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What is "Toastify is awesome”?

I keep getting a red banner saying “Toastify is awesome” when updating. What does it mean, and what should I do differently?

Question: How to Calculate Just Pay for Work
  • Design a society where you would be happy to be dropped in as a random person and you can’t have massive power and wealth imbalances.

    Nice thought experiment. I appreciate that you shared your thoughts on this subject.

  • Supreme Court weakens federal regulators with Chevron overturning, threatening net neutrality, right to repair, big tech regulation, and more
  • Are there any of the rules being weakened that are pro-company/anti-consumer/anti-worker? Not all government rules help people.

    Like did OCSH decide I cannot sue my employer, but now I can type shit? I figure the only want to fix this is to hurt Harlan Crow with it.

  • Question: How to Calculate Just Pay for Work

    How would one actually calculate the full "fruit of labor" in work that includes several people doing different tasks?

    How to calculate between people doing the same task producing physical items seems easy. Add in customer service, sales, and development, and it seems easier to focus on what other groups pay for those skills, which is not what I want.

    It also seems looking at the difference between having the role, and not. However some skills are mandatory, just less involved.

    Feel free to simplify, but different tasks is a must.

    Anything I buy must be physical

    I don't like subscribing to nonphysical things. I can read a physical paper a month after it arrived. Digital is faster, but I tend to lose it before I have read it.

    I need a recipient in my pocket. Too often my virtual thing is lost, my device fails, or things reboot and I don't have my secure 24 digit password with me.

    I won't subscribe to a digital only anything. Physical and digital is nice.

    Edit: They don't even have to be identical. A digital daily with a monthly print would be nice.

    Req.Incoming Email NOT my Focus? Client/Server

    Hello friends. Work email is crushing me. The ticketing systems, plural, email me on everyone's tucket. (Because some people only work tickets via email and others through the web interface.)

    Are there any email clients or servers that allow new email to land somewhere other than the inbox? Or allow my view to start elsewhere?

    I declare email bankruptcy daily....

    Send whiskey.

    Edit: I was unclear.

    I have filtering, but those all happen after the mail is in the Inbox. I get a quarter second of crazy emails and previews and things moving, then they are gone. (Outlook sucks.)

    I don't even want to see that shit. Not at all.

    UnitedHealth Exploits an ‘Emergency’ It Created UnitedHealth Exploits an ‘Emergency’ It Created

    The Change ransomware attack left an Oregon medical practice with an empty bank account, and only one quick way to fix it: sell to UnitedHealth.

    UnitedHealth Exploits an ‘Emergency’ It Created

    > Last Thursday, the medical colossus UnitedHealthcare applied for an emergency exemption that would fast-track its takeover of a medical practice in Corvallis, Oregon, in a letter warning regulators that the practice might close its doors if the merger were not approved right away.

    UnitedHealth Exploits an ‘Emergency’ It Created UnitedHealth Exploits an ‘Emergency’ It Created

    The Change ransomware attack left an Oregon medical practice with an empty bank account, and only one quick way to fix it: sell to UnitedHealth.

    UnitedHealth Exploits an ‘Emergency’ It Created
    How to protect Intellectual Property from new employer

    Pretty sure I will be asking a lawyer, but I want to learn more words and concepts first.

    A possible new job wants to own any intellectual property I create and wants me to declare anything I want to keep as my own. This seems normal in my industry as they will be paying me to do some thinking.

    Issue is that I have a number of ideas I have been developing. I am going to float some of them as products in my own time, though this may be years from now. Most of these are outside the current market for the company as far as I know.

    How is this typically handled? I presume I don't need to have copyrights or trademarks prior and can just list tentative titles.

    I am also a little unclear on the spread between "intellectual property" and "an idea I am playing with".

    Thoughts? Concepts to investigate?

    Edit: I did Internet search this, but I have not found working keywords.

    Bryson's America: Why would you walk? Bryson's America: Why would you walk?

    I'LL TELL you this, but you'll have to promise that it will go no further. Not long after we moved here we had the people next door round for dinner and - I swear this is true - they drove.

    Article from 1999, referenced study likely from earlier.

    > The average American walks less than 75 miles a year - about 1.4 miles a week, barely 350 yards a day.

    Thank you to for pointing this out.

    Archive link:

    Mayor Jacob Frey quips that choosing remote work over office makes you a 'loser' (Minneapolis, MN, USA)

    > "I don't know if you saw this study the other day, but what this study clearly shows, is when people have the ability to come downtown to an office and don't, when they stay home, sitting on their couch with their nasty cat blanket diddling on their laptop ... if they do that for a few months, you become a loser! It's a study. We're not losers, are we?"

    Non-computer standing furniture

    There is evidence that standing is better for the human body than sitting. For work we have standing desks for computer work and such. Some aim to stand 8+ hours a day.

    What about for other activities? How do the unemployed, retired, and homemarkers get in enough standing? Are there good ways to stand while reading a book, or sipping a coffee and enjoying the dawn?

    What happened to the Batteriser?

    While looking for uses for old disposable AA batteries, I ran across the Batteriser from 2015. Clearly, it was a flop of some sort, as I am posting in 2024. What happened? Are there any iterations that do work?

    Also, are there any uses for old batteries?

    Berkeley can't enforce natural gas ban, federal court rules again Berkeley can't enforce natural gas ban, federal court rules again

    A federal court rejected a rehearing of Berkeley's ban on new natural gas appliances, putting similar regulations in Oakland and elsewhere in doubt.

    Berkeley can't enforce natural gas ban, federal court rules again

    On Tuesday, Jan. 2, a federal appeals court declined to rehear the case of Berkeley’s ban on new natural gas hookups, which was struck down by a panel of judges in April 2023.

    Pluralistic: The real AI fight (27 Nov 2023) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow

    > Last week's spectacular OpenAI soap-opera hijacked the attention of millions of normal, productive people and nonsensually crammed them full of the fine details of the debate between "Effective Altruism" (doomers) and "Effective Accelerationism" (AKA e/acc), a genuinely absurd debate that was allegedly at the center of the drama.

    Chex Mix Pack Date?

    Does anyone know when Costco will be getting the boxes of Chex for making Chex mix? (Has the three varieties needed in one box.)

    How would you spend $20 million a year?

    Pretend the $20 million is guaranteed, and if anything will increase slightly over time.

    What problems could be significantly improved for $20 million?

    (I am dreaming of winning the $1.55 billion Powerball drawling. Then taking the lumpsum, posting taxes, investing, and spending 4% each and every year. I understand that the actual may be more, or less than the started amount.)

    Car registration scam?

    I have started to receive junk mail (actual junk mail) for a car I do not own.

    I do not know what state it is registered in, but do know the make, model, and year of the car.

    How do I check if there really is an unknown car registered to me? I assume it could be in any of the 50 states.

    What would get you "back to the office"?

    There are a lot of news articles about "back to the office", but they recirculate the same bad ideas. Let's provide some new ideas for the media to circulate. It may also have the effect of making the office less terrible.

    I would like my work computer to do Windows updates lightning quick in the office. It currently takes weeks, in or out of the office. Stopping in for a day makes no difference, so there is no point. Now, if there was a point, I would go in.

    What would get you in the office?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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