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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 yr. ago

  • A few questions:

    • why do you have to SSH into a remote box?
    • do you know how the VM was created? can you recreate the dependencies?
    • which OS are you on?
    • you mention qtcreator - do you have remote desktop session?

    I ask these questions because my preliminary solutions without knowing all the details would be

    • recreate the VM locally, install the tools you need
    • mount the project on your machine with sshfs, use the tools you require locally
    • use the VM as a proxy if you're using it to access an internal git to clone the repo to your local machine and use local tools there
    • create a remote desktop session and forward it locally either via ssh x11 forwarding or connect to it via some RDP client like remmina, krdc, or whatever your OS uses

    qtcreator has code completion btw, so you can use it for your development tasks.

    Anti Commercial-AI license

  • I want them to show up at a trade show and present it while it's running. Put them side by side, let it run we workloads and connect a power meter to both. Aka I'll believe it when I see it.

    Trump may be a dickhead, but I'm very grateful for his persistence in creating competition. A wonderful job he's doing.

    Anti Commercial-AI license

  • Those just don't get installed. I refuse to install stuff that way. It's to reminiscent of installing stuff on windows. "Pssst, hey bud, want to run this totally safe executable on your PC? It won't do anything bad. Pinky promise". Ain't happening.

    The only exception I make is for nix on non-nixos machines because thwt bootstraps everything and I've read that script a few times.

    Anti Commercial-AI license

  • There's a chance google has to divest from Chrome, but we won't know until September at the earliest. The process the DOJ brought against it is in progress. Binding YouTube to chrome now might jot be a smart move if google loses the process.

    There is a good chance in my mind that google will win against the Department Of Justice simply because of the current administration in the US.

    Anti Commercial-AI license

  • Rust

    Rust is the New C

  • I'm curious about what said about funding (can't remember where in the video). There was some mention of Google's money being a smaller percentage of the total funding and it's not clear what that means. If it's just "Google is giving us 400 million instead of 500 million", that's not really an issue, honestly. Companies I worked at had way less revenue than that and been able to do a lot with that (by underpaying people too, of course).

    What I can say with absolute certainty is that if Mozilla were single focus "We make a web browser and that's it!", money donated to Mozilla went to everything related to browsers e.g experiments for new browsers, writing a new browser engine in rust, making the engine embeddable in just about anything, providing an API to the browser for testing, experimenting with new languages in the browser, making the browser run on every platform and arch, expanding web standards for the new challenges ahead, and all that, I'd donate. But right now, Mozilla invests in ads, in collecting data, in AI, in paying CEOs millions, and a bunch of other shit tangentially, and quite often not at all, related to browsers. It's like donating to the Breast Cancer foundation, expecting the majority of your money to go to research and finding out 80% of it goes to marketing, 18% to "awareness", and 2% to research. No fucking way is my donation going there.

    Anti Commercial-AI license

  • Let's say there's a group of people in your hometown who like dogs. They will talk about dog thing this, dog thing that, probably something local. Now you travel to another town and they too have a group that likes dogs. They will talk about dog things too, but probably it'll be different dog things that are also specific to their location.

    You have the option to join both dog communities without physically traveling from one town to another. You can even choose not to join a dog group in another town that only like to talk about dog fighting for example.

    There is no "tech savvy" required here. You signed up in a town that has communities there, you can see communities from other towns, and you can choose to join them all, some, or none. It's up to you.

    Anti Commercial-AI license

  • I honestly think this is a good idea. From what I understand it's just making it easy to share the same link from reddit without having to copypaste a bunch of stuff, right? It's like reading an RSS feed or stumbling upon a cool thing you want to share and having an easy way to do so.

    Don't worry about the naysayers. There are always a bunch of purists around that believe the world can be divided into black and white.

    Lemmy-users won't be able to tell the difference between somebody who found a link and shared it by copy pasting or someone using the extension🤷 Good content is everywhere and where you found it shouldn't matter.

    Put the source up on codeberg, publish the extension, and let people decide for themselves if they want to use it or not.

    Good luck

    Anti Commercial-AI license

  • Yens words were then published on the official proton blog and taken down after backlash as a "mistaken communication". Believe what you want.

    Also, their servers are closed source. Having an open source client is cute though 👍

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  • Online Persona's Blog

    I miss Django (and its ORM + documentation)

  • IMO, it would be better to have it the other way around i.e blog owner being a mod and being the only one allowed to post. It makes the intention of the community clear. Mod abuses could be dealt with using the modlog once somebody notifies mods or admins of abuse. Admins will thus only need to be involved when necessary and the blog owner can update the community as necessary (images, description, sidebar text, ...) instead of having to take up admin time for such stuff.

    But if the admins disagree, I can be the test chicken for this current mode of working.

    Anti Commercial-AI license

  • Thanks for the links. I'm not versed in drivers, but I expect most to talk to a proprietary firmware at some point. Most computers have a proprietary BIOS they have to talk to, though they do follow open standards. NVIDIA's GSP probably doesn't have open standards. Whether the API is documented might also be an area of concern.

    At least this is a step forward. Good read 👍

    Anti Commercial-AI license

  • If this is what it takes for people to understand what privacy is... This is why "I have nothing to hide" is bullshit. You might become the registered Dutch Jew the Nazis are seeking, and surveillance capitalism don't just tell them where you live but also where you are this very moment.

    Don't be daft, protect your privacy.

    Anti Commercial-AI license

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