Try using Swipepages to start
Or Latvian piragi
Yeah but at this point, I don't know a single person or family paying higher mortgage costs than the average rent in an area, across multiple northern and southern states.
See, those are essentially the raw goods now. Finished goods are entertainment and the internet.
You can pay services to post about your article on hundreds to thousands of legit sites for just a few hundred dollars. Never believe the hype.
Opening bananas.
Watch a nature documentary showing me a monkey knew better.
That looks like a giant...
Opt in for additional conspiracies
If it bothers you, you can adjust settings to where it doesn't really add any difficulty to the game.
Hey all,
I've been sitting on a starter kit for a Mega 2560 R3 board and sensors for over a year. I want to get into it, so bad, but I frankly don't have the time to learn to code this with my job the way it is.
Is there a WYSIWYG program anyone favors, especially for someone new to Linux (I'm using a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B running Raspbian and I have a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B too) and Arduino (board model Mega 2560 R3)?
I found these options. Anyone have experience with them?
Hello there.
The one weak point I have in being a DM is combat. If it's anything non-magical, I'm alright at it. But the moment magic is thrown in, with non magic combat, and you have a party of 6 players with multiple enemies, and players with character abilities that are all over the place, it gets overwhelming to the point where I'm intimidated.
I've read guides, watched videos, read the official 5e DM book, and it's still not clicking for me.
Please give me your tips on how to tackle this!