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Young men, like 18-24 year old males on Hexbear: Is the culture for your age group completely fucked, or am I out of touch?
  • We can looki inward or outward. Media consumption just facitates this for better or worse.

    I feel like the medium is neither good or bad. If you want to connect with someone meet them where they're at.

  • With Stickers on Phone Cameras, Clubs Defend the Party Vibe
  • check when you leave

    And then what? They swipe your phone?

  • Locked
    Getting back into dating and I fell for a married woman wtf
  • I think you're fine. What you did is always the risk you run when you're not open and honest with your partner. Making a point to never lie or hold back has made my relationships much better.

  • Legalizing Sports Gambling Was a Huge Mistake
  • Your close to understanding then. Gambling exists because of capitalism just as Engle's outlined about prostitution. You can't ban capitalism you can't ban gambling you can't ban prostitution you can only create the conditions in which it doesn't exist.

    Well that's not totally true you can ban these things but only in the contest of expanding enforcement mechanisms.

  • Legalizing Sports Gambling Was a Huge Mistake
  • you take too much

    See my previous comment

    Also, yes it fucking is because of the availability. The reason it became a massive epidemic is that every other doctor in the country became a drug dealer for dangerous recreational drugs.

    And why were they doing this? Because the drugs were available or because it was profitable?

  • Legalizing Sports Gambling Was a Huge Mistake
  • Why are opioids dangerous? And why do people get addictes? Its not because of their availability

  • Legalizing Sports Gambling Was a Huge Mistake
  • OK well you can't ban gambling without pressing the buton either (see current conditions) Banning things is a ham fishted non solution.

    Meeting and guaranteeing peoples basic necessities would render this conversation moot and is easily achievable

  • Legalizing Sports Gambling Was a Huge Mistake
  • Why ban gambling when you can just create conditions where its not possible to ruin your life by gambling. Like can't gamble away your house if its community managed. Cannot impoverish 'your' kids if they're not dependent on a nuclear family.

  • Legalizing Sports Gambling Was a Huge Mistake
  • You think drugs should just be freely available to the public?

    I do. A lot of the danger of drugs is mitigated by quality control and education.

  • How do we get Lenin to listen to Chapell Roan?
  • I've spent a lot of time convincing people that its shapel

  • i seriously cannot comprehend why kruschev was ever allowed to fuck the SU up so badly
  • was purged for believing genetics was real

    That's a pretty interesting claim and sounds pretty wild. Where can I read about the soviets purging genetics believers? You genetics guys gotta be careful ya know.

  • Very insightful
  • I too have to swallow two guys every morning

  • It's real
  • We should set up a front organization to become the sole pillow stuffing provider to the the Taiwanese firm that produces the pillow. 20 grams of additional stuffing could be provided gratis to each pillow.

  • It's real
  • ok idk what is R277 referencing? something heinous no doubt.

  • It's real
  • ok idk what is R277 referencing? something heinous no doubt.

  • The vegetables folks, they're no good. Vegetables are losing their nutrients. Can the decline be reversed?

    A process called biofortification puts nutrients directly into seeds and could reduce global hunger, but it’s not a magic bullet

    Vegetables are losing their nutrients. Can the decline be reversed?

    Ladies, is it Joever? Andrew (@andyohlbaum)

    Excited to announce v(1.0) of Digi, the future of AI Romantic Companionship, for IOS and Android 🤖Site: http://digi.aiTwitter: @digiaiapp A quick thread on features, and where we go from here (1/13)

    Andrew (@andyohlbaum)