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What's your personal little conspiracy theory?

I'll go first: r/kitty. One of the hundred grillion cat subs back on Reddit, the culture in this one was you posted a cat picture, and the only word allowed in the title or in any comments or replies was "Kitty."

Someone is using that subreddit for covert communications, I just know it. Either on the level of "if u/PM_me_your_nostrils posts an orange cat, we attack at dawn!" or there's some steganography going on with the pictures, but that subreddit was too stupid to be as active as it was.

  • Just posted about this in a different thread:

    The US senators: mitch mcconnell, ted cruz, and lindsey graham used fraud to win their respective seats in 2020. All three were in tight races according to the polls but all three won with bigger margins than was to be expected.

    This idea came from a few articles that were discussing this issue a few days after the election, then those articles all just disappeared.

    Maybe the articles disappeared because there was no fraud

    Maybe the articles disappeared because there was?

  • Personal reddit conspiracy theory as to why image hosting is on site:

    1. r/fatpeoplehate exists, does its thing (hating fat people)
    2. They get some images removed from imgur, the image host du juor of reddit at the time.
    3. They go on the offensive and start harassing fat imgur workers.
    4. The subreddit gets banned.
    5. Under a year later, reddit puts in image uploading.

    My theory is that 3 resulted in imgur hitting up reddit and threatening to block the site if they didn't reign in fatpeoplehate. Reddit did, by 4, because the alternative was no images and that would absolutely fuck reddit up. This in turn leads to 5 to prevent that powerplay again.

  • So many people believe that Covid was a way to scare us all indoors, so they could change batteries in all the birds.

    That's preposterous.

    Birds use rechargeables, that's why they're always sitting on the power lines. Like, duh, wake up sheeple.

    • no, you don't understand, the feds invented the perpetum mobile, birds only sit on power lines to confuse people like you!

  • The fashion world is in a war on pockets, so they can sell more handbags. The fewer and smaller pockets we have, the more accessories we need to buy. First they came for women's pockets. Now they're trying to make cargo shorts unacceptable for the same reason.

    • Nah, this is just pure economics like all the abusive shit in the video game industry, or the so-called "pink tax."

      If gamers really cared about microtransactions, season passes, gambling mechanics, things like that, they'd stop playing games from studios that do that shit and only play games that don't or none at all. But gamers love that shit more than rock & roll sex drugs. Gamers will pay extra to experience the abuse before it's even ready. A lot of the indie gaming sphere especially on PC is largely free of that shit, but the so-called AAA industry is only thinking of new ways to twist the teeth out of their customers. I think they're going to start charging console customers for controller support next year. Make sure to stock up on verification cans.

      Women want shampoo that smells like mango and pants that fit tighter than her own skin more than they want money in the bank or a roof that doesn't leak. A few might bitch about it on Twitter and then proceed to do absolutely nothing about it. The store brand unscented bar soap that cost $6 for 9 bars is right there. The "Compare active ingredient to Head & Shoulders" shampoo for $2.49 a quart is 4 feet away. She'd rather eat her hand than wash with those.

      There is no business model for women's pants with pockets, because pockets just don't work well in skin-tight clothing especially on a curvy figure. Even if you made the pockets have plenty of room the outer cloth wouldn't permit any room, and if you do cram anything in there it'll print hideously. As much as you hear about "We want pants with pockets!" there hasn't been and won't be a cottage industry for this because pants that are loose and straight enough for functional pockets are already mass manufactured and sold in the men's section. Women can and occasionally do buy men's pants to have working pockets. By far most of them buy women's skin tight jeans, I presume to prevent blacking out during high G maneuvers. There's also enough women in the world who will willingly pay $1500 for a purse to keep Gucci Vuitton in business.

  • Not mine, but there is a certain compelling logic to this:

    tl;dr - accepted history is that Charles Babbage designed a series of mechanical computers in the mid 1800s, and the underlying theory behind them would go on to influence work a century later when the technology had caught up to the idea, but they were never built. There are a bunch of coincidences and unexplained meetings that suggest that maybe he sold his plans to Italy who then built one of his designs in secret. This is also supported by modern attempts to build a computer from his plans - there was 1 measurement wrong across tens of thousands of parts, and it worked perfectly. Babbage was a skilled engineer but to get all that correct, on the first go, entirely from theory is maybe a bit much

  • Cats are aliens from another planet. A much warmer planet with less gravity!

    • Nothing else explains why a cat will lay in the sun on a very hot day like it’s nothing at all.
    • They also radiate the heat of a small pizza oven.
    • They act like we’re their servants in very un-animal-like ways.
    • They push things off of places all the time, like they’re expecting them to float not fall.
    • They’ll be completely normal, then take off running like their tail’s on fire, just to relish in the high gravity that allows them to jump and land a very short distance away.
  • Tinfoil hats on? Alrighty then:

    All these Verizon outages are intentional and part of the plan to invalidate the 2024 election.

    We'll see it happen again on and around election day, maybe xitter will go down too.

    Whole voting districts in Georgia won't report in, citing system crashes, security breaches, whatever they feel like making up. Republican Secretaries of State will declare the election compromised before vote counting even starts.

    Obviously there's also a hurricane and massive flooding, hence the tinfoil hat, but let's not forget where and when we are in history, and that The Business Plot was a real thing.

  • Heres my conspiracy theory:

    Political extremism isn't real (specifically in regards to left wing "extremism"). Its a social construct created by the capitalist class to convince workers that left wing ideologies are scary and having your elections be between two liberals is "normal". If you ignore that ideologies like Anarchism become common sense. Why do we need lords and masters, why do we need the tyranny of capitalists and the cruel rule of "democratically elected" leaders? Ultimately we do not, the economy would be better if it was owned by the workers and world better if every person was free to be the master of their own life. Capitalists and politicans fully understand this, thats why they pump everyone with propaganda so they can keep their positions of privilege and power.

  • "Trad-wives" are the pick me girls' final form. I think it's also for women who want to do OnlyFans type work, but don't want to be as risqué. It's like soft core incel porn more than an actual depiction or celebration of maternity.