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Who is moo deng and why is lemmy obsessed with them ?
  • Wait, all these baby hippo posts have been a single baby hippo? I thought people were just posting cute baby hippos.

    Despite new evidence to the contrary, I will continue to hold this false belief 🦛

  • The two types of jobs
  • And in the precise moment I saw this, I realized both of my monitors were displaying Excel on full screen. Sigh.

  • The return
  • Holy frijoles

  • How do you lure a stray cat to your yard/house?
  • Me and my gf way back in the day trapped a stray kitten once.

    It was living under a car. We put little piles of dry food out for it for a few days, gradually moving the pile further and further away from his hiding place. Then one day we made a little trail of food leading to a carry box that we filled with food. Once we heard it chomping away inside, we crept up and slammed the door shut. It felt like a scene out of a cartoon lol

    Little thing freaked out and clawed at the door and cried for a while. But once we took it into the house and out of the summer heat, it was very happy.

    Note, I am neither an experienced pet owner nor a trapper. I just like telling this story hehe

    Edit: ...what pronouns do you use for a kitten from decades ago whose sex you don't remember?

  • Childless GOP Candidate Borrows Friend's Wife and Kids for Photo Ops | The GOP's antipathy towards childless Americans is prompting some weird behavior
  • Once the "weird" label took off, I thought it would lose some of its power because it was being used so much.

    But damn. There's no other way to put it. This is weird.

  • What candy flavors are always cast but are never the star?
  • My sense is it's getting at "what's an overated candy flavor"

  • it's showtime
  • I've been enjoying it. I'd recommend a try, but not for the full sticker price. I'm pretty sure there's a free demo available.

    A simple start-to-finish (any%) run is super duper easy, but some of the mechanics are pretty fun and the cinematic element makes me smile a lot. But you could prolly get a good feel for the latter just watching videos of playthroughs.

    However... A 100% run can be VERY frustrating. The cute cinematics are mostly unskippable -- you can't even button-mash to speed up the dialog. Also, the stages don't really allow for backtracking. So if you miss something, you have to start all the way back at the beginning. I got stuck on one stage and put off playing for weeks cuz it was so annoying. "Welcome to the Spooky Party", grrr...

    Once I got past that though, it got fun again (and inspired this post hehe). The post-game challenges have been pretty neat so far.

    7/10 new, 8/10 used, 9/10 borrowed from a friend for a weekend

  • it's showtime

    i mean would you rather unlock double jumps irl or have all of peach's costumes

    Lord, I was born a scramblin' maaaaan
  • I'm gonna make some hedgehog stew today

  • Locked Removed
    Ex-White House staffer shreds Trump's 'creepy' ​remarks
  • I really wish the nomenclature was consistent. If you say "shreds", it'd better be documents in a literal paper shredder, perhaps in service of obstruction of justice.

    If you're just referring to people saying "Trump bad", please use "slam" or "blast" so I know to ignore it.

  • I have no rule
  • Cornholio Paradox

  • Is there a word for mangled idiom that becomes commonplace
  • I thought most hoes would be quite easy to plow

  • Is there a word for mangled idiom that becomes commonplace
  • When referring to a difficult task: "That's a tough road to hold", or "a tough road to hoe", or "a tough road to [travel on]" or "a tough road to... [trails off awkwardly...]", or just "a tough road".

    It's a tough row to hoe.

    It's an agricultural metaphor. The row is a line of dirt in a field where you plant seeds. You use a hoe to dig the lines, remove weeds, and create little holes where you drop the seeds. Hoeing may be difficult if the soil is too hard or too full of rocks and weeds. Such a row would be a tough one to hoe.

  • Mushies Rule
  • They look like they'll glow and make a soft bell noise if I stand next to them and press "A".

  • I'm listening to a motivational speaker at a corporate conference when I realize...
  • To me, this says that your workplace has acknowledged and accepted that the way they do business is leading to burnout, at least for some people. But rather than using that as evidence that their business practices need to change, they've instead opted to individualize the problem. Our growth projections aren't unreasonably ambitious, you just need to do more deep breathing.

    It's like how I'm told to take a vacation to relax, only to return to the same (or an even larger) pile of to-dos that I left behind.

    Edit: If this resonates with you, check out the book "McMindfulness" by Ronald Purser.

  • What keeps you going every day?
  • Whatever it was, I forgot what it was today

  • 2real5me
  • Me, looking for technical writing jobs after writing a highly fucking technical dissertation: I have a PhD but I'm pretty burned out on being a try-hard so I'm just looking for a straightforward 9-to-5.

    Them: We're worried you'll be bored.

    Me: Anyone would get bored doing this, at least I'll be good at it.

    Them: No.

  • you've probably never ruled of it
  • He was a terrific athlete

  • Back to office articles.
  • That's fair. I won't dispute that sometimes they're helpful. If I spend more time typing the message than it'd take to just talk it out, then meeting up is a viable option.

    But gosh, the number of meetings I've had where I send the email, we meet anyway, and I simply read the email to them and they go "Ohhhh"... Sigh.

  • Nausea on HRT? (MtF)

    I'm a trans woman, and I've been experiencing pretty annoying levels of nausea recently -- like, daily, for a few months. It's not too disruptive, but I get hungry really sporadically, and I spend the rest of the time feeling vaguely queasy. I'm wondering if it's at all related to the drug cocktail I'm on.

    I've been on HRT for about 2 years now. I take estradiol (4 mg/day orally) and spironolactone (100 mg/day). I get my hormone levels checked regularly at a clinic. The spiro used to be 50 mg/day, but I had to up the dose after my testosterone levels started creeping back up several months ago.

    The T uptick seemingly coincided with when I started taking bupropion for depression. My T levels are back in range, and I've since switched out the bupropion for lamotrigine (a mood stabilizer). But now I have all this nausea.

    Despite what I've described, my HRT prescriber and my psychiatrist both insist that this drug combination shouldn't be causing nausea, nor the jump in T levels. So, it's a mystery, and quite a frustrating one. I feel like I'm a big bag of pills that's been shaken up until it's good and dizzy.

    Not sure if anyone can relate to this -- how many depressed trans women are there out there, anyway? But if you have any advice, I'm all ears.

    thought i'd get a day off from work, but noooo...

    though i am struggling with image uploads for some reason, so i guess i do get to participate in the chaos after all

    Empty space between posts (Firefox on Android)

    For the past day or so, I've been seeing a bunch of empty space in between posts. All the posts are there, but I have to scroll for a while to see them all. It also happens on comment threads.

    I'm using Firefox 127.0.2 on Android 14. It also happens when I request the desktop site view. It doesn't happen on my actual desktop, nor does it happen for other instances like

    Is this a known issue? Any fixes?

    Edit: Within hours of posting, pages are loading normally again.

    it's basically rulesday

    and apologies if this one's too US-centric

    lolola lolola

    just a sad trans girl looking for laugh-out-louds

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