Punjab officials allegedly created a fictitious village named New Gatti Rajo Ki and spent Rs 43 lakh on its development. RTI activist Gurdev Singh unc
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Lemmy community for India.
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- timesofindia.indiatimes.com Village disappeared after getting development work worth Rs 43 lakh done, even Google can’t find Punjab ‘Lapta Pind’; probe ordered | Chandigarh News - The Times of India
- scroll.in Scania audit confirms Nitin Gadkari received luxury bus from Swedish firm for personal use: Reports
Last month, the Union minister had denied allegations that the bus was given to him as a bribe to win contracts in seven Indian states.
- economictimes.indiatimes.com Trump's birthright citizenship deadline leaves Indians queuing up for pre-term deliveries
An increase in C-section requests among Indian women in New Jersey follows Trump's executive order ending birthright citizenship. Expectant parents, particularly those on H-1B visas, are rushing to secure U.S. citizenship for their children before the February 20 deadline. Obstetricians caution agai...
- www.ndtv.com 2 Student Suicides In Rajasthan's Kota In 24 Hours, Six So Far This Month
A student from Assam's Nagaon died by suicide in Rajasthan's Kota Wednesday morning, hours after a girl from Gujarat's Ahmedabad also died by suicide.
- www.bbc.com T20 World Cup final: India beat South Africa by seven runs in thriller
India end their 13-year wait for a world title by fighting back for a thrilling seven-run win over South Africa in the T20 World Cup final.
India's Chandrayaan-3 rocket blasts into space for Moon mission - BBC News
www.bbc.co.uk India's Chandrayaan-3 rocket blasts into space for Moon missionThe rocket set off from India's space port in Andhra Pradesh, and is due to land a rover on the Moon in August.