WYSIEYG for Mega 2560 R3 | Help someone with no free time that wants to get into this!
WYSIEYG for Mega 2560 R3 | Help someone with no free time that wants to get into this!
Hey all,
I've been sitting on a starter kit for a Mega 2560 R3 board and sensors for over a year. I want to get into it, so bad, but I frankly don't have the time to learn to code this with my job the way it is.
Is there a WYSIWYG program anyone favors, especially for someone new to Linux (I'm using a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B running Raspbian and I have a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B too) and Arduino (board model Mega 2560 R3)?
I found these options. Anyone have experience with them?