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Way to go, guys!
  • Recognizing Jerusalem didn’t kill 25,000 Palestinians

    Didn't it?

    No, people firing rockets and bullets killed 25,000 people. This is the real world where real things impact real lives, and Biden shipping billions of dollars worth of weapons enables them to continue killing, not names or lines on a map.

    This shit has been going on for decades. It’s foolish to treat the recent events as an isolated incident

    Definitely agree with you there, I think it's important for all of us to be educated about the history of American support for this cycle of abuse. I don't plan to vote for any person who continues to support the killing of innocent people suffering under an apartheid regime.

  • Way to go, guys!
  • if we all write in "revolution" then trump can't win!

  • Sleeping position
  • Whenever my stomach hurts i'll remember some recommendation that you're supposed to sleep on your left or right side.

    But I never remember which so I just rotate back and forth

  • Way to go, guys!
  • Don't worry I won't be voting for Trump. My take on trump supporter base is they're typically older lazy boomers who want to yell at their TVs as trump "owns the libs." Look at january 6th his base literally had to be invited inside to invade the capital and they just stood around gawking lol. Utterly inept.

    Recognizing Jerusalem didn't kill 25,000 Palestinians, but Biden has given unconditional support to civilian bombing in the middle east.

    Neither candidate has done anything to convince me to vote for them. The sooner we all figure out voting isn't going to fix things, the better.

  • Way to go, guys!
  • Do I vote for Biden and throw the switch so fewer people die

    I can't stand Trump but the past 4 years have not convinced me this is the case. Under Biden the US is actively bombing civilians, supporting apartheid, disrupting global trade, and still imprisoning human beings at the mexican border.

    Trump was ineffectual and isolationist - he could be the actual harm reduction choice through sheer incompetence.

  • Sci-fantasy roguelike Caves Of Qud is getting a full release in 2024, after 15 years of development
  • I was looking for something like dwarf fortress adventure mode or cataclysm dark days ahead and this is as close as I could find.

    Sacrifices a lot of the smaller details of CDDA by being easier to play (not a bad trade off necessarily). You'll still die a million times in Qud though.

  • Mitch McConnell escorted away from cameras after freezing during a news conference
  • I hear you, but I think there is still value in voting D, if only to make the Overton window shift slower.

    If the election is close or contested, Dems can pretend their hands are tied and let Rs enact their facist bs. If Dems own the house, they'll need to do something or come up with some other bullshit excuse not to enact more left leaning policies. In an ideal world there'd be real consequences to them if they meandered like they usually do.

    It's not great though, happy to hear your perspective.

  • Mitch McConnell escorted away from cameras after freezing during a news conference
  • What's wrong babe you've barely touched your PediPuree Punch

  • Mitch McConnell escorted away from cameras after freezing during a news conference
  • Keep saying it. Everyone agrees and yet congress doesn't enact it 🤔 I'm just glad the oligarchs understand the will of the people better than us rabble!

  • Trans men enter Miss Italy contest to protest anti-trans ‘women from birth’ rule
  • I actually think a lot of people are confused because they didn't read the article or know what community they're in, so I'll take the downvotes in stride.

    Trans people are people too no matter which arrow you hit.

  • Removed
    Abortions surge in Colorado amid 500% increase in patients from Texas
  • I enjoyed reading your replies to this dolt. I think they try to exhaust you by muddying the water but all he's done is make his position look utterly stupid and exhausting.

    I think his goal is to make people afraid to engage and silence others from posting? Or maybe it's simply to waste your time. Either way, I appreciate your attempt at engaging this bad faith "I'm on your side no really" actor.

  • Trans men enter Miss Italy contest to protest anti-trans ‘women from birth’ rule
  • Is being a terrible person with bad takes against the rules? I haven't checked.

  • Greta Thunberg found guilty of failing to obey police at climate protest
  • Maybe he's an oil CEOs son trying to get a spot next to daddy

  • Removed
    Rightwing propaganda outlet PragerU’s materials approved for schools in Ron DeSantis’ Florida
  • They purposefully distort information to brainwash people.

    Prageru is not run by idiots - they are evil with intent and they will train the next generation to be good slaves if allowed.

  • Like a hot tub: Water temperatures off Florida soar over 100 degrees
  • Props for seeking out answers and sharing

  • grrr
  • Agree with you but just want to share the definition of memes with you. Memes can be discussion points, ideas, formats, image templates, or any other vector for transporting an idea.

    A meme is an idea, behavior, or style that spreads by means of imitation from person to person within a culture and often carries symbolic meaning representing a particular phenomenon or theme

    Image memes are just extremely easy to digest, and tend to be more enjoyable, so they're a great method for sharing ideas.

  • Texas charges prisoners 50% more for water as heat wave continues
  • Austin and Houston have fairly liberal populations.

    But yeah, it sucks here. 1/6 of the texan population are immigrants, and 10% aren't citizens and can't vote. The right want you to victim blame. I'd encourage you to see it as people being oppressed by an overreaching corrupt government, similar to Florida. Sure there are idiots and racists but a lot of it is voter suppression and disenfranchisement

  • Insta famous
  • I've seen some around in my city. You can spot them because they are completely plastered in makeup. It looks incredibly unnatural in person but gets filtered out by the camera.

  • Any recommendations for Yelp alternatives?

    Since Yelp lets businesses pay to revise reviews and advertise for top results, I was wondering if there were any good open source/non-monetized review sites or apps that people have tried out? I usually compare to google reviews and read some of the top reviews to try and filter out the junk, but I know I'm still getting weighted star ratings and promoted content.

    A quick search revealed but I didn't see a ton of content.

    It'd also be great to find an alternative to the shitshow that is amazon product reviews. It would be great to find non-manipulated user opinions. Obviously every review system is going to have bad actors but it's nice when the site itself isn't the one in charge and there's some transparency.

    Any recommendations or ideas for how to find feedback on stuff to buy?

    MelonTheMan MelonTheMan
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    Comments 109