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2 yr. ago

  • I'm all for MFA, but ultimately, a GOOD password - or rather, a good password recipe - that resides in my brain must be included in the mix as far as I'm concerned. Because unlike other forms of authentication, that one can never be extracted, stolen or recovered without torturing me.

    So you can have your passwordless future: I'll keep my passwords - in combination with other forms of authentication of course. Passwordless is lesser security for the lazy.

  • I thought MAGA wanted to shut down the government? This is their chance!

  • Abuse is going to happen In any organization that works with children

    Abuse is going to be 10x worse in organizations that specialize in brainwashing and bigotry, emphasize hierarchy and cultivate secrecy.

    That's why, while you're correct, child abuse cases almost always come from cults (including the widely recognized cults we coyly call churches), sketchy historical children indoctrination outfits like the Scouts, much less often from schools, and rarely from pediatricians and other medical professionals.

  • Aah, traditions... Joseph Smith and Bring'em Young would be proud.

    For what it's worth, here's the list of teenage brides of those two holy pedos:

    • Teen Brides of Joseph Smith Jr.:

    Fanny Alger—16 (JSJ—27 ) Sarah Ann Whitney—17 (JSJ—36 ) Flora Ann Woodworth—16 (JSJ—37 ) Emily Dow Partridge—19 (JSJ—37 Lucy Walker—17 (JSJ—37 ) Sarah Lawrence—17 (JSJ—37 ) Maria Lawrence—19 (JSJ—37 ) Helen Mar Kimball—14 (JSJ—37 ) Melissa Lott—19 (JSJ—37 ) Nancy Mariah Winchester—14 (JSJ—37 )

    • Teen Brides of Brigham Young:

    Miriam Angeline Works—18 (BY—23 ) Harriet Elizabeth Cook —19 (BY—42 ) Clarissa Caroline Decker —15 (BY—42 ) Elizabeth Fairchild —16 (BY—43 ) Diana Chase —17 (BY—43 ) Emmeline Free —18 (BY—43 ) Ellen Rockwood —16 (BY—44 ) Mary Ann Turley —18 (BY—44 ) Lucy Bigelow —16 (BY—45 ) Mary Jane Bigelow —19 (BY—45 )

  • Well, somebody had to pick up where the Catholic church left off...

  • Yeah it's bad: why waste a perfectly good piano when there are tons of manure just begging to be used?

  • Elon Musk has conflicts of interests? Perish the thought...
    Nobody would be crooked enough to hire a man who has conflicts of interests to such a high position and give him such sweeping powers. Surely...

  • I guess what I meant was: when I buy a local store-brand cola, does my money go to a company in the same country and contribute to local jobs, or does it make disgusting multinational agro businesses even richer?

  • Republicans, like religious authorities and fascists of all kinds, are entirely too concerned by the contents of other people's pants.

  • We'll soon find out: either humanity wipes itself off the face of the Earth in another and final world war, or nature will take care of it if humans don't quit fucking with it.

    All you can do is be as good a person as you can in your own tiny corner of the world, and hope a critical number of others chooses to do the same thing.

  • I'm curious about cola:

    In all the countries I've lived in, I've always bought store-brand colas - mostly to avoid giving any of my money to Pepsi and Coca-Cola, but also because they're usually a lot cheaper. Most store-brand colas were denominated in the local language.

    I always assumed they were made locally because... well, cola is just water with sugar really. But are they? I doubt Cola from Aldi in Germany or K-Market in Finland are made in China or the US, but in fact I don't know. Does anybody know?

  • Oh yeah. That's why people were literally fighting to stay in the GDR, and the DPKR had to close its borders to the flood of immigrants wanting to come in.

  • He probably ate it. People with dementia often do that.

  • Comme le rappel le lien, c’est déjà le cas dans les stades de foot. Est ce que les gens crient a la restriction de liberté ? Non.

    Ca n'est vraiment pas comparable. Si tu est banni d'un stade de foot, même injustement, ça ne t'empêche pas de vivre et de travailler. Si on t'empêche de prendre les transports, ça peut très facilement ruiner ta vie.

  • I think he's just plain senile, but still functional and not at the dribbling stage yet.

  • Et cette personne ne peux plus se présenter dans les transports publics de tel ville sous peine de grosse amende

    Et comment fait cette personne pour se déplacer alors ? Ca me paraît franchement liberticide et franchement anticonstitutionnel. Pareil que la no-fly list Américaine, sauf que les Etats Unis sont ouvertement fascistes depuis 2002 alors ça n'étonne personne. Mais en France tout de même ? Etonnant...

  • C'est quoi "paraître" en gare - ou dans un stade de foot ? Enfiler des vêtement de haute couture et défiler ?

  • I like Sanders, but let's unpack the headline here:

    Bernie Sanders draws capacity crowd in Kenosha

    3,500 is not a crowd, and if you have to turn 500 people away because it exceeds the venue's capacity, it's not that "drawing capacity" is impressive so much that the venue's capacity is underwhelming.

  • Politics

    Trump’s Commerce Sec. Says Musk Will ‘Get Rid of’ Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid Because They Are ‘Tax Scams’


    Trump’s Commerce Sec. Says Musk Will ‘Get Rid of’ Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid Because They Are ‘Tax Scams’

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    German Election 2025 Live: Conservative CDU wins and far-right AfD in second place, exit polls show

    Open Source

    Freetube [BAD_HTTP_STATUS: 403] Potential causes: IP block or streaming URL deciphering failed is fixed


    Freetube [BAD_HTTP_STATUS: 403] Potential causes: IP block or streaming URL deciphering failed is fixed

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