that oppress them. Instead, out of fear for their children's wellbeing, they bow their heads and accept increasingly shitty conditions, all the while praying that somehow life will magically be better for their children. No, you can't exert the kind of political pressure necessary when there are many more sociological pressures to simply feed your kids. The kind of pressure needed to actually change things requires your undivided attention and an exorbitant amount of your time.

  • Will microplastics in our testicles be an issue?
  • Because I hold out hope that the living can change things. But only us, this generation, right now has that opportunity. Having children forces you to focus on raising them rather than fighting the good fight against climate change and the forces that keep it in place. Instead, I'd say your energy is better spent protesting loudly and relentlessly against the forces that enforce the status quo.

    But hey, good luck trying to stay optimistic about that next generation not hating your guts as you raise them in an ever darkening world, if that's the gamble you'd like to take.

  • Will microplastics in our testicles be an issue?
  • Your statement is exhibiting a narrow anthropocentric point of view. Obviously, human beings aren't meant to be here forever. Just like any individual life form, we live for a moment and then die.

    The question is not "how can we survive for the longest amount of time possible?", it's not even "how can I get the most out of my time living?", it's "what do I leave behind for those that remain?"

    In the case of human beings as a species, our best selves are those that leave a positive impact on our environment, stewards of the Earth. But we obviously aren't exhibiting our best selves.

    "The Earth will be fine." is a pointless statement akin to "The next generation will figure out this mess." Both statements hand wave away the complicated problem that needs to be solved right the fuck now.

    A better statement to ponder is the difficult question of "how do we leave this place better than we found it even if we do go extinct?" And on a more individual level, "what decisions and actions can we take to make sure the world is better off for those that will come after me?" Which then begs the follow up question, "What does a better world look like?", and also "How can we get there?"

    Whining about what you can't do, or isn't feasible in the paradigm that is modern civilization is pointless. You can't have modern capitalism and leave the Earth a better place than it was before.

    Very soon, something major will have to change sociopolitically and economically if we're going to simply go extinct with dignity. Let alone preserve the climate for our children.

  • Will microplastics in our testicles be an issue?
  • Well perhaps the microplastics will reduce the overall fertility rate of the human population at large. Perhaps life itself will get so difficult for the average person, they'll be discouraged from having babies, and perhaps only then will the worst effects of climate change will be narrowly averted...maybe.

    One of the worst things you can do to the environment folks. Don't bear children. Don't invite another being into this madness and suffering.

  • Google Chrome change that weakens ad blockers begins June 3rd
  • God bless the uBlock devs.

  • A Marriage Made in Hell: An Introduction to Microsoft’s Complicity in Apartheid and Genocide
  • Alternative front end to medium, with no JS. Read the same article on scribe.

  • Age caps on political office are a bad idea
  • Might I suggest you leave Lemmy then, as Lemmy was created by a communist, or did you not know that? Not just, mind you. Lemmy the software.

    I mean, stick around if you want, but if you're going to complain about communism on a communist founded platform, that's like me going on Truth Social or Twitter and spouting antifascism. I'm gonna get some hate in those circles. Just saying.

  • Are 3rd party apps finally really dead?
  • Most instances had an outage yesterday I noticed. I'll grant it's not perfect, and thanks for clarifying, I had been using, but forgot to mention, redlib as a redirect.

    Self hosting is obviously the best option if you can, I just use the instances personally and 99% of the time those links have just worked for me, but I can't speak on other people's experience with them.

    I'm just glad there's an alternative front end at all and there are those putting their instances out there.

  • Texas education leaders unveil Bible-infused elementary school curriculum
  • First day of Bible Studies class. Please pay attention to your new teacher, Satan.

  • Google Admits Its AI Overviews Search Feature Screwed Up
  • Everyone remember to pollute your answers wherever you post them at least once a day.

  • Biden campaign on Trump verdict: 'No one is above the law'
  • Gotta love that George Carlin bit. Though I prefer another one.

  • Report: Apple and OpenAI have signed a deal to partner on AI
  • let's do a count now... OpenAI has deals with Microsoft, Apple, Google, Reddit,

  • Are 3rd party apps finally really dead?
  • You can use alternative front ends like Stealth on Android, or just use a redirect extension to a libreddit instance when finding answers for things. I personally still find good answers on reddit when researching something I know little about, so use these as it cuts out a lot of the noise from the official page/app.

    I expect the quality of the content to eventually decline there, but in the meanwhile this helps at least for browsing.

  • Manifest V2 phase-out begins
  • Yeah, it's still worrisome. This makes Firefox a lynchpin for whether ad blocking works for the foreseeable future on the whole web.

  • Why doesn't youtube shut down their public web api?
  • God bless you, Chad 3rd Party Web Scraper! 🫡

  • The Most Misunderstood Philosopher in the World The Most Misunderstood Philosopher in the World

    See Dracula's Ex-Girlfriend here - Support this show on Patreon - MUSIC: 'Underwater' and 'Click Synth Soft Bell Piano' by Nina Richards BIBLIOGRAPHY: Sara Ahmed, The Cultural Politics of Emotion Lily A...

    The Most Misunderstood Philosopher in the World
    Are there any legal issues recreating YouTube SponsorBlock for Podcasts?

    I'm part of a small group of Jr Self Taught Web Developers who were recently brainstorming ideas for a Group Project App we could put together and actually create a user base.

    I offered up the suggestion of a podcast application which would have the major feature of being akin to YouTube Sponsor Block, but specifically for podcast episodes.

    Essentially, a user contributed database of timestamps for podcast episodes where the mention of cutting to sponsored ads or mentions of sponsorships would be marked so they could be edited out of the episode and then the user could also download said episode where ads are cut out of the final audio file.

    My idea was shot down due to fears of possibly infringing on copyright and we ended up with going with another idea. I'm certainly not upset, and am actually excited with the project idea we did choose, but it did get me wondering about whether this idea actually could have legal implications.

    I know specifically with YouTube there appears to be a sort of legal loophole that prevents Google from suing projects like invidious, yt-dlp, and YouTube Sponsor Block, but am unaware of the specific details as to how this works.

    Thusly, I just wanted to ask if anyone has any insights into whether this project idea would incur any legal infractions from the likes of IheartRadio and other media platforms?

    To be clear, I'm not seeking legal advice here, and I'll be taking any responses with a grain of salt, but I just wanted to see if anyone knows anything on this subject and the legal concerns raised.

    I very much dislike being advertised to and podcasts are one of the last bastions of media where advertisements still come up regularly and I'd love to make this application for those who are frustrated with how often they have to skip through sponsor mentions.

    Thanks in advance.

    John Oliver offers to pay Clarence Thomas $1m a year if he resigns from supreme court John Oliver offers to pay Clarence Thomas $1m a year if he resigns from supreme court - Lemmy

    The late-night talkshow host John Oliver has offered to pay Clarence Thomas $1m annually – as well as give him a $2m tour bus – if the Republican judge resigns from the US supreme court. Oliver made the proposal on Sunday’s episode of his HBO show Last Week Tonight, saying the supreme court justice ...

    John Oliver offers to pay Clarence Thomas $1m a year if he resigns from supreme court - Lemmy

    The late-night talkshow host John Oliver has offered to pay Clarence Thomas $1m annually – as well as give him a $2m tour bus – if the Republican judge resigns from the US supreme court.

    Oliver made the proposal on Sunday’s episode of his HBO show Last Week Tonight, saying the supreme court justice had 30 days to accept or it would expire.

    The British-born, progressive comedian’s offer came after a steady drumbeat of media investigations in the previous several months established that Thomas failed to disclose that political benefactors bought him lavish vacation travel and real estate for his mother. Thomas also failed to disclose – as required – that he allowed school fees for a family member to be paid off and had been provided a loan to buy a luxury motor coach, all after openly complaining about the need to raise supreme court justices’ salaries.

    As a result, Thomas’s impartiality came into question after he sided with the contentious ruling that eliminated the federal abortion rights once provided by the Roe v Wade case.

    He also recently listened to arguments over whether Donald Trump can be removed from states’ ballots in the presidential election after the former president’s supporters – whom he told to “fight like hell” – staged the January 6 attack at the US Capitol in Washington DC. Thomas resisted pressure to recuse himself from matters pertaining to the Capitol attack, even though his wife, Ginni Thomas, is a conservative political activist who has endorsed false claims from Trump and his supporters that the 2020 election he lost to Joe Biden was stolen from him – which in turn fueled January 6.

    Oliver alluded to all of those circumstances as he extended his lucrative offer to Thomas, saying: “Lot on your plate right now, from stripping away women’s rights to hearing January 6 cases … and you deserve a break, you know, away from the meanness of Washington. So you can be surrounded by the regular folks whose lives you made demonstrably worse for decades.”

    The host suggested that Thomas could upgrade his “favorite mode of travel” by signing a contract requiring him to step down from the supreme court in exchange for $1m annually from Oliver along with the tour bus, which is outfitted with a king-sized bed, a fireplace and four televisions.

    Oliver joked that Thomas possibly feared that making such a trade might attract negative judgment from one of his top benefactors: the Republican mega-donor Harlan Crow, who was reported to have maintained a private collection of Nazi memorabilia that included a pair of paintings by Adolf Hitler.

    But Oliver said: “That’s the beauty of friendship, Clarence. If they’re real friends, they’ll love you no matter what your job is. So I guess this might be the perfect way to find out who your real friends actually are.

    “So that’s the offer – $1m a year, Clarence. And a brand new condo on wheels. And all you have to do … is sign the contract and get the fuck off the supreme court,” Oliver remarked. “The clock starts now – 30 days, Clarence. Let’s do this!”

    The yearly salary for supreme court justices – whose appointments are for life – is $298,500.

    Neither Thomas nor the supreme court immediately commented publicly on Oliver’s offer. Oliver acknowledged he could end up going on “standup tours … for years” to be able to afford paying Thomas’s retirement if the justice accepts the proposal.

    The arch-conservative is the longest-serving member of a supreme court dominated 6-3 by rightwingers. Thomas has been there since his 1991 confirmation, which was marked by testimony from Anita Hill, who accused him of sexual harassment while he supervised her in two separate jobs, at the US Department of Education and at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

    John Oliver offers to pay Clarence Thomas $1m a year if he resigns from supreme court John Oliver offers to pay Clarence Thomas $1m a year if he resigns from supreme court

    Late-night host gives justice, under fire over undisclosed donations, 30 days to accept offer, which includes a tour bus

    John Oliver offers to pay Clarence Thomas $1m a year if he resigns from supreme court

    The late-night talkshow host John Oliver has offered to pay Clarence Thomas $1m annually – as well as give him a $2m tour bus – if the Republican judge resigns from the US supreme court.

    Oliver made the proposal on Sunday’s episode of his HBO show Last Week Tonight, saying the supreme court justice had 30 days to accept or it would expire.

    The British-born, progressive comedian’s offer came after a steady drumbeat of media investigations in the previous several months established that Thomas failed to disclose that political benefactors bought him lavish vacation travel and real estate for his mother. Thomas also failed to disclose – as required – that he allowed school fees for a family member to be paid off and had been provided a loan to buy a luxury motor coach, all after openly complaining about the need to raise supreme court justices’ salaries.

    As a result, Thomas’s impartiality came into question after he sided with the contentious ruling that eliminated the federal abortion rights once provided by the Roe v Wade case.

    He also recently listened to arguments over whether Donald Trump can be removed from states’ ballots in the presidential election after the former president’s supporters – whom he told to “fight like hell” – staged the January 6 attack at the US Capitol in Washington DC. Thomas resisted pressure to recuse himself from matters pertaining to the Capitol attack, even though his wife, Ginni Thomas, is a conservative political activist who has endorsed false claims from Trump and his supporters that the 2020 election he lost to Joe Biden was stolen from him – which in turn fueled January 6.

    Oliver alluded to all of those circumstances as he extended his lucrative offer to Thomas, saying: “Lot on your plate right now, from stripping away women’s rights to hearing January 6 cases … and you deserve a break, you know, away from the meanness of Washington. So you can be surrounded by the regular folks whose lives you made demonstrably worse for decades.”

    The host suggested that Thomas could upgrade his “favorite mode of travel” by signing a contract requiring him to step down from the supreme court in exchange for $1m annually from Oliver along with the tour bus, which is outfitted with a king-sized bed, a fireplace and four televisions.

    Oliver joked that Thomas possibly feared that making such a trade might attract negative judgment from one of his top benefactors: the Republican mega-donor Harlan Crow, who was reported to have maintained a private collection of Nazi memorabilia that included a pair of paintings by Adolf Hitler.

    But Oliver said: “That’s the beauty of friendship, Clarence. If they’re real friends, they’ll love you no matter what your job is. So I guess this might be the perfect way to find out who your real friends actually are.

    “So that’s the offer – $1m a year, Clarence. And a brand new condo on wheels. And all you have to do … is sign the contract and get the fuck off the supreme court,” Oliver remarked. “The clock starts now – 30 days, Clarence. Let’s do this!”

    The yearly salary for supreme court justices – whose appointments are for life – is $298,500.

    Neither Thomas nor the supreme court immediately commented publicly on Oliver’s offer. Oliver acknowledged he could end up going on “standup tours … for years” to be able to afford paying Thomas’s retirement if the justice accepts the proposal.

    The arch-conservative is the longest-serving member of a supreme court dominated 6-3 by rightwingers. Thomas has been there since his 1991 confirmation, which was marked by testimony from Anita Hill, who accused him of sexual harassment while he supervised her in two separate jobs, at the US Department of Education and at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

    Possible to get away from LinkedIn and Github?

    I'm a career transitioner looking to get a higher paying job working as a Web Developer. I've been self teaching for a bit over 3.5 years now and am currently working part time at a very small start up while still working on my own personal projects and slowly researching and studying CS topics.

    I have been networking, mainly online and some locally. I also have been trying desperately to get away from mainstream social media platforms (left instagram, left reddit). But I find myself being highly encouraged by those within my network to keep my LinkedIn profile maintained and regularly post as a part of appealing to recruiters. I dislike the LinkedIn platform and what I perceive to be toxic positivity that proliferates on there. I also have reservations on hosting all my code on Github, but that seems to be what everyone defaults to for showcasing their portfolio.

    I generally want to use alternatives to FAANG products whenever possible, and even though it's not in the acronym, I include Microsoft in this list. I'd like to move away from using Microsoft products (LinkedIn) and their acquired platforms (Github) without nuking my potential career prospects.

    This is more asking about long term advice as I believe as a new developer, this may not be possible (?).

    Nevertheless, I'm seeking any advice on how to still advance my career in tech while staying off of these major platforms.

    Thanks in advance for any advice.

    TLDR; New web developer wants advice on how to continue to advance career without use of major media platforms, specifically LinkedIn, but also Github.

    What Major Social Media Platforms Would You Like To See Federated Alternatives To That Don't Exist Yet? - Lemmy

    Pretty much in the title. Maybe you wouldn't even use it, but would like to simply see it exist for the sake of having a federated alternative.

    For me, it'd be the following:

    • LinkedIn
    • Meetup
    • Tiktok

    I am on the first two, but would prefer a federated alternative. I'm not on Tiktok, but would like to see a federated alternative.

    I'll admit these might not be a good idea. But as a thought experiment, I'd be curious about the community weigh in on what you all think this might look like.

    What Major Social Media Platforms Would You Like To See Federated Alternatives To That Don't Exist Yet?

    Pretty much in the title. Maybe you wouldn't even use it, but would like to simply see it exist for the sake of having a federated alternative.

    For me, it'd be the following:

    • LinkedIn
    • Meetup
    • Tiktok

    I am on the first two, but would prefer a federated alternative. I'm not on Tiktok, but would like to see a federated alternative.

    I'll admit these might not be a good idea. But as a thought experiment, I'd be curious about the community weigh in on what you all think this might look like.

    FUTO Voice Input - Privacy Respecting Speech To Text App

    Right To Repair Advocate Louis Rossman recently announced the release of FUTO, a Text To Speech App that respects your privacy.

    After having played around with FUTO on my GrapheneOS Pixel, I can honestly say it's nice to have. Using the Openboards Keyboard, I'll admit that the one thing I missed about Gboards was its text to speech capability, but I refused to use it because it logs everything said into it.

    IMHO, the team that developed FUTO have created something truly special here, and I'd recommend anyone to at least try it out.

    There is a one time $10 payment, but the developers have basically made this more like an opt in donation, as you can just click 'I Already Paid' and utilize the app regardless of whether you paid or not. If you try FUTO out, and like it, maybe throw them a few bucks.

    Here is an invidious link of Rossman talking about FUTO and its features.

    Data | Philosophy Tube

    Data | Philosophy Tube

    I found this vid from a few years back on Philosophy Tube's Channel. Every argument about Data Privacy I've ever heard or had is here. Kind of a depressing ending though.

    z3rOR0ne z3rOR0ne

    Fascists, Racists, Transphobes, Terfs, Homophobes can fuck off.

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