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  • Been waiting for a new 2d Zelda game since link awakening was rereleased. So far it looks interesting. The only issue I can see with this game is that it to is going to be $79.99 CAD and from what I’ve seen it’s so not going to be worth that. Hoping for a $49.99 or $59.99 CAD price tag, but this is Nintendo.

  • I'm glad Nintendo is finally starting to realize the potential of playable Zelda. Her style of gameplay will put a fresh new spin on the series. I also hope to see somewhere down the line a game where you can choose to play as either Zelda or Link and your choice will give you a different experience and cause puzzles to have different solutions, which would be good for a replay. Such a game would also have the potential for two-player co-op with vastly different abilities.