bobs_monkey @ bobs_monkey Posts 3Comments 2,992Joined 2 yr. ago
God dammit.
While I can't find the specific ordinance at the moment, I'm about 95% positive that LA County has a law on the books prohibiting open carry, even unloaded (including replicas), even with a CCW. There are exemptions for law enforcement and while filming a permitted movie/tv show. Typically, local ordinance will supercede state law in situations like this here in CA.
That all said, I wouldn't be trying my luck against the LAPD/LASD lol.
If you want to argue a dictionary then be my guest.
No, genocide is explicitly defined as:
the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group
-Cide is to kill or killing, and is derived from Middle French, from Latin -cida, from caedere to cut, kill
Many small independent liquor stores still do this, but you have to ask. But yeah, long gone are the days where every restaurant had matchbooks right next to the peppermints and toothpicks in your way out.
I'd love to see that first one written up just to have flag manufacturers go, "Wait, what?"
No worries. If it's going about day to day errands with some music in your ears, the DAC dongle is probably your best bet in terms of keeping what you have to carry compact.
On a side note, I always figured the Bell Riots that were supposed to be back in September of our timeline were just a hair delayed and slightly miscalculated.
That was way too much visual in one comment, well done.
Any USB-C to 3.5 dongle that has a DAC module will be miles better than just the straight cable converter for a fraction of the price and not going into an extensive array of hardware, it just depends how far OP wants to go down the audible rabbit hole.
Knowing myself, I'd ask a gajillion questions and probably land myself in hot water because I don't know when to stop, especially when talking about injustice and the like. As I sit here, I realize that all of my sources are from western media sources and are almost certainly slanted in many ways, and, as they say, curiosity and cats and all.
Years ago I went to Croatia to see about a girl, and naturally I was curious about geopolitics, especially considering they were roughly 20 years in to their independence. While she was open to talking about her experiences (even though she was a baby/young child in the early/mid 90s), you can tell it and anything related to the Soviet Union/Yugoslavia was a very sore and tough subject for many other people.
So I'd say know your information certainly has a western bias, and if you do ask questions, keep an open mind about what you receive, and know when to change the subject.
This answered my first question about, thank you!
Don't forget the puka shell necklace
Yeah but the signature of this was the propped up "wave" in the front, I remember that being huge through elementary and middle school in the 90s