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  • I like PipePipe. You can log in with a YouTube account (which fixes a lot of the YouTube blocking for me) and it's a fork of NewPipe too (just like Tubular but it regularly receives updates).

  • Revanced hasn't let me down. Sometimes Google will update something and cause a minor issue like loading shorts upon opening the app, or (in a previous version) not properly load comments.

    Whatever version of Revanced i have currently is flawless, and has adblock+sponsor block built in.

  • This might not be up your alley, but I really like yt-dlp to save content.

    (Windows instructions since I haven't fully transitioned yet, but if you have, you can figure this out no problem via the yt-dlp github page.) Open cmd to the yt-dlp directory (go to the folder where you see the exe in file explorer and type cmd into the address window so that you don't have to fuss with cd commands,) type whatever you have the yt-dlp exe renamed to without the extension (I just renamed it to yt since I rarely have a queue, and I'm lazy AF,) and then start pasting links. Add a space between every link obviously - but you can queue up whatever you want to watch the next day and download the queue while you sleep. Place the yt-dlp exe on a usb-c thumb drive and you can transfer the media files to your phone for listening to at work mid-transit if you need to keep your phone in your pocket.

    ezpz, and an example of two videos in queue:

    I may pay for premium, but I still hella support data archival.

  • Grayjay is great and had plugins for different sources.

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