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  • Dopamine receptor downregulation

  • I told other kids about me contributing to Lemmy, and now some of them call it "that app you made"
  • I bet they're instead continuing to use Instagram

  • Church of Jesus Christ
  • "I will build my church" - Jesus

  • Daniel Suelo already did that
  • Another r*ctangle lover 🤮 /s

  • Church of Jesus Christ
  • Which "Christians"?

  • STEM Students Refuse to Work at Google and Amazon Over Project Nimbus
  • People should become more hesitant to cooperate in the development of any non-libre software

  • The mask ban shit is unreal.
  • The doctor should have rambled about facial recognition

  • Church of Jesus Christ
  • No, it's referring to apolistic succession

  • Church of Jesus Christ

    Edit: this is about apolistic succession

    Anti-Capitalist Affirmations
  • Why are these considered anti-capitalist?

  • Daniel Suelo already did that
  • If I included cussing in "[YTP] Intoducing Apple Pro", then I wouldn't have been able to show it in my self introduction presentation in a high school class. I can't guarantee that cleanness wouldn't have a similar benefit for this meme.

  • Daniel Suelo already did that
  • These comments alone prove that some people are not adults.

  • Daniel Suelo already did that
  • Ignorance of Daniel Suelo is ignorance of Daniel Suelo.

  • Daniel Suelo already did that
  • The whole thing after "programming" is the problem. I can't remember why I didn't censor the whole word.

  • Daniel Suelo already did that
  • But muh freedom

  • Daniel Suelo already did that
  • It's my personal choice. I want to be able to show the content of my posts and comments to anyone (edit: not only adults or unsupervised peers).

  • "We are ready to hear your demands"
  • Is there a video?

  • Windows or something idk
    Getting closer to marriage and approaching your full earthly potential are the same thing (assuming they're done perfectly)

    Edit: "getting closer to marriage" is about the whole journey starting from being completely single

    Edit: if this shower thought is too confusing to be useful to you, then here is a quote that gives some of the same guidance, is simpler, less philosophical, but less broad: “Don’t waste your time chasing butterflies. Mend your garden, and the butterflies will come” - Mario Quintana

    How I taught my classmates about libre software

    In economics class, we had to present a business plan. Mine was a coding summer camp for kids. I said the mission was "creating a generation of people who can work towards a bright future for the world." In the slide that lists aspects of supporting that mission, two items were "libre software" and "contributing" These were my verbal explanations:

    Libre software: "...teaching the vision of a world without non-libre software and encouraging kids to work towards it by only making libre software, which means software that grants freedoms to users, such as seeing and changing the source code, so it is controlled by users instead of just companies..."

    Contributing: "...and briefly introducing the process of creating and submitting contributions to code, which many libre software projects in the real world accept from anyone."

    (Slideshow style is Steve Jobs + frutiger aero)

    datahoarder dullbananas
    How to download Google Docs version history (easy way, doesn't include how to use the downloaded file)

    Run this javascript code with the document open in the browser:

    Usually this is possible by pasting it into the Console tab in developer tools. If running javascript is not an option, then use this method:

    You might need to manually remove the characters before the first { in the downloaded file.

    datahoarder dullbananas
    How to download Google Docs version history (hard way, doesn't include how to use the downloaded file)
    1. Copy the document ID. For example, if the URL is, then the ID is 16Asz8elLzwppfEhuBWg6-Ckw-Xtfgmh6JixYrKZa8Uw.
    2. Open this URL: (replace poop with the ID from the previous step). You should see a json file.
    3. Add 0 to the end of the number after end= and refresh. Repeat until you see an error page instead of a json file.
    4. Find the highest number that makes a json file instead of an error page appear. This involves repeatedly trying a number between the highest number known to result in a json file and the lowest number known to result in an error page.
    5. Download the json file. You might need to remove the characters before the first {.

    I found the URL format for step 2 here:

    I am working on an easy way. Edit: here it is

    Idea: Khan Academy variant called 4khan

    Someone should make a variant of Khan Academy with the same content (which is under Creative Commons) but no non-libre software, call it 4khan, and list the "4 essential khans" (you khan run the program as you wish for any purpose, etc.) on the homepage

    Lemmy maintainer works on Lemmy while at prom

    cross-posted from:

    > I asked the person who broke my school laptop to take this picture of me > > On the screen:
