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August 2024: Flux Support, New Frontend, For Loops, and more!
  • The text model is bigger than 1.5 models, flux is huge

  • Crypto was once touted as a ‘safe haven’ asset – why did it crash too this week?
  • Some big institution bois took massive loans in yen and bought assets with it. Then annoying japan raised the rates! Panic sell to pay loans, because bosses told them so.

  • NSFW
    Russian soldier quits after seeing an FPV drone.
  • Dronedhocked is the new shellshocked

  • Yhdysvallat | Konservatiivien poikkeuksellinen suunnitelma mullistaisi USA:n perusteellisesti
  • Se ei kyllä ole konservatiivien manifesti, vasn ihan rehellisen fasismin manifesti

  • Kokoomer
  • Ajattele se niin että kokoomuksen ja persujen todellinen luonne, sekä heidän mediapeli ja epärehellisyys alkaa tulla suurenkansan tietouteen. Ehkä.

    Ei sinänsä mitään uutta tuossakaan.

  • Kokoomer
  • Redditin puolelta:

    Tapaus Rydman - iso kuva

  • Stonehenge sprayed with paint by environmental protesters
  • Powder, its quite likely water soluble

  • First projections of EU Parliament election results
  • They did it by putting women out of work

  • jk, I would never romance Gale
  • Gale is the worst written character in bg3. Individual lines, character personality or voice acting has nothing wrong, but there is so much wrong in the story and backstory.

  • Macron calls the rise of far-right parties an 'ill wind' for Europe
  • Conservatives and far right are currently walking hand in hand in many countries. Parties allying etc. They share so much

  • China will reportedly install cameras with a facial recognition system in Hungary
  • Didnt eu ai regulation just ban this btw

  • Prime minister of Slovakia reportedly shot and injured
  • Fico had a journalist murdered already for reporting on his mafia connections

  • Top senators believe the US secretly recovered UFOs
  • Well, ufos are teported to be stealthy, latest usa aircraft are stealthy too. If true its quite nonshocking

  • European People’s Party to which Ursula von der Leyen belongs declines to sign letter condemning far right political violence
  • Remember that before the fall of an empire, when the capital owning class feels threatened they turn toward fascism and totalitarism.

  • EU closing in on MEPs who took Russian money
  • Party allowed it. People running party 100% knew

  • NSFW
    Light the beacons! Steam must know! (Spoiler?)
  • You didnt call his cat awful turd. That was the way ro avoid it. Save scummed to avoid gale romancing 😂

  • Rule of law declining across EU, report warns
  • Far right is authoritarian and segregation of rights is at core.

  • I find Gale problematic

    I'm not even talking about bugs. Opinion based on act1 and very beginning of act2 experience.

      1. Dialog and player choices feel railroaded as heck, options are suddenly lovelove or rude as fuck. Quality of dialog writing is very different from other parts of the game.
      1. His story is r/rpghorrorstory level problematic. From DM perspective his backstory and associate npc's are especially bad choices.
    • It wouldn't bother as much if either was better, but both in current state just sticks out to me.

    My partner thinks this character must be some executives personal OP character shoe horned in to game despite criticism.


    sidenote: His story would work far better if he was delusional insane person. Instead its literal game over with "certain choices", if you take him out of the portal.

    Vivarevo Vivarevo
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