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Rentbusters UnanimousStargazer
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*Permanently Deleted*
  • No account needed.

    1. Select the triple dots menu in Voyager to copy a link to your OP

    2. Visit

    3. Enter the copied link in the search bar

    4. Open your OP

    5. Click 'more' and then 'activity'

    6. Click 'favorites'

    You'll see a list of all accounts that upvoted your OP. Why this isn't possible on Lemmy is completely unclear to me.

    Just like I don't understand why Lemmy allows for downvotes. It's not valuable and induces toxic behavior IMO.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • It's also possible to view what account upvoted you by viewing your post on a Kbin instance.

    I think it's rather silly that this information is obfuscated on Lemmy.

    And it's only possible to upvote on Kbin. Which makes more sense to me as well.

  • The constitutional case that Donald Trump is already banned from being president
  • It's not an AUTOMATIC disqualification, it still needs to be adjudicated

    I might have mistaken what was written, but the scholars in the paper explicitly point out section 3 is 'self-executing'. ~Which means it does not require adjuducation.~ I was mistaken, see comment below.

    If it happened before, that doesn't mean it was necessary.

  • Deleted
    John Eastman, awaiting potential indictment, asks judge to postpone his disbarment proceedings
  • For those who are interested: MSNBC publishes a podcast called "Prosecuting Donald Trump" and the episode dated August 1st features former federal judge Michael Luttig who is interviewed about various subjects, including his tweets concerning the standpoint of Eastman in January 2020 that implied Trump could have Pence declare the election invalid. Which was nonsense.

  • Migrating from one instance to another
  • No, this is the most serious lacking feature IMO.

    But you could of course simply register your username at multiple instances and subscribe to the same communities. As there's no 'followers' like on Mastodon, the effect is the same.

  • Verwijderde OPs en comments op zijn nog steeds zichtbaar op bijvoorbeeld

    Ik heb al mijn OPs en comments op verwijderd een paar dagen geleden, maar een hele serie aan OPs en comments blijft zichtbaar op of en wie weet waar nog meer.

    Hoe zorg ik ervoor dat mijn OPs en comments allemaal van de fediverse verdwijnen?

    Begrijp ik het goed dat er een probleem is met het verwijderen van content tussen instances onderling? Zo ja, wat nu?

    Deleted OP created on other instance still shows up on
  • So, now instances are hosting posts and comments that a user deleted on another instance. But that user has no way to 're-delete' the OP and comment.

    Now what?

    I guess the instances might cross check the existence of OPs and comments on other instances, but the longer this problem exists, the larger the problem.

  • Why do deleted OPs and comments keep showing up on other instances like
  • If that's so, these instances (and who knows which other ones in the world) now host OPs and comments that I as an author decided to delete.

    How does one delete information from the fediverse? If this is true, you cannot. Your data will be hosted forever, at least somewhere.

    If people use their personal name for an account, this might result in a significant GDPR problem for all instances.

  • Lemmy Support UnanimousStargazer
    Why do deleted OPs and comments keep showing up on other instances like
    • Search for 'juridisch advies' on

    • You should find the community 'juridisch' on


    • Find the OP: 'Vraagt een verhuurder meer dan twee maanden borg? Betaalt een verhuurder niet op tijd terug? Vanaf zaterdag is dat niet meer toegestaan.'

    • Click on it

    • Click on my username

    You can find various of my OPs and comments, but I deleted them days ago on the instance. These OPs aren't visible on the instance, but they're visible on

    Why? The same goes for, but it concerns a different number of OPs and comments.

    Deleted OP created on other instance still shows up on
    • Search for 'juridisch advies' on

    • You should find the community 'juridisch' on


    • Find the OP: 'Vraagt een verhuurder meer dan twee maanden borg? Betaalt een verhuurder niet op tijd terug? Vanaf zaterdag is dat niet meer toegestaan.'

    • Click on it

    • Click on my username

    You can find various of my OPs and comments, but I deleted them days ago on the instance. These OPs aren't visible on the instance, but they're visible on

    Why? The same goes for, but it concerns a different number of OPs and comments.

    [Opinion] Voyager developers should first spend time on Lemmy development to fix fundamental issues
  • It’s a known issue:

    The point I’m trying to make clearly isn’t understood.

    What I read are lots of Lemmy fans that don’t think through the lack of migration tools or blocking DMs are serious shortcomings and it obviously makes no sense to continue developing a front end if these aren’t fixed first.

    But apparently many people think that’s very logical.

  • [Opinion] Voyager developers should first spend time on Lemmy development to fix fundamental issues
  • I hope you can come here again once the platform is a bit more polished.

    Thanks and I hope so too. I’ve given it a try for four weeks.

    That said: people respond with ad hominems on Lemmy as well. In fact, one of the comments to my OP is only ad hominem.

  • [Opinion] Voyager developers should first spend time on Lemmy development to fix fundamental issues
  • I think you cannot directly dictate what should be done

    Of course, but that’s not the point of this post.

    none of these issues are deal breaker

    Imagine setting up a community, having thousands of subscribers and the administrator of the instance your community is hosted on pulls the plug.

    And yes, I know people can host their own instance (see OP). But that won’t happen.

  • [Opinion] Voyager developers should first spend time on Lemmy development to fix fundamental issues
  • That’s not the point.

    The donation page ‘rewards’ those with a mention, but doesn’t allow development in a certain direction.

    You give money, but those who receive it get to decide what they do with it. Look at the GitHub page and check for yourself what is being done with that money.

    Again, it’s their choice, but I think they should focus on much more fundamental issues. If the foundation of your house is missing, what’s the point of adding fancy woodwork to the outside? Or donating to a project where people decide they want to spend it on fancy woodwork while leaving the foundation problematic.

  • [Opinion] Voyager developers should first spend time on Lemmy development to fix fundamental issues
  • What I wrote was:

    and therefore my critique is obviously unfair to sone extent: who am I to point out what’s wrong with Lemmy?

    But you didn’t cite that. Is there a reason to leave that out of your citation?

    You’re completely missing the point. Going back to Reddit isn’t contradictory, because the number of users far exceed the downsides.

    Good to know it’s possible to delete an account. Did you actually try it or are you only looking at the user interface? Because I know there’s a button. That’s not the issue.

  • [Opinion] Voyager developers should first spend time on Lemmy development to fix fundamental issues
  • Did you review the Patreon page? I’m not interested in having my name displayed. I’m interested in having the developers take a certain direction.

    Donating for hardware (like donating to Lemmy instance administrators) is also completely different.

    But donating to some group of developers without being able to influence the direction of development really feels like a money pit to me. I’d rather spend my money on charities. Access to dev chatroom is the closest you can get.

    My point with regard to Voyager is: there’s no point in building a beautiful house (because Voyager is very good), if you know the foundation of the house is missing.

    And specifically the lack of migration tools is a very fundamental issue IMO. Yes, it might be developed in the future. But it might also take years, who knows.

    Mastodon still doesn’t allow quote posts (some clients do though) because quote-tweets (or should I say quote-Xs?) can be used in a toxic way. Development promised to implement them in the back-end months ago, but it still isn’t possible. Searching is also absent on purpose. Those are fundamental issue that block further growth of Mastodon IMO. But that’s obviously just my opinion.

    That’s why I think Voyager devs should spend time on Lemmy development IMO. Without a fundamental tool to migrate accounts and communities, there’s really no point in spending time on Voyager features.

    I think most Lemmy users haven’t experienced an instance administrator suddenly quitting. Think through what would happen to your community if that happens. It’s gone. That’s what happens. Unless you decide to host your own instance of course, but try and get users attracted to it.

  • [Opinion] Voyager developers should first spend time on Lemmy development to fix fundamental issues

    Lemmy is a decentralized platform that uses ActivityPub to offer an alternative to Reddit, but I’ve come to the conclusion it’s lacking serious development.

    As I’m not a software developer myself, I cannot contribute to it’s development and therefore my critique is obviously unfair to sone extent: who am I to point out what’s wrong with Lemmy?

    That said, I’ve decided to return to Reddit for now. The reason are at least three issues that I think should be fixed ASAP, but aren’t.

    (1) No way to migrate communities or user accounts.

    This is crucial IMO, as an instance administrator can suddenly decide to quit an instance, remove communities or stop updating the server. Most if not all administrators are volunteers working with donations, so there’s really nothing one can demand of course. But without a possibiliy to backup and migrate accounts and communities, there’s nothing you can do if a server has frequent issues.

    Again, I don’t blame administrators. And yes, I know it’s possible to setup your own instance, but the fact is that most people don’t setup their own instance.

    Mastodon does offer migration from one instance to another and I think Lemmy should offer it ASAP.

    GitHub issue #3057

    (2) No way to block or delete direct messages (DMs)

    Every Lemmy user can start sending you DMs and there’s nothing you can do about it. As long as you don’t mind DMs, that’s fine of course. But I don’t want to receive them. Moreover, apparently people are receiving offensive DMs or spam, but it’s impossible to delete it without an administrator getting involved.

    Allowing an account to DM you is one thing, but people sending you DMs without asking for them is really annoying. Not being able to delete them is taking it up even one more step.

    Github issue #3640 and #3629

    (3) Deleting user accounts

    You can’t. Yup, that’s right. It’s apparently impossible to delete a user account.

    Now this is plain stupid. I’ve decided to quit Lemmy for now, but had to resort to deleting every post and comment by hand first only to discover today it’s impossible to delete your user account. To be clear: I haven’t tried it yet, so this might be instance related. That said, one would say this isn’t rocket science, but it’s awaiting a fix for over a month now. But again, I’m not a developer so this might be a very difficult bug to fix.

    Overall, IMO Lemmy isn’t a very well thought through platform. Development is slow and issues like migration tools still aren’t available.

    My suggestion to the Voyager developers would be to invest time in the development of Lemmy first before putting in more time developing Voyager. It’s a really nice PWA and I hope the native app works out, but bottom line Lemmy currently isn’t up to it’s task yet IMO. There are too many issues laying around for too long.

    Again, that’s easy for me to say as I don’t have the skills to contribute to the development in a sensible way. But for now, I’m returning to Reddit in full awaiting further Lemmy development.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.

    [Feature request] Highlight or indicate new comments as a new comment

    Some OPs are commented to with a large number of comments. It would be nice to get a visual indication how many new comments were added after the last time the OP was opened and (when the OP is opened) see what comments are new.

    [Feature request] Visual indication that a subscribed community has new content

    Lemmy communities by default offer RSS as an alternative way to subscribe to content and quickly get insight into new content that was published.

    With Voyager, one is required to open the communities one by one and see if new content was added.

    My request would result in something like: (5)

    Where the number 5 indicates the number of new OPs in the community that were posted after the community was visited for the last time. Visually, I think it best to outline the number on the right and keep the name on the left.

    Is it true that a social media platform that allows anonymous downvotes has the potential to become a toxic environment?

    Should social media platforms only allow upvotes or favorites?

    As I understand it, Kbin doesn't allow downvotes just like Mastodon. Users can only mark a comment or OP favorite (upvote) and the Kbin user can see what account favorited / upvoted their comment or OP. Also if it's from a Lemmy user by the way.

    Lemmy Support UnanimousStargazer
    If I understand correctly, Kbin users can see what Lemmy users upvote or downvote their post. Is that correct

    I stumbled upon this issue on github:

    But I didn't know or expect Kbin users can see what Lemmy users upvote or downvote their post. Is this indeed what Kbin users can do?

    [Feature request] Search in comments

    Apollo allowed a user to search through the comments. This can be helpful if the number of comments to an OP is large.

    [Feature request] Mute notifications to an OP

    If you submit an OP that becomes popular, your inbox can get crowded very fast.

    Apollo allowed you to mute the notifications in your inbox for a certain OP.

    Lemmy Support UnanimousStargazer
    Receiving unwanted DMs: where do I submit a feature request to disable DMs?

    I'm receiving unwanted and unsolicited DMs on my account, but I don't want to use DM.

    Currently, there appears to be no possibility to disable DMs however, which IMO should be an option that needs to be developed with priority. But I'm not a developer and it's obviously easy to ask for prioritized options to be developed if you don't have to develop them yourself. And of course, I haven't got a clue what else has priority.

    That said: where can I submit a feature request for the Lemmy developers?

    And does anybody happen to know if it's possible to block DMs on Kbin?

    What's the benefit of using Kbin over Lemmy?

    I see a very small minority of people using Kbin, but I don't understand why.

    Is this just a coincidence and did some people choose Kbin over Lemmy or is there a good reason to use Kbin?

    How does one tag another user in a comment?

    On Reddit, it's possible to tag a user bij adding a u/ before the username of some account.

    Is that possible on Lemmy?

    Edit: thanks everybody! These worked.

    Murdoch is realizing that he’s stuck with the monster he created Analysis | Murdoch is realizing that he’s stuck with the monster he created

    Multiple reports suggest that Rupert Murdoch — and by extension his media empire — is giving up hope on Ron DeSantis. He can largely blame himself.

    Analysis | Murdoch is realizing that he’s stuck with the monster he created
    It's now possible to delete an OP from Voyager (which is a strange title for an OP that I don't intend to delete)

    If you update to version 0.20 it's possible to delete an OP from within Voyager.

    Editing OPs using Voyager is coming soon according to the change log.

    [Feature request]: export/import settings to allow easy reinstallation

    There aren't that many settings as of now, but every time I reinstall the app, I need to manually correct the settings to my preference. Would it be possible to export/import those settings in a file?

    Could be that it's more work to import/export now (consider the limited number of settings) than that it's helpful though. But that might very well change in the future.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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