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Photographers Push Back on Facebook's 'Made with AI' Labels Triggered by Adobe Metadata. Do you agree “‘AI was used in this image’ is completely different than ‘Made with AI’”?
  • Did they just e.g. remove a passing car from the background*, and will tags on some images lead to untagged fake images being trusted more? Oh this fun new world we’re in.

    *as someone else pointed out, if it was a minor edit, was the underlying technology using legit training data or unlicensed stuff

  • Photographers Push Back on Facebook's 'Made with AI' Labels Triggered by Adobe Metadata. Do you agree “‘AI was used in this image’ is completely different than ‘Made with AI’”?
  • He just won’t stop!

    Aight I repeated “cherry picked” earlier… no:

    “Curated.” Was happy to curate a few of the more interesting comments for our community.

    If I weren’t so lazy I might’ve found another comment in favor of the labeling to bump up the screenshotted proportion of replies in support from the 25% seen in my OP. Still, think I did an aight job.

    Okayyy night now haha

  • Photographers Push Back on Facebook's 'Made with AI' Labels Triggered by Adobe Metadata. Do you agree “‘AI was used in this image’ is completely different than ‘Made with AI’”?
  • Thanks for the edit. We all love that intellectual honesty!

    Don’t miss this absolute roast though:

    Roasted and salted 🥜

    Now -

    1: I should’ve been more clear… those full screen screenshots are so enormous, Lemmy has to compress them for cost and UX reasons.

    2: Screenshot over link is a very intentional choice. Even if you’re positive you would’ve clicked based on the title, there are some great responses in this thread that I guarantee you we would not have been blessed with if this post had been a link instead of an image.

    Everyone is busy. Lots of us work away on keyboards all day, and we hop on here just to scroll casually. Some huge forum thread? Forget it! A little screenshot that has teasers and can be digested bit by bit, with the leading post in the image helping folks decide whether they care enough to read the rest of the image and furthermore to find a source? (either by an OP or commenter’s source link, or exact match web search of an OCR’d phrase from the image) That’s the best shot we have at easing in as many people as possible into a topic. (Do feel bad for the vision impaired, hopefully the source link is a decent standin.) But for 98% of us this is prob the way. Aight maybe 95%, you got a good community response to your comment :)

    Thanks for chiming in m’lord

  • Photographers Push Back on Facebook's 'Made with AI' Labels Triggered by Adobe Metadata. Do you agree “‘AI was used in this image’ is completely different than ‘Made with AI’”?
  • It’s like they’re ignoring the pixel I captured in the bottom left!

    Really interesting analogy.

    Also I imagine most anybody who gets a photo labeled will find a trick before making their next post. Copy the final image to a new PSD… print and scan for the less technically inclined… heh

  • Why do some folks insist they'll only listen to their doctors?
  • lol fair. Point taken!

    Not a counterpoint to you, but a shoutout to this one doc:

    You reminded me of a time 15 years ago when I very timidly mentioned to a doctor that I did do a very quick Google search, and the doctor quickly affirmed me: "hey, Google is a source!" or something like that. I further explained something like "OBVIOUSLY I came here to talk to a person with REAL medical experience, which is why I feel silly bringing it up, but ..."

    I'm thankful I wasn't searching for how to purify toxins with sterile beverages. Thank you :)

  • So let's say I wanna ping every 5 seconds... forever. Alternatives?
  • Ah, my threat model isn't that Snowden, thanks.

    you could get a false negative

    Good point. Will keep that in mind in general. (For this specific use case? Maybe it's fine since if I see the red bar while my apps are still working, I could ignore it - but now I'll think back to your comment and understand maybe Cloudflare is experiencing an issue. In which case I'll check their status pages and wouldn't be surprised to see some news article or complaints too!)

  • So let's say I wanna ping every 5 seconds... forever. Alternatives?

    Developers (two dudes) are super responsive and would likely release an IP customization feature upon request. Is there any service that would tolerate this [D]DOS-y kind of behavior that would feel more privacy friendly than Cloudflare?

    >IsThereNet [for macOS] watches for internet connection status changes and draws a colored line at the top of the screen to indicate the status.


    Edit: Thanks everybody!

    (1) ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) Echo Requests hardly constitute a burden on a server. (2) There is little privacy concern simply exposing your IP to Cloudflare. (3) Uptime-Kuma can be self hosted to accomplish this task with more bells and whistles. (4) There is an appetite for daydreaming of DDOSing bad Alphabetic actors ;) You civilly digidisobedient rascals!

    Why do some folks insist they'll only listen to their doctors?

    Here’s a (very stupid) parody of the attitude as I imagine it from the most obstinate people with this view:

    >Well, my doctor says I need to take this medication, so that's what I'm going to do. I don't care what all those other people online are saying about their experiences with it. My doctor knows best, and I'm not going to listen to a bunch of anonymous strangers on the internet. They're probably just making stuff up anyway.

    >Sure, I get that a lot of people had some nasty side effects or didn't see any improvement, but my doctor assured me that won't happen to me. He's a professional, so I trust him completely. And I know he's only trying to help, not line his own pockets or anything.

    >All those online forums and support groups are just a waste of time. What could a bunch of regular people possibly know that my highly educated, experienced doctor doesn't? I'm going to take this medication exactly as prescribed and not ask any questions. My doctor is infallible, and I refuse to get a second opinion or consider any other options. Nope, I'm just going to blindly follow his advice and ignore everyone else. That's the smart and responsible thing to do!

    (Yes, this is extraordinary (and like I said stupid), and yes your doctor knows more than JoeRando420 telling you to buy homeopathic crystal suppositories. In fact I only have one user in mind writing this post, someone I forget who posted long ago about a condition I cannot remember. Hope they got better.)

    Main point is: why not let a large number of people who heard about a condition from their own qualified doctors help you at least scribble down some questions to ask your own medical folks at your next appointment? (But please avoid those crystal suppositories.)


    Edit: thanks everybody, read all your posts and they're all great points! Glad I posted here. Thanks for reading something at least 80% dumb :)

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