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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 yr. ago

  • Nah I know, the comment just pissed me off. I actually have my own company and do fairly well, but it's still a fucking struggle and the wage slave bit certainly still applies.

    it’s not left and right, it’s up and down.

    Fucking thank you, I wish more people understood this. I'll admit, I definitely have some conservative views in regards to finance and government spending, but damn I wish more people would realize that we everyday folk are not each other's enemies (except for Nazis and fascist, they can fuck right off).

  • Yeah, old 4chan was definitely something. You had some of the absolute funniest shitposting imaginable, right next to some shit that no amount of eye bleach and showers could cleanse you of. Like, it was fun every once in a while for shits and giggles, but it started messing with your psyche after even an hour. The casual racism alone was in no way ironic. And So. Much. CP; to the point where most of the images aren't even worth a glance because there's a good chance it's underage revenge porn. I genuinely don't know how that site is still up.

    Nowadays it's pretty damn tame, at least compared to how it used to be. And the wicked thing is, there are people who legit live on there, as in it's damn near all they do with their lives, both then and now. I'll go peek in every few months for a nostalgia trip, but I'm out after 10 min on average, it's still toxic as hell.

  • Wow, I don't even know where to begin here. Make more money, right? Work harder? Perhaps the system should provide more? That ain't reality. Despite making pretty good money, everything is outrageously expensive. It's comforting to live in should/could/would land, but one has to have their feet on the ground when providing for their family.

  • I think it's important to highlight the obsessive portion of it. Many people care about others perception of them, whereas narcissists literally obsess over it, to the point where every though and action is permeated by the crafting their image and boosting their other's perception, to the point where it becomes the narcissist's only goal. It's highly connected to ego, and a narcissist only ever does anything to chase a sense of superiority.

  • And constantly forcing a particular set of values/viewpoints down everyone's throats is exactly how we ended up in the situation we are in now. Promoting equity and inclusion is great and the right direction for society, but forcing people (especially conservatives) to turn on a dime is going to yield resistance, and taking it over the top is how people like Trump get elected. That is the culture war aspect even moderates don't care for, the constant drum banging. If we keep the ante up for slow and consistent change, we'd be much further ahead than via social force. You catch more bees with honey, and it would take generations to effectively breed the excess amount of hate out of American society.

  • It's because their entire identity is based on culture wars and politics. But those of us who are well adjusted, who gives a shit what color/orientation a protagonist is, as long as the plot has actually substance and the entire purpose of the story isn't virtue signaling.

  • Or the delusional. Anyone with a serious security concern has mitigation plans in place. This is for people who think they need security because reasons, mainly to satiate their ego.

    I remember right after the UHC assassination I was in getting a haircut, and there was another guy getting cut that was loudly spouting off about how he was afraid for his life because he's a CEO. Like dude, you're a CEO of a small local financial services firm, not the CEO of a massive conglomerate. I'm technically the CEO of my small contracting company that's incorporated. We are not targets (unless you're a massive prick, which by the way he was talking was quite possible), but if one of us got popped it wouldn't make the news, nor are we likely to be targeted, calm down lol.

  • These people aren't thinking that far ahead, they just view it as a way to increase their own revenue without a thought or care as to wider consequence. I can't say I exactly blame them, we're a small town that practically lives on Facebook and these people are running respectable small businesses to support their families, but I also refuse to play the Zuck game.

  • I'm currently working getting advertising going for my contracting business, and the number of people straight getting mad at me because I refuse to use Meta and Google is too damn high. I refuse to give Meta any business whatsoever, though I might do an SEO campaign with Google/bing.