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Transvulcania - the race on the rim of La Palma's volcanos Transvulcania - the race on the rim of La Palma's volcanos

In 2021, La Palma's volcanos erupted, issuing tonnes of molten rock and a reminder of the perilious nature of the island's premier running race.

Transvulcania - the race on the rim of La Palma's volcanos

> In 2021, La Palma's volcanos erupted, issuing tonnes of molten rock and a reminder of the perilious nature of the island's premier running race.

Israeli Politician Quotes Hitler to Argue for Resettlement of Gaza
  • Internet archive is apparently somewhat of with the pages, page 94 seems to be in a different chapter there.

    Scanning chapter 4 however, the only mention of collaboration with the Nazis is "[Hajj Amin al-Husayni]'s willingness to serve as a radio commentator for the Nazis and to help recruit Muslims in the Balkans to the German war effort no doubt stains his career. But he did not act any differently from the Zionist leaders in the 1930s, who themselves sought an alliance with the Nazis against the British Empire, or from all the other anticolonialist movements who wanted rid of the Empire by way of alliances with its principal enemies." (page 65 on the archive)

    This seems like a rather unspecific source for "right wing Zionist used to work with the Nazis, some of them even after the war starts." (not to mention that njm1314 somehow forgot to mention that at least Palestinian leader also wanted an alliance with the Nazis and actually worked for/with them).

    I'm starting to think that njm1314 is not as well known fact as they make it out to be...

  • Israeli Politician Quotes Hitler to Argue for Resettlement of Gaza
  • Opposed?

    Yes, opposed: "These appeals to Germany were in direct opposition to the views of other Zionists, such as Ze'ev Jabotinsky, who wanted Britain to defeat the Nazis even as they wanted to expel the British from Palestine." Source

    What's important to know is that Lehi while not the biggest organisation they were extremely violent.

    No, for the question of "the right wing Zionists working with the Nazis" it is not important. You can be extremely violent without working with Nazis..

    Their radical Zionism played a big part in shaping israel and their "the end justifies the means" approach can clearly be observed to this day.

    This may well be, but is also not the same as working with Nazis.

    Bonus meme: Lehi also ran the newspaper Hamaas

    Also no relevance for the question of working with Nazis.

  • Israeli Politician Quotes Hitler to Argue for Resettlement of Gaza
  • The claim was "the right wing Zionist used to work with the Nazis". The "source" is describing

    • a splinter group (that was opposed by other Zionists)
    • trying to get an agreement with the Nazis
    • that would allow all Jews to leave the Nazi territories
  • Habe gerade Nazi-Teenager in der Bahn neben mir gehabt
  • Interessant, wie du von der Entscheidung zwischen ‘etwas sagen’ und (offensichtlich) ‘nichts sagen’ erzählst, und wie du das Eine davon gleich mit einer Prügelei gleichsetzt…

    Ähm, die Typen haben sogar damit angegeben, dass sie gewalttätig sind - da ist es jetzt durchaus naheliegend, dass sie wieder Gewalt ausüben könnten, wenn ihnen widersprochen wird. Was ist daran "interessant"?

  • Gaza war: Israelis attack aid convoys sent for Palestinians
  • Holy shit

    Ben Gvir was known to have a portrait in his living room of Baruch Goldstein, a Jewish extremist and Israeli-American mass murderer who massacred 29 Palestinian Muslim worshipers and wounded 125 others in the 1994 Cave of the Patriarchs massacre in Hebron.

    In December 2021, Ben-Gvir was investigated after a video surfaced of him pulling a handgun on Arab security guards during a parking dispute in the underground garage of the Expo Tel Aviv conference center. The guards asked Ben-Gvir to move his vehicle as he was parked in a prohibited space. He then drew a pistol and brandished it at the guards.

    In early October 2023, following the arrest of 5 ultra-Orthodox Heredi Jews for spitting at Christians and outside churches, Ben-Gvir said it was "not a criminal case" following arrests.[60] Prior to entering politics, he defended Jews spitting at Christians as "an ancient Jewish custom".


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    The only texts I've found so far assume prior JS knowledge (like The TypeScript Handbook or seem rather unstructured to me (e.g. dropping a lot of different ways and shortcuts to do things without explaining concepts or making no clear distinction between basics/best practices and advanced use cases/edge cases).

    Ideally it would explain core concepts (like functions, types, classes, ...) first, with their most common use cases. Later chapter would do deep dives into different topics.

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    cross-posted from:

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