Punjab officials allegedly created a fictitious village named New Gatti Rajo Ki and spent Rs 43 lakh on its development. RTI activist Gurdev Singh unc
dancing on a moonbeam
I recently took over !india@lemmy.world, feel free to check it out. it's inactive though sadly.
me liked this
it didn't matter to me until i got a PC which booted super fast
Last month, the Union minister had denied allegations that the bus was given to him as a bribe to win contracts in seven Indian states.
An increase in C-section requests among Indian women in New Jersey follows Trump's executive order ending birthright citizenship. Expectant parents, particularly those on H-1B visas, are rushing to secure U.S. citizenship for their children before the February 20 deadline. Obstetricians caution agai...
A student from Assam's Nagaon died by suicide in Rajasthan's Kota Wednesday morning, hours after a girl from Gujarat's Ahmedabad also died by suicide.
Thank you so much!
Thank you, I'll take a look.
Request to mod c/india
hello! it looks like the only moderator of https://lemmy.world/c/india has been inactive over nearly 2 years and has no activity except 1 post on their profile. I want to grow & moderate the community, hence I'm requesting the ownership/moderator-ship of the community.
Yes, ban direct links to twitter.
Can't believe people are still advocating for Cow Urine in 2025.
This is so annoying, I don't want bloatware on my new iPhone.
How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory, F.R.I.E.N.D.S & Modern Family
The app seems to be available on app store & play store.