Okay so you're comparing one shitty platform with a shittier platform, who both believe that they're informing people with shitty uninformed hot takes on said social movements and crimes.
I hope that's sarcasm.
Like, will there be a point in time where you think that with all of the games of yesteryear to play that are thousands and thousands, with thousands more forward ahead to be released. There's only so much time available to be playing so much in a lifetime.
So that begs the question, do you just decide on which generation of gaming you're comfortable reaching before saying "Yup, I'm good!"?
I think for me, my cut off has been the PS4/X-Box series X generation. The PS5 is now officially like 5 years old now as of this year which is mind boggling to think about considering people had a very hard time affording the damn thing as well as other consoles because of a certain pandemic and scalpers.
And I've not once thought about organizing my resources in any attempt to try and get one or multiple games for it or the console. I've committed to PC gaming full-time now. I am completely content with playing what games I've gotten in the past and my library could use my attention more.
I'm not worried about prettier visuals, when I can still have the option to slap just another newer GPU down in my PC and beef up the memory as well. My PC build was intended to run 95% of all of my games that no other PC I've had in the past could ever do. So, I'm good!
Not really. I mean I'm kind of excited for Killing Floor 3 but not really jumping up and down for, based on how Tripwire handled Killing Floor 2.
Vampires the Masquerade: Bloodlines 2 is another title I've been interested in.
Everything else isn't really grabbing me strongly. I've been going backwards and going after games I've had on my wishlist for far too long than I wanted.
Like, I know why it's being banned or has been banned or whatever. I just don't understand the rage behind to keep this shitty ass social media platform that is essentially Vine 2.0
TikTok has been the detriment to society today as Facebook was and is. People doing stupid challenges. People's attention span getting lower and lower. People pretending they're more popular than life itself because of their faux acting and lip-syncing.
Why keep the piece of shit?
This is what people fail to take into account. Yeah, there are some departments that are going to be ran by incredibly incompetent people with almost no sane idea. But, that's disregarding the people who're not them who are still managing things and keeping said department from totally going batshit.
Dollar Tree.
It used to have been an unreal experience witnessing the existence of these stores when they came out. Everything for a $1. No joke. The quality of some things have had corners cut and the quantity might've been laughable, but there was a good solid purpose for these stores.
And then I started seeing the signs after a few good solid years of shopping there. The first sign was how they stopped selling eggs. This was before the Bird Flu. They stopped selling eggs because they simply couldn't afford to buy stock and then the price hike to $1.25 happened.
And now they've hiked the prices again to $1.50 for some products in a handful of stores. Additionally, they've incorporated items going from $2 ~ $15 so they have long lost the role and title of being the most affordable places to shop.
Gone were the days.
This is a dumb headline and a dumb article. Valve is making ripples in handhelds, yes, but to say the same on PC is moot. Microsoft still has an iron grip on a large amount of PCs. There's so few that will bother with SteamOS as OS of choice since it is a one-trick pony compared to Windows, even though it is shit right now. They still need Windows to run nearly 99% of games.
You want to excise the national budget, do you? Well, start with the fucking national defense budget spending. There you go.
Who's expectations?
Not the people playing, that's for sure.
I'll go even lower and say Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and it's one of the more remarkable entries of the series.
It took $5 Million to develop.
Anytime I enter one with a purist/gatekeeper. You just can't reason with them and they absolutely refuse to see the other side of the argument. They must always believe that their direction is the direction for all things regarding X fandoms or general hobby.
Getting dogpiled by assholes from the Steam Community because I made a post suggesting we get rid of the Jester award. I suggested it because the Jester award has been used as nothing but a badge from trolls who think honest reviews of games are a joke. I've had nearly 150+ of my reviews just bombarded with marks of 'X people found this review funny' and half of them were slapped with that stupid Jester badge.
Furthermore, I was gaslighted and antagonized both through DMs and openly on the forums to the point where I am now permanently banned from the Steam Forums in the general Steam community. I have no faith in Valve's sluggish ways that they'll deal with the sheer toxicity of their own community anytime soon.
And I was openly doxxed on a gossip site when that same someone openly threatened to cost me my IRL job.
I've been online for 29 years now and by this point, I've dealt with so much shit from shitty people to the point where I almost see reality as purgatory. I cannot wait until I enter my self-imposed retirement when I reach 30 years because I've watched the internet drown in shit with bots, AI, corporate enshittification and more.
In a statement written to be shared after he died, Rinder says his biggest regret is not "ending the abuses of Scientology."
In a statement written to be shared after he died, Rinder says his biggest regret is not "ending the abuses of Scientology."
I would, with mine.
My timeline is:
Born in '89 Toddler/Child in 90s Teenager in 00s' Young Adult in '10s Adult late '10s to present.
I'd want mine altered so that it'd be:
Born in '70 Toddler/Child in 70s Teenager in 80s Young Adult in 90s Adult in 00s'
And by now I'd probably be closing in on my 50s.
Evens the score.
I believe it has a use.
Like, AI can make up roleplaying assets and what graphics needed to be made to translate what objects are and everything. Stuff like that.
But using it for art contests, for bigger projects and all? It makes you look lazy.
For example, does Microsoft deserve my money for how much of a dumping they've taken onto Windows since Windows 8? No, they don't.
Because if I did give Microsoft my money, I'm REWARDING them for their half-assery.
Being unceremoniously fired and homeless.
I'm over the politics of game launchers. Like, a free game is a free game, some devs/publishers probably get paid to get their game released for free. I've taken advantage of them, I wish I hadn't deleted one of my Epic games accounts before where I nearly had gotten every game that I actually had wanted that was given away for free. But I was naive because I got caught up in the stupid pissing contest between Steam fanboys and Epic fanboys.
Ultimately, it doesn't matter. Free is free. I would rather a free whole game, than a freemium game, which is all that Steam mostly offers.
All of trump supporters were single-voters who believed that Trump would solve all of their individual problems.
Some vote for him because they want the gays out.
Some vote for him because they want men empowered.
Some vote for him because they want immigrants deported.
Some vote for him because they just want job security.
And other things. They don't realize or care to realize that, he and the party he represents, have no ambition to change things for the better.
He would want to die again if he saw what Reddit turned into.
Considering how badly Eisner ran the company in the 2000s to whoever is running it now. How the company treated his brother and so on. How Disney don't really value hand-drawn animation to the point of firing all of them.