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Russia using Kaliningrad as a base to disrupt EU satellites, report says
  • They were being dicks even in the 80s. I remember the Russian Woodpecker. My father was a amateur radio operator and there were whole frequency bands that were unusable because of that prat-prat-prat-prat.

  • Steam/GOG Summer Sales
  • This riddle has me at a loss and I will not search the internet for passionate athletic girls.

  • Steam/GOG Summer Sales
  • I was pretty surprised by the price Disco Elysium is going for.

  • Are there any games you're planning to pick up during the Steam and GOG sales?
  • Can't recommended DE enough, and for that price it's a must buy.

  • Are there any games you're planning to pick up during the Steam and GOG sales?
  • My backlog has reached that point where I need to be a responsible adult and finally beat some games, so this time I'll pass.

    But the PS games like Horizon: Zero Dawn are tempting.

  • Mysterious ‘Dark Fungi’ Are Lurking Everywhere
  • Somehow reminds me of the anime Mushi-Shi.

  • Rabbit Stare-down
  • I was considering getting a mirror lens, but that bokeh though.

  • So I learned that gas can go bad, will be paying for that lesson

    A few weeks ago I discovered a canister of gas, about half a year old from another project. I did notice it smelled a bit weird, but the smell didn't register enough to keep me from topping off the tank with it.

    After that, I had business about 550km away and thought it a perfect opportunity to take a ride. After not even 100km, the motor started stuttering, warning lights flashed and then it cut off completely. There was a gas station close by, so I stuttered my way over and filled up again. The whole trip took way longer than planned, because the motor would start stuttering again after less than half a tank and I would have to fill up again.

    Arriving, the motor would die under 2000rpm, so I had to keep it at least at 4000. The backfiring didn't help my mood much either.

    On the way back, the bike was much better behaved, and I hoped that it finally burned through all the bad gas. Relief! Thought I'd treat it with some additive to hopefully clean out the fuel system. But then the stuttering came back - so bad it was obvious the only trip for me would be to the dealer.

    So now I'm anxious to see how high the price for my stupidity will be. And I swear in future my bike will only get the best super plus!

    Detroit: Become Human
  • David Cage understandably gets a lot of flak, but the Quantic Dreams games aren't actually bad at all. I've played Fahrenheit, Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls and Detroit. And while they aren't top-tier excellent, they were all memorable.

  • Auf Druck der Freien Wähler: Bayerns Regierung streicht Hochwasserschutz zusammen (Artikel von 2018)
  • Habe mich gefragt, welche Argumente die Nimbys dagegen hatten.

    Brisant ist nicht nur, dass im Vertrag kein stichhaltiger Grund dafür angegeben wird. Die Verhandler warteten noch nicht einmal Gutachten zu möglichen positiven und negativen Folgen an den konkreten Standorten ab

    Keine? Ei, na dann.

    Total verständlich dass sie keine Argument dagegen haben. So ein Polder fügt sich fast unsichtbar in die Landschaft, und der Aufwand ist peanuts gemessen am den Schaden.

    Aber leider funktioniert sowas nur gut, wenn alle Anrainer mitmachen. Eine ähnliche Situation haben wir am Rhein. RLP und BW machen kräftig mit, Hessen leider nicht. Aber was soll's - wenn der Damm rechtsrheinisch bricht wird bestimmt genug geflutet dass die anderen Polder nicht zum Einsatz kommen müssen.

  • Ukrainian intelligence drone attacks over-the-horizon radar at distance of over 1,800 km
  • Russia's reaction will be extremely interesting. I read somewhere that they said that an attack on their early warning systems will be countered with nuclear force.

  • The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 15.05.24
  • I'd like to know how many of the poor souls on the frontline aren't Russian but Indians, Syrians, etc... that got shanghaied into service.

  • Stable, consistent workstation recommendations?
  • Having had both, I can say that with the framework you get a much better display, but you lose the trackpoint. The framework has better repairability, but has less IO. The hardware on the framework is well supported on Linux, but can be hit or miss on thinkpads, especially newer ones.

    The only thing I'm really missing on the framework is the black thinkpad chassis - can't really get used to the aluminum.

  • Apple introduces M4 chip
  • I get the sarcasm, but isn't that exactly what E-Paper tablets are really good at?

  • Ist bei euch in der Umgebung was geboten oder ist es nur meine Umgebung?
  • Vorschlag: finde 2-4 Gleichgesinnten, gründe einen Band. Das kann ziemlich aufregend werden, je nach dem wie abenteuerlustig ihr seid.

  • [YT] Project Bluefin Tour on a Framework Laptop
  • Just installed Bluefin and I also like the way that the base OS, GUI apps and CLI programs are partitioned. I enable auto updates - does anyone know how I get informed that an update happened, and that I should reboot?

  • Learn More at Let'sStopDoingIt.Org
  • Microsoft: But how am I supposed to know you don't want cookies without storing 29 cookies on your device?

  • Big Rock Moto tests the Alpinestars Halo Jacket
  • I went on a trip through the Ardennes and the weather was horrible. Hailstorms with hail sticking to my visor and lining the street, half an hour later sunshine. Heavy rain a whole day long.

    The rain liners did their job. The pant liner has an elastic to keep it in place and I was able to put it on and take it off over my boots (with a bit of struggling). There also isnt any v cut. The water didn't puddle anywhere or creep in. Actually, the only parts of me that got wet were my fingers because the gloves were absolutely waterlogged!

    Maybe you had a different model liner?

  • Mildly interesting: the Framework Laptop on the Fedora homepage

    No big news, just stumbled on the website of Fedora Workstation and did a double take on the laptop pictured. Sure looks like the Framework!

    So, Fedora 40 is out, any guess as to when we can expect Nobara 40?

    Pretty much the title. I'm not a regular on Discord and the website doesn't have any info about a release plan.

    Fairphone presenting a tablet on 09.04? (no, actually earbuds)

    I just got an email from Fairphone that something new is coming on the 09.05 - a whole new category.

    My hot take is on a tablet. What do you think?

    Edit: so the whole new category is earbuds. Somewhat disappointing, but replaceable batteries for earbuds are nice, I guess.

    Flashforge Adventurer 3 hangs after booting up - but only when online

    I've been using a rebranded Flashforge Adventurer 3 (it's actually a Bresser Rex that I got 50% off at Aldi) and have been really happy with it. The build volume is a bit smallish, but for most of what I'm doing it's fine.

    So today I boot it up and after a while, it just hangs after a minute or so. I switched it on and off, did a factory reset, tried disconnecting mains for a while, nothing helped. Also checked my DNS blocker to see if some internet requests were getting blocked.

    But what did work - weirdly enough - was to deactivate wireless. It's a small nuisance copying files over via USB, but one I can live with. At least I can continue printing!

    Big Rock Moto tests the Alpinestars Halo Jacket

    Got this as my first jacket and have been using it in the heat, in rain and in freezing weather. It really is the one jacket for all situations.

    The only thing that bothers me is that the shop where I got it only had it in black. The other colorways look a lot better!

    Had my first ride, did a stupid

    Just this weekend I got my first bike - a Honda XL750 Transalp. Winter is coming where I live, so when I saw a blue sky, dry roads and temperatures just over 0, I thought I could have a little ride. But that wasn't the stupid, even though I forgot the keys after being completely suited up with thin jogging gloves and winter gloves.

    There wasn't any stupid during the ride, although I forgot the keys again after putting on the two pairs of gloves after a little break. Or that I kept hitting the hazard lights by accident, or the high beams.

    The stupid was when I got back and rolled into the driveway. I wanted to slowly roll in and park in front of the wall of the garage. Had the clutch pulled and apparently twisted my wrist to get my thumb on the kill switch. The motor revved up so loud it scared the whole family out the house and onto the porch, where they witnessed me rolling towards the wall, bumping into it because I was so startled I didn't remember to apply the brake and me falling very, very slowly and gently (almost with a certain grace, I hope) to the side.

    As far as I could see, there's only a few scratches on the bar end and the peg. Whew! But, I was told I bumped hard enough that the rear wheel lifted into the air! Hope that the fork and frame are ok!

    Was a real downer after the nice ride, but I guess it's true what I heard, that all riders fall at least once!

    Having my exam tomorrow - super anxious and excited!

    My father was a rider, and in later years he often tried to convince me to take up the hobby. The kids were little and money was tight, so I had to say no. But every now and then I would look up bikes on the internet and dreamt a little how it would be.

    After finally getting the seal of approval from my wife, I got a course this fall. The driving instructor looks like a homeless Santa with half a mouth of teeth - but he used to do track days and enduro trips through the alps, so he knows his stuff. I looked forward to every session and really had fun, even when I got drenched in rain. And now my exam is tomorrow, and I'm super anxious and excited, maybe even a little terrified. A little bit because of the exam, but more so because of what comes afterward!

    Run It Yourself datendefekt
    Selfhosting searxng and can't get Opensearch to work

    I've seen that searxng has been recommended here, and after trying it out I was so impressed that I spun up a docker container on my Unraid box. Opensearch works fine with public instances, but I can't get it to work with my container. I'm using the official docker image. Is there something I should watch out for?

    I set the instance name, and passed environment variables with SEARXNG_URL and SEARXNG_BIND_ADDRESS.

    In welche Randsportarten seid ihr so unterwegs?

    Mein Schwiegervater ist recht sportbegeistert - zumindest, wenn es um das Schauen geht. Kürzlich habe ich mitbekommen, dass er auch zu Baseballspiele geht. Da ich auch mal in der Schule Baseball gespielt habe und es eigentlich ganz cool fand, bin ich mal mit.

    Und da habe ich gelernt, dass unsere Stadt eine Bundesliga-Mannschaft hat, die sogar 2 Mal Meister war. Was die Zuschauerzahl betrifft, erübrigt sich ein Vergleich zu Fußball ganz klar. Allerdings hätte ich nicht gedacht, dass Bundesligaspiele bei Damenvolleyball sogar viel größer sind. Erster Eindruck: es ist mehr los an einem Fussballspielfest mit unserem Kleinen.

    Es waren vielleicht 300 Leute da. Die gegnerische Mannschaft hat den Parkplatz mit ihren Wohnwagen zugestellt. Es gab Fritten und Würstchen, und ein Stand mit Kaffee und Kuchen (bestimmt von den Vereinsmitgliedern gespendet).

    Aber ganz ehrlich? Alles völlig egal! Ich will nicht sagen es waren entschleunigende drei Stunden, aber Baseball ist schon eine recht gemütliche Sportart. Den Abend habe ich genossen, und würde es gerne wiederholen.

    Jetzt aber zur eigentlichen Frage: welche Randsportarten habt ihr kennengelernt oder frönt ihr aktiv?

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