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Custom gesture colours work for posts but not comments

Changing the colours for gestures works when applying gestures to posts but not comments, i.e. you always see the default colours when applying a gesture to a comment. this seems like it's been around for a while, but your efficiency at fixing issues has encouraged me to raise more!

Can't open Summit since update
  • I can recreate it (or at least a similar crash) by deleting all data, opening Summit, logging in, going into settings and setting the post gesture size to 0.75, then trying to click on a post. Changing settings in general seems to put the app in a bad state.

  • Summit crashing when starting the app/pressing on a post
  • I think I'm having the same issue. I can delete all app data to resolve it, but when I log in and start changing settings it will crash either when opening a post or just opening the app.

    I can specifically recreate it by deleting all data, opening Summit, logging in, going into settings and setting the post gesture size to 0.75, then trying to click on a post.

  • Can't open Summit since update

    I just updated Summit to the latest version (and I also applied a minor Android update too, so it could be that) and now Summit won't start (exits after a few seconds). Here's a (truncated) log if you're interested: ``` type: crash osVersion: google/redfin/redfin:14/UP1A.231105.001/2024022300:user/release-keys package: com.idunnololz.summit:142 process: com.idunnololz.summit processUptime: 67876 + 302 ms installer:

    java.lang.StackOverflowError: stack size 8188KB at java.util.HashMap.hash( at java.util.HashMap.getNode( at java.util.HashMap.containsKey( at at wc.b.getFloat(SourceFile:20) at wc.b.getFloat(SourceFile:26) at wc.b.getFloat(SourceFile:26) [TRUNCATED 1058050 CHARS] .b.getFloat(SourceFile:26) at wc.b.getFloat(SourceFile:26) at wc.b.getFloat(SourceFile:26) at wc.b.getFloat(SourceFile:26) at wc.b.getFloat(SourceFile:26) at wc.b.getFloat(SourceFile:26) at at$onViewCreated$7.c(SourceFile:223) at com.idunnololz.summit.util.BaseFragment$runOnReady$1.c(SourceFile:11) at com.idunnololz.summit.main.MainActivity$runOnReady$1.e(SourceFile:13) at tc.z.b(SourceFile:13) at androidx.lifecycle.j0.b(SourceFile:30) at androidx.lifecycle.j0.c(SourceFile:56) at androidx.lifecycle.p0.k(SourceFile:15) at at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( at android.os.Looper.loopOnce( at android.os.Looper.loop( at at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at$ at at Method) at ```

    Bug when clicking on community links followed by commas

    If I have a community link followed by a comma, such as !, it is incorrectly parsed as including that comma in the instance name. This same behaviour doesn't seem to happen in the web UI.

    Signal: No Evidence of Zero-Day Flaw in Encrypted Messaging App
  • It's not about being a hassle to maintain, it's about users thinking they were sending secure messages when they weren't. The simplest explanation is that Signal is a secure messenger, so the app shouldn't let you send insecure messages. I'm sure it lost them a few users but they're not trying to gain maximum market share like for-profit orgs try to.

  • Revisiting 3D Zelda Games (thoughts)
  • I've tried playing various Zelda games over the years but I've just never got into any of them. I've just started WWHD and it seems to suffer from the classic Zelda problem of having one very specific solution to a puzzle blocking off all progress, and not telling you at all where that puzzle/solution is if you haven't already identified it! Also it tempted me with an open ocean of sailing and gave me some side-quest maps to follow, then when I tried to follow them it immediately turned me around and said "you can't go this way yet"!

  • Should I worry about "legitimate interest" tracking cookies?

    I know they've been around since the GDPR came into effect, but I've suddenly noticed a sharp increase in the cookie prompts on web pages which have a second "legitimate interest" page. Some of these have an "object all" button, but plenty require you to manually opt-out of sometimes hundreds of ad-trackers.

    The cynic in me assumes this is a legal loophole, whereby they can claim legitimate interest in your data in order to do exactly what they were going to do anyway (which is not what the legitimate interest feature of the GDPR is for) without being required to give you a "reject all" button.

    1. Am I being overly paranoid or is this exactly what's happening?
    2. Does blocking all third-party cookies (something your browser should be able to do by default) negate all this need to reject anyway?
    3. If not then what's the solution?

    If you do have an answer then please state if it applies to EU/UK or other, non-GDPR-respecting countries!

    [Game] Diablo 4 is coming to Steam
  • I guess it makes complete sense for these "live service" games, but it's so weird to me that the game itself changes and you lose access to something you might already have paid for!

  • has been defederated by

    According to > Reached out through Lemmy and Mastodon. No reply from the admin. Last activity from the admin was 2 months ago. Instance is also running an older version of Lemmy.

    I assume they are defederating as a precaution, but as the largest instance they have essentially cut us off from a lot of content. are you still around and are you able to reply to them please?

    Where's the source code?

    I'm really enjoying Summit, I've tried every Lemmy client I could find and I think this is the best one I've used. I can't find the source code though, seems to only list releases, is this a bug?

    Was there a Mullvad DNS outage today?

    I've recently changed from to as it generally seems more privacy friendly, but it seemed to go dead for a while today. Anyone else see this or was it a me problem? I can deal with a slightly flaky service but I can't recommend one to non-techies who just need a working adblocker.

    Anyone know how safe Pebble apps are?

    I'm probably one of the few people still using a Pebble smart watch (still alive and kicking with Rebble!), and I've just gone through the app store and found a few cool apps that still work. Given that you have to give the Pebble android app quite a few permissions to be able to do its thing I'm now wondering if all the third-party apps can also access all those permissions. They're mostly little FOSS one-person projects so I can probably have a nose through the source myself to check for dodgy behaviour, but does anyone know what the risks are in general?

    Not Lenny!

    I was told we had to all leave Reddit and switch to Lenny

    What's your favourite swear/expletive/profanity to use IRL?

    And I mean to actually use with your voice, you may be one of the people who likes "cockwomble" but if you only ever type it out online then that doesn't count!

    I can't see my own posts

    When I view the posts section of my own profile I only see a list of my subscribed communities, whereas clicking on someone else's shows their posts as expected. I'm seeing the same in the web UI as in the Jerboa client. I can also see the number of posts I've made, just not where they were!

    Anyone else seeing the same behaviour?

    Casual UK (with Ducks) bug
    Finally I'm allowed to post my favourite character from one of my favourite childhood games

    Duckman Drake from TimeSplitters, back when Britain was at the forefront of mad video game design

    What's the difference between Qatar and Abu Dhabi?

    People in Qatar don't like the Flintstones, but people in Abu-Dhabi-dooo

    What's actually going on with GrapheneOS at the moment?

    I've seen the post saying that the lead developer is stepping down, I've seen his accusations of abuse. I've seen enormous write-ups which make questionable claims about how he's the devil himself. I've seen a lot of rumour and hearsay, and now I've got no idea what to think.

    Is anyone able to give a short, unbiased summary of what's going on? (Ultimately, from a selfish point of view, I want to know if the project is likely to fall apart or if this is just bickering between egos!)

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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