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What is the role of the Communist Party of Kenya in the current protests?

Title says most of it. Although I could be wrong, it seems like the CPK is more successful than your average modern communist party.

What are the current prospects for revolution in Kenya like?

Marxist analysis of the the mentality behind right-wing libertarianism and anarcho-capitalism?

Personally, I think it's part of the petty-bourgeois delusion that a person can become part of the capitalist elite instead of realizing that they have more in common with the working class.

Tips on coping with the climate crisis and its effects?

It's needless to say that climate change is a very scary topic that is a lot to handle. There are a lot of very bleak predictions, and even optimistic predictions will significantly disrupt humanity for at least some time.

What are your tips on how I (and many others) can cope with this?

(P.S. It's like I make a new post every day, isn't it?)

General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 20
  • Who would've thought the fucking Netherlands would turn towards fascism again. (counting their time under Nazi occupation)

  • How socially conservative are China and Vietnam, and how can they realistically become more progressive?
  • By "socially progressive", I am referring to the things we usually refer to when it comes to social progress: acceptance of LGBTQ+, rights for women, anti-racism, respect for youth and elderly, etc.

    By "conservative", it would mean opposition to such advances in social progress.

    I'm not the best at wording this.

  • Myanmar Continues Fight Against Washington's Other Proxy War
  • Doesn't the Communist Party of Burma support the rebels? In fact, aren't they literally part of the rebels?

  • How will dedollarization affect US allies? (such as EU and Japan)

    We already know it will fuck up the U.S. economy. How badly will this affect their allies as well?

    Bonus: What are other possible geopolitical effects from this?

    De-Dollarization Is Happening at a ‘Stunning’ Pace, Jen Says
  • As dedollarization advnces, what are the geopolitical effects going to be?

  • Why did the USA fund ISIS?

    With the Mujahideen (Taliban and al-Qaeda), it was obvious: attack the Soviets.

    But why ISIS? When they overthrew Saddam, why would they fund a group that would attack their own puppet government?

    How close is socialism to coming back in Russia and Belarus? (April 2024 edition)

    Here I am, asking pretty much the same question again, only a year later. I ask again because conditions have changed a lot even in as little as a year. BRICS is becoming more powerful, state enterprises are becoming stronger in Russia, the USSR remains a positive memory to the majority of Russians and Belarusians. What are your thoughts and predictions?

    I'll try not to ask the same question again to prevent from annoying yall.

    What will the political effects of climate change be like? (Particularly in the imperial core)

    I've heard many people basically say that the climate crisis is what's going to force the imperial core to choose between socialism or barbarism, if they haven't chosen already. What are your thoughts on the manner?

    How will socialism/communism deal with school bullying?

    We've already talked about school and how we can change it in the past. But today I want to discuss a specific topic related to school: bullying.

    As a neurodivergent person, I've had my own share of bullies pick on me in the past, two of which I was lucky not to get into physical fights with. There are so, so many people who have had even worse experiences with bullying.

    In school, children/adolescents pretty much have to be around each other, making it more difficult to deal with bullying.

    How can socialism deal with this issue?

    Thoughts on this video? (It's some self-proclaimed Maoists defending Pol Pot for over 30 minutes)

    Judging by how they don't like transgenderism, they stan Infrared, and one of the creators is a Catholic, we may be dealing with some patsocs.

    Why is North Korea and the Kim family so demonized?

    I asked earlier about why Stalin was so propagandized, but I'd argue that not even he is as propagandized as the DPRK's leaders.

    How will Latin America be decolonized?

    Sequel to my previous post asking how the Anglosphere and Japan would be decolonized.

    Biggest Attack on “Isr•el” in History: 5 Countries With Hundreds of Drones and Ballistic Missiles
  • Even bigger than the Arab-Israeli conflicts of the Cold War?

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 15
  • Elections for House of Representatives are coming up in my area. All the time, I get blasted with ads arguing in favor or against certain candidates. What stood out to me was this one ad where the candidate was condemned for voting against Israel, and stating that they "refused to condemn terrorism". And most of the people in my area are uneducated about the whole Israeli-Palestinian conflict and why Hamas is fighting in the first place. It's really frustrating how they are taking advantage of that fact.

  • Central Committee of Democratic Front for Reunification of Korea Formally Dissolved
  • Could the Korean War resume in the near future?

  • Despair
  • We evolve beyond the person we were a minute before. Little by little, we advance a bit further with each turn, that's how a drill works!

  • Despair
  • Permanently Deleted

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 12
  • I had a dream last night where I made a post here about how showers were authoritarian without elaborating any further and it got so unpopular that it had 120+ dislikes and I almost got banned.

  • 18th birthday
  • That's what I felt like when I turned 18, you're not alone buddy.

  • QOL Comparison: Coal Miner in DPRK vs USA
  • As I said in the other post, where do I sign up?

  • What's with all of this hate and fearmongering about illegal immigrants?
  • P.S. Jesus Christ, I've been asking so many questions here lately.

  • Marxist analysis of the isekai anime genre and why it is so common nowadays?
  • The fall of the Soviet Union and its consequences.

  • fire86743 fire86743
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