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  • Europe already spends 2 to 3 times more on defence than Russia and has more manpower and vehicles but there is, apart from us, no party ever highlighting this.

  • Went to a psychologist for a second opinion for starting my trans care last week. He approved it, so that's nice but he also made me really self conscious about the way I talked. He noticed that I talk with a slightly crooked mouth. He asked why, and insinuated it's medical. I said that's it's because of my autism and it only happens when I'm nervous. He also asked if I'm sure it's not a by-effect of my DIY medication, to which I replied that I had it my whole life. He then shared a story of an older woman who had the same her whole life, and that she also said that it's not medical, and that he made her question if it was medical.

    He was nice the whole interview and then he pulls this shit. Now I keep focussing on my mouth when I talk and I notice that I want to avoid conversations more often.

    • Lol that's weird. It's one thing to notice such a thing and he's right when he might think it can be something medical but to insinuate it is is just weird. But then again doctors can be quite strange.

  • TIL Bobby Fischer, american chess grandmaster, was deeply into antisemitic conspiracies. He was subscribed to the judeobolshevik conspiracy, and st some point wrote "we should start randomly killing jews". I wouldnt have known this if not by some random X comment.

    Is there any list about media figures that are antisemitic?

  • That new book by the ex-Facebook employee is a good glimpse into the mind of a terminal liberal. She mentions China in the introduction which I thought was odd because Facebook never operated in China and if you count the evils that Facebook has done, which are countless btw, is China really that important that it should be mentioned in your introduction?

    So I ctrl F China to see what her point of view was. Turns out she is mad that Zucc and other execs were willing to negotiate with China rather being a tool for regime change. She talks about a phone call with another employee who asks her if Zucc should take credit for the Arab Spring. She says that her answer depends on Facebook's policy towards, because taking credit for it would make it difficult to make inroads in China because it would mean that Facebook facilitates "people's revolutions" (yeah she called Arab Spring that).

    She completely refuses to understand why Zucc want to do business in China. The fact that China is not only the second largest country but also moderately prosperous with a mind boggling consumer base for Facebook is something she never contends. She is just mad about the ethical implications of bowing down to CCP's demands. Like its their divinely ordained duty to topple "authoritarian regimes" around the world.

    • so she basically grifting right, read an interview and she is mad about companies making concessions to the CPC to be able to enter their market lmao. especially now that zucc went mask off republican, i think she is just catering to the democrat base trying to make a quick buck.

      • Yeah this is as naked as a grift gets. She worked in a top position in a blatantly evil corpo for some seven years. Anyone with a shred of conscience would not be able to last a day in her shoes.