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To Americans: How far apart is everything in the US?
  • Rural American here. We drive 30 mins to the nearest bigish city to do all of our grocery shopping every weekend.

  • Trying to migrate my video game tracker database to Obsidian, can't quite figure out how to replicate this Notion button using Meta Bind.

    Hello folks! Due to some of the serious AI pushes Notion has been doing recently, I have been trying to seriously migrate my video game tracker database over to work on Obsidian. I have most of the features from my Notion one ported over, but I can't for the life of my figure out how to use the Meta Binds plugin to replicate this particular button from my Notion database entries.


    I know Meta Bind can be pretty technical, but I'm curious if anyone has any idea how I can replicate this functionality within Obsidian. My goal is essentially to:

    1. Be able to press the button, adding the current date to a property of the document I have labeled "last".
    2. Add a bullet point with today's date below the button, creating a list of dates that I pressed the button as I press it.

    Thanks for reading my post! Any help is appreciated! I've been pouring over the Meta Bind docs to try and figure this out but so far I've had no luck.

    What are your games to get into the season for its vibe?
  • Have Eclipse on my list up next after I finish up Astro Bot. Happy to see it getting good reviews!

  • Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people?
  • Is there any reason you recommend two specifically over three? I know there is a third Orcs Must Die game but I have no idea if the community considers it "good" or not.

  • Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people?
  • Good recommendation! I've played a decent bit of Zomboid, but never with any mods. I definitely should check some out!

  • Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people?
  • I own DOS 2 from back when it came out, does DOS 1 still hold up? Would it be better if we just played 2 either way?

  • Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people?

    Hello all! My buddy and I finally finished up Baldur's Gate 3 this week and we are not left with a giant co-op game shaped whole in our hearts. It was such an incredible experience and it was truly even more fun running through it together. We are excited to hop into another game, but we have no idea what to play. We've played a lot, and some games we've finished or tried recently included:

    • Borderlands 1, 2, and 3
    • Minecraft, Terraria, Vintage Story
    • Raft, 7 Days to Die
    • A Way Out, It Takes Two

    I'm posting here today to ask if any of you have some suggestions for co-op games we could check out! I've Googled for suggestions to no end and 90% of what's there is games we've already played. If anyone has any recommendations for us they would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

    ~ Hyrulian

    Thanks for all the great suggestions everyone!! I'm going to compile a list and check them all out one by one!

    Susan Wojcicki, Former Chief of YouTube, Dies at 56
  • Just saw a post about this on TikTok and every one in the comments where cracking jokes and basically saying it was good she died. Couldn't believe it. Whether or not you agree with how she ran YouTube, there's no reason to be so cruel to a parent who died just after having to bury their own child. Glad Lemmy is being more thoughtful and respectful about this horrible situation.

  • Why are weather apps so bad at telling you the current weather?
  • Since people are sharing their weather apps, I use Breezy Weather! Multiple sources, lots of info, FOSS, what's not to like. I tried multiple sources untill I found one that was the most accurate for me.

  • SUSE Requests openSUSE to Rebrand
  • OpenSOOSE

  • Find MidJourney Sref Code on SrefHunter!
  • This is some quality content. Thank you for the hard work!

  • The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom – Announcement Trailer – Nintendo Switch
  • I agree with you 100%. Especially in the early game it can be quite hard to figure out what to do next until you learn how the game does hints and explanations. It's very rewarding when you do figure it out though, and the dopamine hit when you have the many "eureka" moments in the game is unmatched in my opinion.

    I also think that the obtuseness didn't bother me as much because I found the original legend of Zelda to be quite obtuse as well. That being said I also agree you should keep a pen and paper nearby. I actually made a digital journal while I was playing the game and it turned out to be really fun to look back on! Such a unique experience!

  • The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom – Announcement Trailer – Nintendo Switch
  • Have you checked out Tunic? That game very much scratched the itch for a more classic style Zelda and it may be up your alley!

  • NSFW
    Fungi puella
  • Mod here. Keeping this one up because I think it could be considered "artistic", but please be careful sharing images with explicit nudity like this. Thanks for posting!

  • My friend didn't have a great experience with Linux
  • Wow they blocked wine? That sucks wow. I bet that means Steam Deck compatibility is a no go now too huh. That really is too bad.

  • My friend didn't have a great experience with Linux
  • Haven't personally used it but I heard there is a native Roblox client for Linux called Grapejuice. Might be worth looking into to solve one problem. I have no idea if it's good or not but here's a link:

  • pick your side
  • Math - Blue

    Science - Green

    English - Red

    Social Studies - Yellow

    Good night.

  • What is something you can’t live without, technology wise that saves you time?
  • Woah that seems really neat!! Thanks for telling me. Damn it's moments like these I wish Lemmy had awards. So helpful. 🏅

  • What is something you can’t live without, technology wise that saves you time?
  • Hey I decided to download Obsidian and give it another shot. Have you tried migrating any databases to the database plugin? How comparable is it to using them in Notion?

  • Wanted to bring attention to the 1.0 release of this excellent Moonlight PC Streaming App that just dropped today!! GitHub - zoeyjodon/moonlight-N3DS: Gamestream client for the New 3DS

    Gamestream client for the New 3DS. Contribute to zoeyjodon/moonlight-N3DS development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - zoeyjodon/moonlight-N3DS: Gamestream client for the New 3DS

    Thanks to GitHub user zoeyjodon for dropping this incredible 3ds fork for the Moonlight PC game streaming client. You can run this software on any hacked 3ds (though a new 3ds is recommended) to stream PC games from any PC to your 3ds. Although it's not super useful for most games since the 3ds has such a pitiful screen, this is still a really cool piece of homebrew and I imagine running retro games from later than the n64 era could be really sweet. Attached is a picture of me running Super Mario Sunshine through Dolphin on my PC being streamed. There is shockingly a very low level of latency at play here. Just wanted to shout out this cool project. Head to the GitHub page if you want to check it out!

    [Midjourney] A day spent tending to the garden.

    Hello folks! After seeing some anime art generated with AI, I felt inspired to try and generate some nostalgic Ghibli styled images myself. Here's some of my attempts at generating images with the following prompt:

    Young woman tending to a garden, in the style of Studio Ghibli, landscapes, hand drawn, paint, art, 1980s anime, pretty

    It's fun trying to use Studio Ghibli's unique style in some generations. Here's one with a more mature young woman with the same prompt:


    [Midjourney] Biblically Accurate Cheeseburger

    I wanted to make an advertisement for a cheeseburger in the style of the art found in many Bibles and similar to the artistic style of Leonardo Divinchi.

    Here's the prompt:

    A cheeseburger, in the style of the bible, advertisement, hand drawn, Roman era art, Renaissance painting, old

    I tried using strictly the style of Divinchi but it wasn't yielding the kind of result I wanted.

    [Midjourney] Remove all term limits!

    Warning! Spooky post!

    I wanted to see what it would look like if the president was a skeleton. So I used Midjourney to remove all term limits!!


    a skeleton as the president of the United States, in the style of CNN, political, podium, interview, news, television

    Another interesting result:


    [Midjourney] Introducing, Vividius! The hero who saves the day using his power to control colors!

    Hello all, I've been experimenting with trying to get Midjourney to generate super heroes and here is one of my favorite results so far. Generated with this prompt:

    superhero, in the style of comic book art, dramatic, contrast, vibrant, bold, thick outlines

    Some other results, including a weird Batman Superman hybrid:


    [Midjourney] The only way to fight a monster, is to become one.

    Generated with Midjourney using the following prompt:

    Ghost of Tsushima

    Without a doubt, Ghost of Tsushima is one of my favorite games of all time. This generation by Midjourney perfectly represents the vibe and aesthetic of the game. Really loved how this turned out.

    Gift of Gaming is doing a giveaway for Doom Eternal right now! Gift of Gaming -

    A Lemmy community dedicated to host video game giveaways. Rules: - The only posts allowed on this community are giveaways, no making posts begging for games. - It is highly encouraged that you don’t post any game keys themselves, bots are easily able to claim them instantly. - Remember to mark your ...

    Gift of Gaming -

    Hello everyone! Things have slowed down quite a bit over on Gift of Gaming, so I thought I would post about it on here to get some more eyes on it. We are a community dedicated to hosting Video Game giveaways! You can come join for a chance to win some games, or if you're feeling generous you could always host a giveaway too!

    Right now I am personally doing a giveaway for Doom Eternal, and I hope that by giving away a bit more of a substantial release I can bring in some new people to the community. A lot of our previous giveaways had no one enter, so we had to close them and keep the unredeemed keys.

    If hosting or winning giveaways for video games sounds interesting to you, we'd love to have you join in. Many more giveaways are planed for the future. I have 300 keys that I have been holding onto from Humble Bundles over the years, so there just might be a game in there you might want. Thanks for listening!!

    I recreated Pallet Town from Pokemon out of 3D Voxels in the game Brickadia.

    cross-posted from:

    > Back in May of 2022, I was bored so I decided to boot up Brickadia and create some pixel art of the map of Pallet Town. It took me a few minutes to find the map of the town online, load it up in a pixel art software, and recreate the color pallet (pun intended) in Brickadia. Over the next hour I proceeded to place each of the blocks down to perfectly match the pixel art in the original games. After finishing that I was thinking about how it would be neat to make the pixel art 3D. > > I spent the next four hours systematically making 3D voxel models in Brickadia of all of the objects in the town, filling out the town as I went. I had finished everything except the patch of tall grass and Professor Oak's Lab before having to close the game to go to work. I would then forget about the entire project until today, July 28th 2023, when I accidentally stumbled across the files on my PC. > > I spent only another few hours making Oak's Lab and the tall grass models, placing them in the scene and finishing the town. I can't believe I forgot about the project!! It was a lot of fun and really not too bad for only taking about six hours or so. The hardest part was definitely the water area, because I had to decide how to make the 2D texture of the rock 3D while maintaining the pattern on all sides to keep it looking seamless. I think the finished version looks pretty acceptable, but there where some ugly versions in there at one point. > > That's about it. Thanks for listening to my story about my fun little day project.

    I recreated Pallet Town out of 3D Voxels in the game Brickadia.

    Back in May of 2022, I was bored so I decided to boot up Brickadia and create some pixel art of the map of Pallet Town. It took me a few minutes to find the map of the town online, load it up in a pixel art software, and recreate the color pallet (pun intended) in Brickadia. Over the next hour I proceeded to place each of the blocks down to perfectly match the pixel art in the original games. After finishing that I was thinking about how it would be neat to make the pixel art 3D.

    I spent the next four hours systematically making 3D voxel models in Brickadia of all of the objects in the town, filling out the town as I went. I had finished everything except the patch of tall grass and Professor Oak's Lab before having to close the game to go to work. I would then forget about the entire project until today, July 28th 2023, when I accidentally stumbled across the files on my PC.

    I spent only another few hours making Oak's Lab and the tall grass models, placing them in the scene and finishing the town. I can't believe I forgot about the project!! It was a lot of fun and really not too bad for only taking about six hours or so. The hardest part was definitely the water area, because I had to decide how to make the 2D texture of the rock 3D while maintaining the pattern on all sides to keep it looking seamless. I think the finished version looks pretty acceptable, but there where some ugly versions in there at one point.

    That's about it. Thanks for listening to my story about my fun little day project.

    [Midjourney] It lurks in the sewers.

    I'm currently running a sci-fi D&D campaign, and I needed an image to represent the spooky spider boss crawling around in the sewers under the city.

    Generated with Midjourney using the following prompt:

    an image of a spider in the shadows, in the style of sci-fi sewers, richly detailed genre paintings, airbrushing, neogeo, space art, blacks, handsome --ar 16:9

    If you happen to be a person who plays D&D with me who stumbled upon this post, please ignore. There is no giant spider in the sewers. Don't worry about it.

    Community Icon & Banner Vote - Reply with your images!!

    Hello folks! Mod team here! (Just me right now lol.)

    I thought it would be fun for the community to be able to pick what icon and banner we use to decorate our page. In this thread, we are going to vote on the images you think should represent us. For the original icon and banner images I just went back through my Midjourney generation history and picked a few cool looking images, so I figure they are overdue for being replaced anyway. I'm sure you folks have far better ideas and cooler images that we could be using instead.

    Here's how to we will run the vote:

    • The most upvoted reply with a proposed icon image will be set to the community's icon.
    • The most upvoted reply with a proposed banner image will be set to the community's banner.
    • I will periodically be checking back on this post and updating the images, so feel free to enter at any time. Whatever image has the highest votes at the time I check will replace the current image.

    Some things to keep in mind:

    • NSFW images are not allowed for the icon or banner.
    • Please only submit a maximum of one icon and one banner at a time. If you want to submit a new icon or banner, please delete your old reply and make a new one.
    • If you want to submit images for both the icon and the banner, please create separate replies. Replies with more than one image WILL NOT be considered.

    Let me know if you have any questions or concerns in regards to how we are operating this vote. Thanks for visiting the community!!

    [Steam] Naruto to Baruto: Shinobi Striker

    Hey there Naruto fans!! Want a game about Naruto!? Here's the game I'm peddling today:

    Naruto to Baruto: Shinobi Striker

    I gotta be honest, I've never seen an episode of Naruto in my life. I assume someone out there on Lemmy has, (Seems pretty likely) so I'm here today to giveaway this game. Seems to be some kind of action fighting PVP game. It could be pretty neat!!

    To enter, please do the following:

    • In three words, please summarize Naruto for me. I want to know what it's all about.
    • Make sure you're subscribed to our Community, so you don't miss future giveaways.
    • (Optional) Tell any friends you might have that like Naruto that I'm giving this game away. If you don't have any friends, I'm sorry I asked.

    The first person to successfully comment on this post will get the game since no one has entered past the deadline.

    Steam Page:

    I'm doing a giveaway for "Into the Radius" on /c/GiftofGaming. (CLOSED) [Steam VR] Into the Radius - Prepare to get spooked!! -

    Hey there folks! Time for another giveaway!! This week I’m giving out a copy of: Into the Radius VR [] If you haven’t played it before, Into the Radius is a virtual reality survival game HEAVILY inspired by the STALKER series. The general...

    (CLOSED) [Steam VR] Into the Radius - Prepare to get spooked!! -

    Hey folks! I'm a moderator over on /c/GiftofGaming here on Lemmy, a community that was created to host video game giveaways. I'm currently giving away Into the Radius, but a week has passed and no one has entered the giveaway. Someone over there commented suggesting I seek a place to share the post to bring it to more peoples attention. If you're interested, feel free to head on over to the post and enter. It's a key for Steam VR!

    Hopefully this is allowed. If not, feel free to nuke it mods. Thanks!

    Hyrulian Hyrulian
    Posts 33
    Comments 62