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Telegram without ads?
  • I tried Nekogram but it is also showing ads. It only shows adds on public channels, though.

  • Why do you still hate Windows?
  • I started "hating" Windows more recently. I was never a very technical user but I was always someone that could find myself around system configuration and they just keep hiding ways of letting you customize things.

    When I started learning programming I was still trying to use only Windows but at some point I got extremely tired of fighting how clunky environmental variables can be. Installing things such as gcc and python was extremely annoying.

    Then I did dual boot for a few years, then I started using WSL. WSL is... Awful, lol. It will never ask you if it is okay to stop what you are doing to reboot, I lost count of how many times I was working on something and suddenly my Linux environment was dead.

    This year the amount of clutter they are adding to Windows and the existence of Proton just kicked the bucked for me, everywhere you look at Windows is busy and full of stuff I don't want to be there and like I said previously, you either can't remove it or it is difficult because they just want it to be.

    I might need to figure out how to run a Windows VM if I need to run something (hasn't happened yet) but that's it, I don't need to deal with all the bs anymore and I can customize things as I like. I love it.

    I wouldn't say I hate Windows now, I just kind of despise it after so many years. I wish I heard my professors that kept shitting on Windows so many years ago.

  • Can I install linux on this?
  • Does this means can install any repo on my phone?

  • Proton announces Docs in Proton Drive
  • I don't understand if your post is sarcasm, am I getting old?

  • Locked
    don't use ladybird browser lol
  • Just took a few years and literal internet harassment. I am glad the PR creator was able to figure out a fancy way of wording things to have it merged though. Very smart, lol.

  • Ladybird announcement
  • I used to follow Ladybird/SerenityOS stuff but their takes on "political stuff" is just... too bad.

  • Featured
    [Discussion] Double discussion this month, what games did you buy for your Deck during the Steam Sale, and what are you playing on Deck right now? - July 2024
  • I bought Hyperspace Outlaw. My spouse already played it but it is so big that I want to see the stuff he didn't find. I also fucking love Zane's page music.

  • Cash transactions are way down. These advocates say the feds need to do something
  • I find very interesting how Canada doesn't have a bank controlled by the government that can provide affordable services.

    E-transfer is also something I think should be maintained by the government like Brazil's Pix. I'd happily welcome Open Finance as well, but that might be harder.

  • I bit confused on github fork
  • Just make sure things are working while doing this. Maybe accepting your changes and the incoming changes is the correct way, but you need to know what you are doing.

  • Windows 10 shows Linkedin Learning Ads on Login Screen
  • Sometimes I have doubts if some people I see posting here on Lemmy actually work. It seems like y'all live in this Wonderland where finding new jobs is extremely easy and convincing whole companies to use free software is easy like sending an e-mail. I'm honestly envious.

    But still, the fact that the person already said that not using Windows isn't an option and you persisted questioning wasn't very nice, so I see no reason for you to be rude and offensive when someone call out your behavior. Please keep it civil.

  • Hori Announces Controller Made Specifically for Steam
  • The first controller other than the Steam Controller with 4 back buttons that work with steam input I am buying. It seems this isn't the one yet and I am assuming these custom buttons are in the front (they didn't show the back at all). 🥲

  • Finally solved the battery drain issue in Firefox Android!!
  • Can we please fix the crashing and the closing keyboard too, please? 🥺

    Not asking for a fix on PWAs because I know this is going to take forever to be fixed but sometimes it is hard to keep using Firefox on mobile

  • Mozilla rolls out first AI features in Firefox Nightly, and theyre actually useful.
  • Can you elaborate? I would love to learn more about the alternative suggestions

  • I bit confused on github fork
  • If they don't know how to solve conflicts do you think that they know the difference between merge or rebase?

  • I bit confused on github fork
  • You pull the origin to your fork and solve the conflicts one by one, that's usually how it goes.

    If you want to keep your files how they are you can select "accept local changes" instead of "accept incoming changes". That's it.

    Edit: If you need something more detailed let me know, I am assuming you are using an IDE like VSCode

  • Removed
    How open source money fixes a corrupted banking system
  • Bitcoin educator lmao

  • Dante left out these circles of Hell
  • [ x ] I am in this picture and I don't like it

  • jwz: Mozilla is an advertising company now
  • I wish the time he spend complaining was developing an alternative. But he rather support the Apple ecosystem.

    He's so petulant online with people that I can only imagine how awful it must be to have him as a boss.

  • What happened to Louis Rossman's live yesterday?
  • I don't know why he has so many followers. I think it is just because he says what people want to hear, but it doesn't have any depth to it.

    Nothing against him personally, I just think he's annoying and also has some entrepreneur vibes that I hate. I am grateful for the right to repair activism, but the latest videos that I watched were just shallow complaining. Justified of course but... yeah.

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • This is one thing I noticed as well. I only have my Instagram profile to check on others but whenever the algorithm feeds me something it is always cute animals.

  • Donald Trump found guilty on all counts in hush-money trial | CBC News Donald Trump found guilty on all counts in hush-money trial | CBC News

    Twelve jurors have found former U.S. president Donald Trump guilty on all counts in his hush-money trial in New York, making him the first American president to be convicted of a felony.

    Is it true that he can still run for the office even if he's in jail?

    Ford suggests immigrants to blame for shooting at Toronto Jewish school, despite few details from police | CBC News Ford suggests immigrants to blame for shooting at Toronto Jewish school, despite few details from police | CBC News

    Ontario Premier Doug Ford suggested Thursday immigrants to the province were responsible for shooting at a Jewish girls' elementary school in North York last weekend, despite police saying they have little information on the suspects.

    With absolutely no evidence and no information from any of the suspects.

    Which is your default sort for posts on Lemmy?

    I've used "hot" for a long while but recently changed to "active". I honestly can't say the difference between them.

    Is there a federated/non-profit alternative to Stack Overflow?

    Considering how SO is killing itself rather quickly, it would be interesting to have a platform with similar structure but taking users interests instead of profit of executives. I am not saying their system is perfect, I have made a post in the past on their meta community regarding how hard it is for new contributors to start. I remember hearing about an alternative but after searching for it, I couldn't find anything.

    Does anyone know such platform?

    Edit: After I posted I came across Codidact. I will try using it! Feel free to post other alternatives though!

    Today is Bandcamp Friday. Did you buy anything?

    Since we started to host our Navidrome server at home we are trying to get a few things every bandcamp friday.

    Today I got:

    My spouse got:

    If you're getting anything today, please share it! We'd love to get to know new stuff.

    Last Epoch - Last Epoch 1.0 is Live! - Steam News Last Epoch - Last Epoch 1.0 is Live! - Steam News

    Greetings Travelers, Today is a historic day for the Last Epoch team and everyone here at Eleventh Hour Games (EHG). What started as an after-hours passion project has blossomed into one of the most anticipated releases in the ARPG genre, and we are blown away by the support we have received. Thank ...

    Last Epoch - Last Epoch 1.0 is Live! - Steam News

    Anyone playing LE release? Will be playing as a duo with my spouse as soon as we're done with work today!

    Anyone else having constant crashes with Firefox Beta (Nightly) on Android?

    It has been ongoing for me for almost two weeks. At first I thought it could be my phone, but I got a new phone last week and it has been happening in the new one too. One crashes was system wide and caused the phone to reboot.

    I suspected it could be a custom extension that I use (Control Panel for Twitter) but happens even while the extension is disabled.

    Proton plan as a couple (Family or Individual?)

    Does anyone that pays for proton also use it with a SO? We've been looking to pay for it but the family plan looks like an overkill for us. The viable alternative is paying for the Mail Plus plan for each of us but we are a bit worried that we won't be able to share calendars.

    Would appreciate if someone else has the same use case as us and could share their experiences. Thanks!

    Anti Glare Screen question

    People that have the anti-glare premium screen, do you have a protector on it?

    We didn't think about it too much and ended up putting a glare protector on top of our antiglare screen but I am thinking about removing it. I saw a few pictures of antiglare screen protectors but they don't look as good. Thoughts?

    I'm so tired of the current state of the internet

    Everywhere you browse, people have such strong opinions about everything and are so toxic or extremely negative. You start playing a game, want to check the forums or something and most of the posts are people being mean to each other. You open social media to keep in touch with people that you'd like to maintain a certain level of contact and there's always some people that are always complaining about every single thing.

    I see myself more and more closing myself into a bubble which makes me appreciate Beehaw much more. I know I am guilty of being taken away by the toxicity and sometimes replying things I wouldn't be proud of but since I joined Beehaw I see myself policing myself more and more focused on being better.

    Just a quick rant, I currently started playing Baldur's Gate 3 and I am honestly pissed off on the fact people can't give feedback without being rude or "gamers" just shitting on developers because they are stans of another game. I wanted to be active on the forum and comment on bugs and such because I want the game to be better but it is so depressing reading people being awful so often.

    Why are we so shitty to each other? I'm so tired.

    Edit: Pardon me if I used weird terms or grammar errors, english isn't my first language

    Edit2: removed specifics

    Considering turning my Ducky One 2 Mini hot swappable

    I'm currently thinking on modding my Ducky with mill-max sockets. I know there is a lot of soldering involved but seems like a cool project. While looking for people that done the same thing I only found this reddit post. Is there anything better than the mill-max socket these days or should I just go for them?


    What do I need to do if I want to use my old 4th gen iPad in 2023?

    I recently was able to get back my 4th gen iPad that I used for university and got excited to start using it again just for basic stuff like searching stuff on the browser, reading comics and such. However I quickly realized that I was unable to download anything from the AppStore as my iOS version is 10.3.4 and apps like Firefox request at least iOS 14. This wouldn't be an issue if I still had the apps downloaded but it isn't the case.

    I was able to re download a few apps through the Purchased tab on the AppStore but some of them are not available anymore (ComicFlow for example). So yeah... What now?

    Avoiding Toxic Productivity Advice for ADHD

    This video almost made me cry in a few points. I am so guilty of punishing myself for being unable to be productive like others. I can relate to this so much, including attempting GTD for a long time (which surprise surprise, didn't work out!).

    How are you able to cook while working full time through the week? Do you have some kind of strategy? How do you plan your food?

    We want to break out of this cycle of ordering delivery but at the same time, cooking everyday has been a challenge. We also have been trying to develop some sort of routine where we meal prep on the weekends but we live in an apartment with a really small kitchen so cooking and storing food for 5 days doesn't seem doable. Maybe cook for 3 days and then prepare the ingredients to cook again on Wednesday?

    I'd appreciate if you could share your strategies and experience. The goal here is to eat healthy and good food.

    Edit: Thank you everyone for all your contributions! I am a little overwhelmed by the number of replies so I if I do not reply to you please do now feel bad!!

    Could we build a Pokémon trading community on Lemmy? An alternative to /r/pokemontrades and /r/svexchange

    I started using Reddit back in 2013 because of Pokémon. During the 6th gen, trading through the subs using spreadsheets and finding people to hatch shiny eggs for you was a huge thing and the community still exists, but completely dependent on the platform (there's a feedback app called FlairHQ that you need a reddit account to use).

    I am wondering if we have people here so we could set up something. Hopefully I am not alone on this!

    Which are your favorite games to play with only two people?

    Hello Beehaw!

    As someone that enjoy playing with my spouse a lot I wonder which games are your favorites for playing with or against someone else. Our current favorites are:

    • Dominion
    • Res Arcana
    • Wingspan (still need to try Asia expansion)
    • Terraforming Mars

    Unfortunately these listed games are competitive ones so I'm also looking to increase the list of cooperative games! We did play Aeon's End Legacy but need to play the expansions.

    edit: typo

    Templa T (they/she)
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