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Steam users have spent $19 billion on games they have never played.
  • The key thing indeed is to only buy what you need right now. This philosophy is also very helpful in other areas of lives to avoid wasting money on discounts (elg buying clothes you’ll never wear).

    I’d rather pay full price for a game I start laying immediately, than to put something 90% off in my backlg, with no guarante I’ll ever play it.

  • Death toll rises to 20 after gunmen attack Russia's Dagestan
  • A Russian civil war is not out of the question.

    What many of us don’t know, is that the majority of people sent to the meat grinder in Ukraine is from peripheral regions like Dagestan, and not from central Russia (e.g. Moscow). These are different cultures and ethnicities subjugated by the Russian “empire”. And some of them are sick of being killed for the “emperor”, which can lead to unrest and maybe a civil war, like it did in many similar situations in history.

  • How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment
  • Noooo, you don’t get it, bro. Just one more lane, please. I promise, it will be better than last time. One more lane, that’s all we need. I’m begging you, please.

    I’m on my knees here. One more lane, just one more! This time it will be different, I swear. We won’t have traffic jams, I promise! Just one more lane and we’ll be free.

    Come on, man, think of the children. Just one more lane. I’m begging you. For the love of liberty, just one more lane!

  • Microsoft insiders worry the company has become just 'IT for OpenAI'
  • I work at a big EU company, MS top partner / strategic account etc. We wanted to implement MS Dynamics CRM in one of our newer business lines, we barely got a reply to our official emails.

    After some informal discussions, we were told that salespeople are now only incentivized to sell Copilot, so they don’t really bother with the rest.

    If MS is overinvesting to ride the AI hype as a middle man, while letting their core business capabilities (Windows and Office) decline, they will be in trouble in the long term.

  • Anon loves his firetruck
  • be me

    average 4chan user

    love reading and sharing greentext stories

    take screenshots of the best ones to save for later

    notice one day that a screenshot seems slightly tilted

    think it's just my imagination

    days pass, more screenshots seem off

    angles get worse, barely noticeable but there

    try rotating my phone, doesn't help

    open screenshots on my computer, same issue

    post about it on /x/, get mocked and called a noob

    start getting obsessed, spend hours comparing, measuring angles

    losing sleep, seeing the tilt in my dreams

    one morning, wake up, entire room looks tilted

    try to walk, stumble and fall

    look out the window, world looks upside down

    panic, try to grab onto something stable

    mother staring at me like I’m crazy

    feel like I’m in a nightmare

    lock the door

    look at my screenshots, they’re completely upside down

    see my reflection in the monitor, it’s me but inverted

    can't take it anymore

    scream, try to shut down the computer

    power button doesn’t work, can’t unplug it

    everything in my apartment starts spinning

    fall to the floor, clutching my head

    world fades to black

    wake up in a padded white room

    see a pen in front of me

    draw greentext arrows on the walls, but they all look tilted

  • How One Chinese EV Company Made Battery Swapping Work
  • You pay a monthly fee (lease) that contains a certain number of swaps per month, above which you pay extra. The car is also cheaper this way, as you are not paying the full price of the the battery up front

  • How One Chinese EV Company Made Battery Swapping Work
  • My colleague has a NIO car like this, he really likes it and uses the battery swap weekly. To my knowledge they have patented the tech.

    If I bought an electric car, I would definitely consider NIO, as this option is great for long trips. In EU they have a couple of swap stations in Germany, but it’s still a long way to go in other countries.

  • How One Chinese EV Company Made Battery Swapping Work
  • The company (NIO) owns them and you are leasing the batteries. The car is cheaper this way, as you don’t buy the battery up front, but pay a monthly fee (~200+ in Germany).

    You have a fixed number of swaps per month, above that you have to pay extra.

    Source: colleague uses a car like this and explained the details.

  • Managed to grab a PS Portal yesterday, and it's performing better than I expected

    I was debating if I want to buy one, but after trying that remote play worked well with a tablet on my home wifi, I took a leap of faith and ordered one of the last ones nearby. Picked it up yesterday.

    Key points:

    -Very satisfied with the performance so far, no noticable lag on home wifi. Finished Spider-Man 2 and beat the final boss on it, also tried some shooters, no issues with lag in single player games on my 500 Mbit network (meaning: maybe a partial second of stutter every 5-10 mins).

    -So much smoother experience than using e.g. my tablet with a controller. Just pick it up, press 2 buttons, and you can play in a few seconds.

    -The screen is also better than expected. 8 inches is super big for a handheld, around the size of the iPad mini. Very immersive, when playing. Colors are also great, and I’m saying that as an owner of an LG OLED TV. Of course an OLED screen would have been probably better, but also more expensive, and the resolution is still better than most handhelds giving us a great picture.

    -The controller grips are very comfortable for even a longer session. The haptic feedback and trigger resistance feels just like the controller we are used to.

    -The missing BT is annoying if you have a good headset (I don’t), but I understand the concerns with delay, though I have no personal experience on that.

    -The only time connection became bad, is when downloading a game/update on my PS5 while playing, it even completely dropped once. Very annoying if you want to run an update in the background, but also not a dealbreaker, you can just run updates in rest mode.

    -The price is fine, payed 219 EUR for it. I would like it a bit lower, but still okay with it (understanding the privilege that I can waste this money on something that is far from a necessity). I would not want to pay the price of a “proper” handheld for a controller with a screen.

    TV Too High slaacaa
    TV too... everything
    Thank you Steve Huffman for curing my reddit addiction!

    I stopped using reddit when Apollo went down, and 2-3 hours of scrolling and active posting in some niche subs turned into ~30 mins of Lemmy per day, which I find much more healthy.

    I didn’t start doing yoga, painting, or a side business, just feel much better having cut back the last big pillar of my social media addiction.

    So thanks Steve!

    (If it’s not too much to ask, please take a look at how you could improve instagram, you could save another 15 minute of my day)

    Magyarország belebukott a gyorshajtók elleni küzdelembe Magyarország belebukott a gyorshajtók elleni küzdelembe

    Amikor ilyen nagy sebességgel ütközik össze két autó a rendőrpalota közelében, logikusnak tűnik a rendőrségre fogni a tragédiát. Valójában az a felelős, aki nem fizeti meg őket, nem szórta tele traffipaxokkal az országot, és nem emelte meg a nevetségesen alacsony gyorshajtási bírságokat.

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