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What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • Hey for the record ive been banned for saying this perfectly proving my point.

  • Investigation platform Bellingcat warns of ‘censorship’ on X after research on Russian attack on children's hospital in Kyiv is labeled spam
  • The more i hear about twitter censoring shit the less i respect what elon has done. If he did what he said he would do great but unfortunatly i don't see any of this free speach he allegedly loves.

    Btw what was the exact link that twitter thinks is so dangerous?

  • Trump's Project 2025 is now being searched in Google more than Taylor Swift and the NFL
  • Well technically it iant nor can the plan claim affiliation or support for any candidate. But its pretry clear to anyone with a brain that it does align very well with his ideology.

  • Trump's Project 2025 is now being searched in Google more than Taylor Swift and the NFL
  • Ypur the fucking problem here. Going to extremes and shouting at teacher aboyt how you hate each other is exactly what both sides want. They want you distracted with your petty little issues while they consolidate your wealth in their pockets.

    You used to be the laughibg stock of the western world and it seems that all Americans regardless of political outlook have no intention of changing that.

  • Families urge judge to block law forcing display of ‘Protestant version of the Ten Commandments’ before kids return to public school in Louisiana
  • Doest the first amendment clearly state the government cannot enforce or prevent religioun.

  • NSFW Locked
    We should stop calling child molesters "pedophiles"
  • Nothing wrong with being gay plenty wrong with wanting to fuck kids.

  • NSFW Locked
    We should stop calling child molesters "pedophiles"
  • Im struggling to feel any sympathy for pedos regardless of what the word technically means it has a cultural definition that cannot be changed. There is a stigma thats the whole fucking point social pressure to prevent people from doing fucked up shit. Anyone who like the idea of abusing kids in that way should be shot or bullied unto killing themselves and society would be better for it. Im against the death penalty but paedophilia is the exception shoot em all.

  • Lego instructs California police department to stop using Lego heads to mask identities of suspects
  • So you’re a sociopath.

    nope, we are currently disagreeing about the social contract hence proving we have different subjective understanding of what it includes. also calling someone a sociopath doesn't seem like a good faith argument.

    No, that would be a normal contract.

    no shit Sherlock that would provide an objective contract thus solving the whole subjective issue.

    No. Laws are a stopgap that puts our more important social contracts into an enforcement structure, but most of them we just live by.

    sure so laws are the objective part of the social contract a majority of people have agreed (people still disagree about what laws should be)

    So you want to change the social contract.

    that's called an opinion ones uses them to shift the social contract to better fit their subjective viewpoint

    The free market only works to self-regulate when all actors (the company, the employees, and the public) have generally equivalent levels of power.

    The marketplace of ideas in the conceptual gives every single person or organization an exactly equal level of power through the concept of free speech. I would argue lemmy has captured this ideal far better than anything yet by implementing censoring we destroy that equality we have sought to create. If fox's ideas stop being supported/downvoted they fall out of the marketplace of ideas at which point they either adapt or die.

    There’s also a demand for cannibalism by many people. Is that therefore a valid viewpoint? There were 18,456 murderers walking the streets in 2023.

    absolutely we should let them speak and their ideas will be filtered by the marketplace.

    Should we consider their viewpoints valid and entertain them without government regulations?

    Doesn't the first amendment literally prevent the government from regulating said viewpoints isn't that the whole fucking point? Let people have an opinion and express that opinion as they wish. I fully support your right to advocate for cannibalism or murder (as long as its not directed at a particular person or group) i will most certainly down-vote it and call you a fucking evil monster but I support your right to say it.

    Fox has created that demand, though; through fearmongering and misinformation.

    That's called good marketing

    he should have that monopoly taken away from him.

    Fox doesn't have a monopoly in the marketplace of ideas nobody in history has ever had a monopoly on the marketplace of ideas to acheive that u would need to drive out every single person or organization capable of independent thought, or just start censoring people what you are actively arguing for

    They’ve flouted the social contract in order to increase viewers.

    At the end of the day the social contract is just that a SOCIAL contract so in reality its not really a contract is it but a convention most people choose to obey. If it is beneficial to disregard it people will disregard it that's how evolution works. its your choice what parts of the social construct you want to follow. If you live strictly adhering to it then you are playing life at a disadvantage. Think about it this way your actions are being controlled by subjective contract that nobody else has to obey I would call that NPC behavior.

  • Lego instructs California police department to stop using Lego heads to mask identities of suspects
  • Im sick of hearing about the fucking social contract this social contract that. The social contract is a construct that exists purly in the subjective. I have no problwm calling u a cunt munching retard and have no proboem u call me the same or worse. I can say fucked shit to u and u can say fucked shit to me there are people who would say thats part of the social construct there are people who wouldnt. Unless u want to write said contract on paper and get everyone to sign it (is that not what laws are?) its purly subjective if not usfull way to explain the actions of people.

    Lets take it all the back to the basic concepts of a liberal society. There exists the marketplace of ideas anyone or thing is welcome to add whatever they want to this marketplace like any other marketplace demand then governs the rest. There is a demand for fox by many people they are theirfore a valid (not nessasarilly correct) viewpoint. To ignore this view and/or to ban it is to ignore a vast amount of peoples demand for such ideas within the marketplace.

  • Does everyone buy little things here and there so as to not go insane?
  • Life is as black and white as u want it to be. Do u feel proud of the things u have because u have them or because of what they do?

  • Does everyone buy little things here and there so as to not go insane?
  • Keep choking down that copium eventually u will buy that thing u need and finally be happy.

  • Lego instructs California police department to stop using Lego heads to mask identities of suspects
  • I believe what i said is a very traditionally liberal veiwpoint which is almost by defininition the center of the spectrum so if u think thats right wing u must be so far into extreme comunist country u think starlin did nothing wrong.

  • Museum behind ladies-only art exhibit sued by man who was denied entry - National |
  • You have a choice on if you want to engage in art u dont have to look at something if u dont want. Denying someone access to work that someone else wants seen who does not support your mission/application is taking away your right to consent. I dont take away ur ability to consent then forcefully make you engage with my artwork.

  • Museum behind ladies-only art exhibit sued by man who was denied entry - National |
  • Men like this implying me? God you really are incapable of thinking for yourself. I am not addicted to outragw or misogyny in fact i despise both i very strongly beleive in equallity and cant see how calling objective inequallity what it is is outrage or mysogyny. Please explain how its mysogynous to hate hate ineguallity?

  • Museum behind ladies-only art exhibit sued by man who was denied entry - National |
  • Equallity of outcome does not equal equallity of oppertunity.

  • Museum behind ladies-only art exhibit sued by man who was denied entry - National |
  • Yep very clever looks like u've just discovered the problem with outrage art. If you are successfull it means you are a right old cunt who people hate. It performs far better as mockery of the concept itself than what i think the artist intended. The sueing of them was either a masterpiece 4d chess by the artist themselves or a lesson in irony.

  • Lego instructs California police department to stop using Lego heads to mask identities of suspects
  • Exactly you are under no obligation to entertain their nonsence this is no reason to ban and silence them

  • Lego instructs California police department to stop using Lego heads to mask identities of suspects
  • Dont we all guess we gotta make up for it by listening to everyones spin and then making a judgement ourselves.

  • Is there anyway i can transfer a world save from fabric to forge?

    Both saves are on mc 1.20.1 and not all the mods line up but im happy to manually fix the things that are broken. And lose things from mods not in my new modpack.

    Currently it complains about corrupted save file.

    Since a majority of what i actually want to transfer is located within a small area i have considered making a schematic and using world edit to drop it in woukd this work?

    I assume most if not all items will be lost in this proccess but im not sure if perhaps i could export/transfer things via ME?

    Any help would greatly be appreciated

    EDIT: I did it all i had to do was create a new world in the new mc instance then manually copy over world and player files and it just worked.

    I need advice for building the absolute minimum windows 11 install.

    I need windows 11 for some applications that im required to use have been running linux for a few years now and been running said apps in a vm.

    But as of soonish said apps and windows will be dropping win10 support so i need to upgrade.

    I want to build the minimal install remove all bloat usless apps crap etc etc. What tools do i need to do this? What windows build should i use(for my win10 i used an enterprise build)?

    Advice for buulding a cheep NAS

    Hey guys ive been self hosting things for a while now mostly just off a bunch if old computers in a k8s cluster.

    The majour issue i have currently is all my data is on a single hdd in an old dektop. Its painfully slow and very risky as i have no backup or anything (i dont feel to great about that).

    I really dont have much $ to spend hence my setup is built from a stack of practically ewaste hobbled together. I finally have the $ to buy some drives how should i go about building myself a nas on the cheap?

    [Duscussion] Post licening to kneecap threads putting ads next to our content.

    Ive seen that pixelfed and peertube have the ability to add a licence to content. I think this would be great for everyone so we can get ahead of threads and have collective bargaining power when they inevitable put our content between ads.

    Heres the pixelfed duscyssion on the issue: Here is mastadons discussion:

    Im not sure if lemmy has a discussion yet i may create one later if one doesnt already exist.

    I made thsi post a while ago still isnt fixed [Bug?] Cant switch community sort order. - Lemmy.World

    If i switch search sort order from relevant to activity in the community search tab i cant switch it back to relevant.

    Can you use the same domain/username for different fediverse services?

    Is there a way to set it up so can be a lemmy account and also a mastadon account? I seen people using subdomains like and is this nessasary? Could u also set up a matrix account with the same If not what woukd be requured to change to make this possible?

    Disable spawner requirements?

    I'm having trouble with drowned not spawning from a spawner I suspect due to y level requirements. I had a look online but couldnt find any blockdata about spawning requirements. Is it possible? If not is there a fabric 1.20.1 mod that will let me do the same thing?

    Wanted to shair my graph. About a year of notes.

    Btw if anyone has any suggestions to help the lag as im starting to notice its slowing down and the bigger it gets the more I fear it will get worse.

    Microsoft word online isn't rendering equations correctly

    I have An equation in the equation tools and when i insert it the brackets seem to disappear.

    The issue seems to be with using Firefox as it renders correctly on chromium. My current research of the problem says it could potential be an issue with the Firefox MathML implementation but I'm not sure exactly how to test that let alone fix it. Is this an issue i should raise with Firefox or am i being dumb and missing an obvious fix?

    !Equation in the Equation tools

    !Equation when inserted

    [Bug?] Cant switch community sort order.

    If i switch search sort order from relevant to activity in the community search tab i cant switch it back to relevant.

    muntedcrocodile muntedcrocodile
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