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People always ask me if I like sunny days or snowy-winter days, mf:
  • Snowy and sunny are idealization, and each idealization is wrong, most winter days are continuous change and mixture of intermediate states of snow and sun. Death to idealism.

  • Valery Sablin -- great and noble man
  • 😂😂😂

  • Viral video in Ukraine of injured Ukrainian soldier
  • No way, Ukraine is on the good side, they'd never do that. /s

  • Valery Sablin -- great and noble man
  • Well, that's all true.

  • Egypt Officially Ditches US Dollar For Trade
  • Another step to deflate the U$ hegemony. Good news!

  • Valery Sablin -- great and noble man
  • Well, even if he believed some corrections are necessary, he certainly selected not the most efficient and reasonable means to express it. I do not want to sound like an ultra, but I admire his courage and firm staying with noble ideals, also I am sorry for what happened to him.

  • Just skip breakfast Gabe
  • Made me laugh 😂 I hope Gabe will get wiser and will be fine after all.

  • Valery Sablin -- great and noble man
  • I think (wish to believe?) Sablin was a Leninist, who wanted back ideals of the 1917 Revolution, but some leftcoms may be lured to him by opposing USSR when it did not follow their expectations.

    The warship is called Dzerzhinskiy, has she some references to Sablin?

  • Well this is weird
  • Well, this is nicely surprising - but I do expect nothing beyond that.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 5
  • I am angry to myself that I missed 100 anniversary of Lenin's death.

  • On this day, 100 years ago, Vladimir Lenin passed away
  • Could someone resurrect Lenin and my grandma? Death is a removed.

  • I need your help unfucking my mind. [CW: SA]
  • That's off topic, but I like your nickname 😂

  • Nikolai Kharitonov: 50 days before the elections. The mood is to win!
  • I did some «doomerist» post today, when I cry why Russia is far-right and reactionary, and here I see some great news! I'll drink some good tea for that.

  • What's your political compass?
  • All right, I keep reading. BTW -- I finished volume one of «Selected works» of Marx and Engels, which you have recommended to me, thanks!

  • What's your political compass?
  • A friend of mine said that only the book 1 was really good, 2 was so so, and the remaining were waste of time (this may be extremely subjective). I had read book 1, do you recommend to read 2-6?

  • What's your political compass?
  • Most accurate I've seen so far :)

  • How Russia became far right?

    Over 100 years ago, Russia became core of USSR and the pioneer of international struggle for workers' liberation, poverty lifting, enlightenment, scientific progress and propagation of socialism and communism.

    Now -- in my humble and maybe biased by liberal propaganda view -- Russia is one of the most reactionary, conservative, backward-looking, clerical country. Please excuse me posting some liberal, imperialist shit here, but seems that Kremlin officially admits going far-right:

    Speaking locally, there seems to be evidence that Polish far-right party PiS (Law and Justice) is backed by Kremlin as well as the extremely influential priest, Tadeusz Rydzyk, founder and director of the ultra-catholic, conservative Radio Maryja station has/had ties with Polish and Russian security services before the end of People's Republic of Poland and USSR (sic!). I have some generally available videos, but in Polish, sadly.

    Could you tell me how far this is true? If so, what purpose had the late communist states and today's Russia in spreading far-right propaganda? WTF went wrong?

    Truth in advertising
  • Someone skipped set / probability theory lessons 😂

  • How Lemmy's Communist Devs Saved It How Lemmy's Communist Devs Saved It

    There are various reasons Lemmy succeeded as a Reddit alternative where others failed. One of the underappreciated ones is probably that the devs were communists. I know that sounds a little strange

    How Lemmy's Communist Devs Saved It

    Marx to other Reddit alternatives: I fucking told you!

    truly the power of innovation
  • A tractor of my father made in People's Republic of Poland in 1964, operated very harshly and brutally, and stored outside, still works and cuts grass every summer. It literally needs no electricity - when pulled by other tractor for the engine start, you don't need a battery, thanks to diesel engine with sectional injection pump.

  • I have finally got a new laptop!!!
  • I get my few days earlier, I am happy with it. I just was curious how Windows 11 looks and feel but then I saw that you need an internet connection and Micro$oft account to finish the installation, so I quickly changed the OS to MX Linux. Great that you have a Linux, I hope it will serve you well. For me, it took some time to find the right distro.

  • A very based movie poster
  • Also, the man looks realistic, not as in absurd yt films "reject modernity, embrace tradition", where cringe right-wingers use pictures of body builders, or even in Rambo -- how many soldiers actually look like John Rambo? I conjecture, that if one have too much muscles, then he is slower, what make him a worse soldier.

  • Muh but surveillance

    Chinese citizens are among those who feel the most positively about AI products and services. Americans … not so much.

    In a 2022 IPSOS survey, 78% of Chinese respondents (the highest proportion of surveyed countries) agreed with the statement that products and services using AI have more benefits than drawbacks. After Chinese respondents, those from Saudi Arabia (76%) and India (71%) felt the most positive about AI products. Only 35% of sampled Americans (among the lowest of surveyed countries) agreed that products and services using AI had more benefits than drawbacks.


    History lemat_87
    It is sad that John McCarty, one of genius fathers of AI, raised as communist, turned to become an U.S. republican

    He visitied USSR many times and knew Russian well. He rejected communism after he saw the Warsaw Pact intervention in Czechoslovakia. The intervention took less than 300 hundred lives on both sides, but McCarthy choose to support republicans, a fascist regime responsible for thousands of victims all over the World.

    Edit: Wikipedia says: "he distanced himself after making visits to the Soviet Bloc, which led to him becoming a conservative Republican." but it seems that this particular intervention changed his mind, not the earlier multiple visits in Soviet Union. Wikipedia is biased as fuck.

    Keep out, f**ker Elon Musk Offers to Also Ruin Wikipedia

    Behind the X owner’s trolling is a years long obsession with the internet’s favorite encyclopedia, says Depths of Wiki creator Annie Rauwerda.

    Elon Musk Offers to Also Ruin Wikipedia

    In Greek, "private" means "ιδιωτικός", spelled something like "idioticos". Sounds funny for me.

    Space programs

    Space programs were speciality of USSR, and the SU made many breakthroughs and records. These days, some people (I suppose that similar to degrowthers) say that this is an unnecessary cost and they question why we should explore the space, while there are so much unsolved problems on Earth. I think this is wrong: the great Voyager missions brought many scientific breakthrougs and the total cost per citizen was something like cents. What are your views on space exploration, like scientific one? (I assume that even degrowthers and anarchists would agree that metorogical, navigation, communication etc. satellites are indispensable.)

    Edit: There are some pessimistic views about space exploration from philosophical point of view, but quite obvious for an anti-capitalists:

    Spain voting

    While social democrats allowed ultra right party Vox to enter the parlament (first time since franco), it is not so bad: the leading right wing party PP probably will not ally with Vox since they both would not have majority. A nice feature of Spanish politics is that they have a party with a percentage of communists (led by Yolanda Diaz), something what would be not possible with ultraconservative countries like Poland.

    Am I a doomer?

    When I see growing nationalism in Europe and the whole world, climate being fucked up, what will create a migration catastrophe and wars, rich becoming richer and poor getting poorer, I think the world is burning and going to a catastrophe, and there is too late for a world revolution. World is already in fire and angry people will go to the far right and nazi instead build communism. China will not save the world since in my opinion it becomes nationalist and focused on making private money; it is just the least disgusting of the main players. It is not Deng Xiaoping's China anymore. The fucking world will burn soon. I do not see a reason why bring children into this world and actually live here. Is there a light of hope?

    lemat_87 lemat_87
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